The Collegiate Challenge - October 2, 1981
Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is volume 18, number 1 and is eight pages.
This issue contains stories on the Board approving major budget cuts; future Pierce Transit fare increases but also new routes and shelters; the student government and open positions; Fleischmann family members on the Challenge staff; the new TCC administrative structure; the new upcoming "In Concert" evening music series; the men's soccer team and recent non-league play; the unofficial cross country team; the women's volleyball team practice game loss to Highline; the golf team and need for more players; the upcoming 1981-82 Artists and Lecture Series; campus accessibility improvements and art and music department remodels; cafeteria improvements; new TV courses.
Also includes opinion pieces on Reagan economics, working as an x-ray technician; illustrations; letter to the editor requesting penpals; job corner; ads, including a full page ad for the concert by pianist Clive Swansbourne; review of the Summer Arts Workshop production of Annie Get Your Gun; review of the 3D movie Coming' At Ya; weekly sports calendar; classified ads; photo of painter Glenn Prosser painting "wallgraphics" in the cafeteria.
Announcements include the Challenge moving to a new office; open call for letters to the editor; Student Employment Office services; call for women's volleyball team players; baseball tryouts; a TCC bookstore sale.
Staff credits: editor Rita Fleischmann; assistant editor Barbara Hobby; copy editor Terry Ross; editorial editor Howard Harnett; arts editor Scott R. Peterson; campus editor Loren Aikens; sports editors Allen Carter, Sean Hummel; distribution Maria C. Fleischmann; photo editor Paul A. Petrinovich; business and advertising Thomas G. Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Bill Affholter, Skip Card, Kathy Kohler, Ira McCloud, Phil Musickant, Sue L. Sholin, Robert M. Walker, David Webster; photographers Dale Carter, Frances Fleischmann.
College student newspapers and periodicals
Community colleges
Associated Students of Tacoma Community College
Tacoma Community College Archives, Special Collections Library
Tacoma Community College Archives
Carter, Dale
Fleischmann, Rita
Musickant, Phil
Fleischmann, Maria
Harnett, Howard
McPherson, Marcy
Paaton, A.
Tuberville, Clifford R.
Webster, David
Peterson, Scott
Small, Dan
Dietz, Kelly
Kohler, Lisa
Carter, Allen
Walter, Robert
Aikins, Loren
Petrinovich, Paul
Card, Skip
Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
Tacoma (Wash.)