The Collegiate Challenge - February 7, 1969
Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume IV, number 11 (actually the 12th issue of the academic year) and is eight pages.
Content notice: This issue contains the use of the N word on page 2.
This issue contains stories on the presentation by Muhammad Ali with Obi Society representatives; the Drama Department's upcoming performances of A Case of Libel; a presentation by Ramparts magazine vice president Robert Scheer; an upcoming speaker series on racism sponsored by the Associated Women Students; non-profit Court "C" Coffeehouse being charged taxes; the Choral Ensemble performing at Fife High School's Human Relations Day Assembly; a geology field trip to the Carbon River; the Board of Trustees voting on a series of campus regulations; student Phil Shinn and Charles Canada winning top honors in the Forensics Tournament; Student Body President Bill Kageler's disappointment in the National Student Association Conference on Institutional Racism; installation of a jukebox in the cafeteria; Titan men's basketball, including a feature on sophomore guard Tom Patnode; intramural basketball.
Also includes the Dean's List; an article regarding available degrees at TCC asking for student feedback; letters to the editor responding to criticizing of Bruce Hart, commending the Obi Society for bringing Muhammad Ali to speak, criticizing the articles in the previous issue on Black liberation and whiteness; an editorial reminding readers that the Challenge is their paper; "Awareness" column on Muhammad Ali being blocked from the Mount Tahoma Auditorium; a request by a student to help develop others' ESP and PSI; Art and Literary Supplement with poetry, a review of The Yellow Submarine film; a resolution from the student government to pursue Black culture in the curriculum and Black instructors to support this; an special feature on the National Student Association (NSA) Conference on Institutional Racism, discussing the flight from Seattle, the Harambees, conference workshops, the NSA's ties to the CIA, a statement by the Black Students' Caucus on issues with the conference.
Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Carl Zook; managing editor Don Swanson; associate editor Tom Ries; business manager Nils Olson; Art & Literary Supplement editor Kathy Greenlaw, Jerry Gollinger; sports editor Keith Hunter; copy editor Hallis Morgan; feature editor Grant Fjermedal; photography Cheryl Doten, Bob Cummings, Phillip Appling, Philmore Appling, Richard Frank; reporters Mike Bonito, Bill Johnston, Dave Brown, Ellyn Taylor, Frederick Lowe, Terry Rice, Dennis Howes, Scott Stephen, Doug Jacques, John Kelly, Mike McCann, John Terrien, Penny Wellman; circulation Jennie Williams; artist Dennis Nugent; advisor Dale Wirsing; secretary Pat Loth.
College student newspapers and periodicals
Community colleges
Associated Students of Tacoma Community College
Tacoma Community College Archives, Special Collections Library
Tacoma Community College Archives
Zook, Carl
Greenlaw, Kathy
Hart, Bruce J.
Mael, Joy
Schuyler, Mike
Workman, Dave
Swanson, Don
Fjermedal, Grant
Meacham, Steve
Haapala, Dave
Johnston, Cliff
Vidor, Winstow
Hunter, Keith
McCarthy, John
Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
Tacoma (Wash.)