The Collegiate Challenge - January 29, 1982
Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 18, number 11 and is eight pages.
This issue contains stories on the "Jobs and Justice Rally 82" in Olympia against recent budget cuts; the third annual Learning Unlimited fair and seminar for "gifted students"; the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Course (AFROTC); CBS Pentagon correspondent Ike Pappas and the decline of campus political activism; the Northwest Conference on the Future keynote by speakers Ike Pappas, People magazine editor Landon Jones, and Money magazine editor Marshall Loeb; the Tacoma Public Schools Drop Out Retrieval Program (Open DOR); the men's basketball team winning against Grays Harbor and losing to Green River; the women's basketball team losing to Green River and winning against Grays Harbor; track team news, including the first indoor meet of the season; student Elizabeth Magee receiving the David Lassoie Memorial Art Foundation Scholarship; TCC Honors students presenting at the Learning Unlimited event; the Career Counseling Information Center.
Also includes "Dave Johnson At Large" column on financial aid; letters to the editor responding to previous editorials on abortion, gun control; ads; book reviews of The Rolling Stones: The First Twenty Years by David Dalton and David Bowie: An Illustrated Record by Roy Carr and Charles Shaar Murray; late basketball scores; comics; photos of snow on campus; Science Film Festival schedule.
Announcements include visits from representatives of 13 four year colleges; available scholarships; an International Students Organization (ISO) ski trip; "Today's Economics" savings and investment course; open work study positions; night skiing at Alpental; baseball tryouts; a real estate investment workshop.
Staff credits: editor Rita C. Fleischmann; assistant editor Scott Peterson; sports editor Glen Thomas; assistant sports editor Terry Ross; arts and entertainment Scott Peterson; photo editor Sue Sholin; assistant photo editor Paul Petrinovich; opinions editor Skip Card; campus editor Dave Webster; reporters Tim Christensen, Ben Jackson, Robert Mueri, Phil Musickant, Katrina Simon, Chris Schwartz, Denise Williams; copy editor Howard Harnett; photographers Dale Carter, Mike Hazelmyer, Fran Fleischmann; distribution manager William Daigle; secretary Maria Fleischmann; business and advertising Thomas G. Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk.
College student newspapers and periodicals
Community colleges
Associated Students of Tacoma Community College
Tacoma Community College Archives, Special Collections Library
Tacoma Community College Archives
Sholin, Sue L.
Petrinovich, Paul
Schwartz, Chris
Johnson, Dave
Card, Skip
Mitchell, Paul F.
Walker, Robert M.
Peterson, Scott
Ross, Terry
Webster, David
Simon, Katrina
Jackson, Ben
Carter, Dale
Daigle, William
Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
Tacoma (Wash.)