Update newsletter, volume 4, number 6, December 1, 1971. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on winter quarter, including enrollment, dates, credit and community service classes, the high school completion program; the basketball team winning the Tip-Off Tournament; upcoming events: a Board meeting, President Thornton Ford speaking at the Kiwanis Club.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom, and is printed on purple color paper.
Update newsletter, volume 4, number 5, November 1, 1971. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on fall enrollment; TCC joining an agreement between several community college libraries to allow use by each others' students; the first Board recognition dinner; upcoming events: the drama production of Ten Little Indians, a Board meeting, a recital by music students, the basketball team playing the Bellevue Community College Tip-Off Tournament.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom, and is printed on purple color paper.
Update newsletter, volume 4, number 4, October 1, 1971. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on faculty and staff training on "management by objectives" (MBO); fall enrollment statistics, including for the high school completion and dual credit in college courses; an upcoming recital by organist George Scott; brief professional news on Sam L. Heritage, Phyllis Templin, Thornton M. Ford, Ho Yun-Yi, and Ronald E. Magden.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom, and is printed on purple color paper.
Update newsletter, volume 4, number 3, September 1, 1971. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on orientation and registration; fall quarter community service classes; TCC receiving a federal grant for education services in low-income housing communities; evening office hours for the new high school completion program; business education instructor Lorraine Stephan being included in the 1971 edition of Outstanding Educators of America.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom, and is printed on purple color paper.
Update newsletter, volume 4, number 2, August 1, 1971. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on the appointment of TCC Board Trustee Robert O'Neil Springer; a new high school completion program; TCC receiving notification of the success of several students who participated in a minority air traffic control specialist training program at TCC.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom, and is printed on purple color paper.
Update newsletter, volume 3, number 11, June 1, 1971. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on the golf team winning the state championship; the upcoming commencement ceremony; summer session information; the state budget allocation and issues; brief professional news on Robert Yamashita, John Binns, Charles L. Edmunds, and Carl R. Brown.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom, and is printed on purple color paper.
Update newsletter, volume 3, number 10, May 1, 1971. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on the forensics team winning the state championship; the upcoming drama production of Little Murders; new enrollment records; the upcoming Friends of the Library annual dinner; new student president Steve Whitbeck; President Thornton Ford speaking at the Association for Institutional Research.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 3, number 9, April 1, 1971. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes congratulations to the basketball team for winning the state tournament, students for receiving scholarships and being elected to organizations, faculty and administration for being elected to organizations; notes on the Board meeting budget discussion; new Career Development Program; upcoming spring quarter community service courses.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom, and is printed on goldenrod color paper.
Update newsletter, volume 3, number 8, March 1, 1971. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on the basketball team advancing to the state championships; forensics team member wins; successful TCC Coffee House events and drama productions of Reynard the Fox for elementary schools; Board news, including approval of sabbatical leaves, acceptance of construction bids, President Thornton Ford reporting on "bleak" responses to budget issues; upcoming events: spring break, spring quarter community service classes and Weekend College start dates, a Friends of the Library meeting, a Board meeting.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom, and is printed on goldenrod color paper.
Update newsletter, volume 3, number 7, February 1, 1971. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on the Board meeting, including reports on anticipated budget cuts and likelihood of turning away students, acceptance of completed construction in the library/resource center, reports on winter enrollment, approval of occupational program advisory committees; TCC student and faculty participation in arts and literary magazine Mirror Northwest; upcoming events: the drama department production of Reynard the Fox, a lecture by psychoanalyst Dr. Bruno Bettelheim, a TCC Foundation meeting.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom, and is printed on goldenrod color paper.
Update newsletter, volume 3, number 6, January 4, [1971] (incorrectly dated as 1970). Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on the Board meeting, including discussion of tuition increases and enrollment limits; the beginning of winter quarter, including available non-credit courses at TCC, the Peninsula Adult Evening School, and McChord Air Force Base; upcoming events: a free TCC string quartet concert, a Board meeting, home basketball games; available brochures on real estate and receptionist/clerk occupational programs.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom, and is printed on goldenrod color paper.
Update newsletter, volume 3, number 5, November 1, 1970. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on the Board adopting a revised statement of college objectives and a statement of intent to re-examine every two years; this issue of Update being accompanied by Community College Week publication TCC Today; upcoming events: a free TCC music groups concert, a lecture by physician Dr. Pat Smith, winter quarter important dates; the drama production of The Crucible; fall quarter veterans benefits statistics; availability of a brochure on TCC's Weekend College.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes a hand drawn title at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 3, number 4, November 1, 1970. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on Gerald Vaughan recommending establishing a TCC learning center in the South End; President Thornton Ford reporting significantly reduced capital funds; TCC officials speaking with legislative candidates on funding frustrations; upcoming events: the drama production of The Crucible, oceanographer Dr. Norman Sanders speaking on pollution, Dr. A. A. Canfield speaking to Tacoma Rotary Club for State Community College Week; availability of a brochure of faculty speakers for community events.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes the TCC seal and an image of campus at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 3, number 3, September 1, 1970. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on high enrollment; Board review of proposed new college objectives; the faculty retreat, with speakers Drs. Robert G. Albertson and William Moore Jr. speaking on grades and "high risk" students; the planned drama production of The Crucible; Board approval of Rev. Elijah Hankerson's faculty appointment.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes the TCC seal and an image of campus at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 3, number 2, September 1, 1970. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on fall quarter orientation, advising, registration; enrollment statistics; availability of the community service courses brochure; Board actions, including approval of security staff, insufficient funds for facilities; the upcoming faculty retreat; brief professional news on Keith Brightwell, Stevie Harlow, and Betty Bolinsky.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes the TCC seal and an image of campus at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 3, number 1, August 1, 1970. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on TCC's new phone number; the college's accreditation being extended to 1973; Board approval of two new buildings and other construction in progress; Board action on the student code of conduct, contracts with Peninsula and Tacoma school districts, the campus phone system; summer quarter statistics; the Tacoma Walk for Development raising money for the Obi Society's campus jobs program; brief professional news on Robert R. Rhule, Monty Jones, Dale Wirsing, Russell Clark, Donald Gagnes, Georgia McDade, Dan McLaclan, Frank Weihs, Dale Potter, Lorraine Stephan, Vera Wiseman, and Carole Wines.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes the TCC seal and an image of campus at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 2, number 4, April 27, 1970. Edited by Dennis Hale.
