The Collegiate Challenge - February 12, 1982
Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 18, number 13 and is eight pages.
This issue contains stories on potential additional budget cuts; a new committee reviewing graduation requirements; the student Advisory Committee and meetings to review the services and activities budget; an upcoming presentation by Colonel Thomas E. Schaefer, who was a hostage in Iran; the Tacoma Actors Guild doing a quick turnaround strike set and rebuild for transition to a new production; the men's basketball team wins against Centralia, Clark; women's basketball team losses to Clark, Centralia; the David Lassoie Art Scholarship; solar energy course students offering greenhouse building services.
Also includes editorials on love and Valentine's Day, media coverage and newsworthiness; letter to the editor responding to a previous editorial on gun control, and a rebuttal; an open letter of thanks from a student who was on work release from Purdy Treatment Center; a satirical account of investigation into a rock that hit Vice President George Bush's car; ads; theater reviews of the Tacoma Actors Guild production of Desire Under the Elms, the Ndaba Cultural Ensemble production of Ceremonies in Dark Old Men, and the Tacoma Little Theatre production of Death of a Salesman; men's community college basketball standings; basketball late scores; clippable registration form for an indoor pitching school with Mariners pitching coach Wes Stock; a punk love story; jobs; classified ads.
Announcements include a Selective Service registration grace period; the February "Tell the President" event; the Challenge not publishing during President's Day week; a dance and concert by TRAXX; "Thurski" ski trips; new library lost materials charges.
Staff credits: editor Rita C. Fleischmann; assistant editor Scott Peterson; sports editor Glen Thomas; assistant sports editor Terry Ross; arts and entertainment Scott Peterson; photo editor Sue Sholin; assistant photo editor Paul Petrinovich; opinions editor Skip Card; campus editor Dave Webster; copy editor Howard Harnett; reporters Ben Jackson, Robert Mueri, Phil Musickant, Katrina Simon, Chris Schwartz, Denise Williams; photographers Dale Carter, Mike Hazelmyer, Fran Fleischmann; distribution manager William Daigle; secretary Maria Fleischmann; business Thomas G. Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk.
College student newspapers and periodicals
Community colleges
Associated Students of Tacoma Community College
Tacoma Community College Archives, Special Collections Library
Tacoma Community College Archives
Webster, David
Harnett, Howard
Daigle, William
University of Puget Sound. Public Relations
Card, Skip
Sane, Ronald C.
McKillop, Scott
Linton, Jan
Walker, Robert
Peterson, Scott
Bauer, Keith
Petrinovich, Paul
Sholin, Sue L.
Ross, Terry
McCloud, Ira
Mueri, Robert
Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
Tacoma (Wash.)