The Collegiate Challenge - January 15, 1982
Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 18, number 9 and is eight pages.
Content note: This issue contains description of physical and sexual abuse on page 5 and uses outdated language for disability on page 8.
This issue contains stories on Humanities Division chair Frank Garratt; the cafeteria; a home weatherization class; food service worker and Outstanding Service Award recipient Marge Michaelson; philosophy instructor and Outstanding Service Award recipient Devon Edrington; the 1982 Oregon Shakespearean Festival season; the women's basketball team win against Centralia; the men's basketball team win against Centralia; a donated new scoreboard for the gym; the new on-campus daycare center; a job search skills workshop for disabled people.
Also includes ads, including for monthly "Tell the President" event with Dr. Larry Stevens; new column by student president "Dave Johnson At Large," on tuition rates; editorials on abortion, the Liquor Board's ban on topless dancing at businesses that sell liquor; illustrations; review of the Tacoma Actors Guild production of Who's Happy Now?; review of the books Children in Chains by Clifford L. Linnedecker and The Best Kept Secret by Florence Rush; a reprint of a letter from President Stevens thanking the local businesses who donated for the Outstanding Service Awards; late basketball scores; outdoor non-credit courses from the Lifelong Education program.
Announcements include graduation application deadlines; available scholarships; winter quarter intramurals, with schedule.
Staff credits: editor Rita C. Fleischmann; editors Howard Harnett, Paul Petrinovich, Terry Ross, Sue L. Sholin, Skip Card, Glen Thomas, David Webster, Scott R. Peterson; reporters Ben Jackson, Cindy Paine, Jackie Roberts, Chris Schwartz, Phil Musicant, Tim Christensen, Denise Williams, Katrina Simon, Robert Walker; photographers Mike Hazelmyer, Frances Fleischmann; business and advertising manager Thomas G. Racosky; distribution manager William Daigle; secretary Maria C. Fleischmann.
College student newspapers and periodicals
Community colleges
Associated Students of Tacoma Community College
Tacoma Community College Archives, Special Collections Library
Tacoma Community College Archives
Ross, Terry
Christensen, Tim
Roberts, Jackie
Johnson, Dave
Card, Skip
Webster, David
Petrinovich, Paul
Musickant, Phil
Hazelmyer, Mike
Peterson, Scott
Bauer, Keith
Sholin, Sue
Harnett, Howard
Schwartz, Chris
Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
Tacoma (Wash.)