This issue includes notes on Board news, including John H. Binns being elected chair, the end of Maxine Myers' term, Robert Yamashita serving as vice chair, new trustee appointment of Donald E. Anderson; a donation by Dr. James S. Bethel to the TCC Foundation student loan fund; student recipients of the Jakeman Memorial, Contessas Club of Tacoma, and Women of Rotary scholarships; drama instructor Charles Cline receiving thank you letters from children who attended production The Wayward Clocks.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter includes the names of editor Dennis Hale, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 2, number 3, January 28, 1970. Edited by Dennis Hale.
This issue includes notes on the Board meeting, including President Ford discussing the insufficient state budget appropriation; the Community Services program dean reporting large enrollment and other program information; brief professional news on Helena Pommert, Barry L. Boyer, Jerry Vaughan, Richard C. Falk; Tacoma judge Vernon R. Pearson speaking to TCC classes; the debate team winning trophies; an upcoming Board study session on student services.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter includes the names of editor Dennis Hale, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 2, number 2, October 30, 1969. Edited by Dennis Hale.
This issue includes notes on the upcoming production of Dracula: A Vampire Play in Three Acts; the need for more classroom space and the delay of new building construction by the state; the planned addition of a mezzanine and TV equipment to the Library and Resource Center; employees attending an upcoming conference.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes the TCC seal and an image of campus at the top and the names of editor Dennis Hale, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 2, number 1, September 3, 1969. Edited by Dennis Hale.
This issue includes notes on fall enrollment, orientation, advising, and registration; Board news, including approval of preliminary plans for three buildings, the Dean of Instruction reporting on new courses and the voluntary conference on Black studies, student government representatives asking for reconsideration of the armed security guards issue, resignation of trustee Lewis C. Hatfield; new faculty hires; the volume of credit and non-credit courses available at TCC during fall quarter; faculty members earning their doctoral degrees.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes the TCC seal and an image of campus at the top and the names of editor Dennis Hale, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 1, number 16, June 5, 1969. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on the Obi Society's 11 demands, conflict over the rock on campus, meetings to discuss the demands; the appointment of Dr. Dewey H. Tuggle Jr. as a trustee; new administrative and faculty appointments, leaves approved by the Board; the dedication concert for TCC's new organ; student government elections.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes the TCC seal and an image of campus at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 1, number 15, May 2, 1969. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on the Board congratulating the forensics team, basketball, team, and student newspaper on recent awards; role changes in the Board; Board approval of a new faculty contract policy; availability of summer school bulletins; the Friends of the Library annual dinner meeting with speaker L. Dorothy Bevis; new enrollment record; student elections; brief professional news on Richard A. Perkins, Kenneth Lee Gentili, Pat Dyer, and Dennis Hale; upcoming events: a Board meeting, arboretum dedication.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes the TCC seal and an image of campus at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 1, number 14, April 2, 1969. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on the end of Board of Trustees chair Frank Cooper's term; the Board approving a revised General Education program; spring quarter community service courses; summer session information; the publication of TCC Library's collaborative Black bibliography project; Kiwanis Club and Friends of the TCC Library meetings centering around the library; the Urban Coalition Education Task Force special meeting; Joseph A. Betz participating in a math institute.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes the TCC seal and an image of campus at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 1, number 13, March 5, 1969. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on Board approval of the appointment of Lyle Swedberg & Associates as the architect for planned campus additions, leaves for several faculty members, and passage of resolutions on the death of Frank M. Lockerby and commending Dr. Jens Knudsen; the student government organizing a Legislative Week to write to legislators; an upcoming Tacoma Urban Coalition Education Task Force special meeting; spring quarter community service courses; upcoming events: a Friends of the Library meeting and the annual dinner meeting, a Board meeting.
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes the TCC seal and an image of campus at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.
Update newsletter, volume 1, number 12, February 6, 1969. Edited by Dale Wirsing.
This issue includes notes on the insufficient state budget allocation to TCC; winter quarter enrollment; Board approval of the student code of conduct; a Pacific Gallery Artists art exhibit at the library on loan from the state historical society; the near completion of the library's cooperative Black bibliography project; upcoming events: a Friends of the Library meeting, a Board meeting, home basketball games, play "A Case of Libel."
The Update newsletter is described as "a monthly newsletter to inform the public about developments at Tacoma Community College." The newsletter letterhead includes the TCC seal and an image of campus at the top and the names of editor Dale Wirsing, President Thornton M. Ford, and the Board of Trustees and their roles at the bottom.