In Pearl Anderson Wanamaker's press conference with Challenge staff on the day of the library's dedication, they discussed several issues that were already poised to affect the new new community college.
One such issue was the Arthur D. Little Report, which recommended the separation of the community colleges from the school districts and the creation of a new community college district system. The report was produced under contract with the Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction in order to support Substitute House Bill No. 104. The bill was passed by the 1965 legislature, which set in motion the separation of Tacoma Community College from Tacoma School District No. 10 (page 2).
Wanamaker had been instrumental in the creation of the Washington state community colleges under the school districts and thus expressed trepedition regarding this proposed change.
In March 1967, The Collegiate Challenge reported the passage of HB 548 by the Washington State House of Representatives, which largely adopted the recommendations of the Little Report by mandating the removal of community colleges from the school districts and placing them under the control of a state board of community colleges.
The following month, the Challenge confirmed that HB 548 had passed a Senate vote as well and was signed into law by Governor Dan Evans.
This legislation required the appointment of a state community college board by Governor Evans, and established 22 community college districts, which were to be led by their own five-member boards. It also set a maximum tuition rate at the colleges.