The Collegiate Challenge - January 22, 1982
Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 18, number 10 and is eight pages.
This issue contains stories on new senate executive officers Jim Matson and Howard Harnett; a free stress management seminar; the student Budget Committee beginning work on the Student Services and Activities (S&A) budget; Greek and psychology instructor Heracles Panagiotides; men's basketball team loss to Clark and win against Fort Steilacoom; women's basketball team loss to Fort Steilacoom and win against Pacific Lutheran University; Washington Association of Collegiate Officials (WACO) Commissioner Tom Cross and basketball officiating; the first annual Winter Blackmouth Salmon Derby and Polar Bear Picnic; 81 year old student Clarence Moss.
Also includes "Dave Johnson At Large" column on reorganization of student government; editorials on new National Security Council head William P. Clark, gun control, Doug and Bob McKenzie's show Great White North and beer hunter tournaments, equal news coverage of women's sports; music review of Rodney Crowell albums "Ain't Living Long Like This" and "What Will the Neighbors Think?"; late basketball scores; illustrations; new column "Skip Card's National College Teletype" with various college news; ads, including a half-page ad for submissions to literary magazine Trillium; Science Film Festival schedule.
Announcements include availability of student employee W2 forms; student services and activities budget requests deadline; upcoming concert by trumpet player Maynard Ferguson; a free presentation on "Underground Earthsheltered Housing"; a Student Activities sponsored "Thurski" ski trip.
Staff credits: editor Rita C. Fleischmann; assistant editor Scott Peterson; sports editor Glen Thomas; assistant sports editor Terry Ross; arts and entertainment Scott Peterson; photo editor Sue Sholin; assistant photo editor Paul Petrinovich; opinions editor Skip Card; campus editor Dave Webster; reporters Tim Christiansen, Ben Jackson, Ira McCloud, Robert Mueri, Phil Musickant, Cindy Paine, Jackie Roberts, Chris Schwartz, Katrina Simon, Denise Williams, Robert Walker; copy editor Howard Harnett; photographers Dale Carter, Mike Hazelmyer, Fran Fleischmann; distribution manager William Daigle; secretary Maria Fleischmann; business and advertising Thomas G. Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk.
College student newspapers and periodicals
Community colleges
Associated Students of Tacoma Community College
Tacoma Community College Archives, Special Collections Library
Tacoma Community College Archives
Fleischmann, Maria
Otter, Mitchell S.
Fleischmann, Rita
Hailey, Arvor
Johnson, Dave
Card, Skip
Daigle, Bill
Ross, Terry
Carman, John
Sholin, Sue
Musickant, Phil
McCloud, Ira
Fleischmann, Frannie
Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
Tacoma (Wash.)