The Collegiate Challenge - November 20, 1981
Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 18, number 7 and is eight pages.
This issue contains stories on the blood drive; TCC President Dr. Larry Stevens speaking on further budget cuts, tuition raises; recent campus break-ins; the shrinking of the Friends of the TCC Library; the end of the women's volleyball season with recent losses; English instructor Dr. Richard Lewis; an accident involving two students where high winds blew their truck over on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
Also includes editorials on the nuclear arms race, euthanasia, legalization of prostitution; letters to the editor responding to a previous issue's article on Asarco, writing in defense of the humanities; illustrations, expressing disappointment in recent full-page Army ads in the Challenge; ads; review of the Tacoma Actors Guild production of Vanities; film review of Time Bandits; review and photos from the Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band concert; men's basketball and women's basketball season schedules; late scores for women's volleyball and men's soccer games; classified ads; a humorous "interview" with Mr. T of the Turkey Liberation Army; campus winter hazards.
Announcements include a multimedia lecture by communications instructor Paul Clee, "Goedel, Escher, Bach: The Eternal Golden Braid"; the first annual Tide Fest Arts and Crafts Fair at Gig Harbor High School; open applications for Challenge editor; ongoing organization and funding of student groups.
Staff credits: editor Rita C. Fleischmann; photography editor Paul A. Petrinovich; sports editor Sean P. G. Hummel; campus editor Loren Aikens; assistant to the the editor and arts and entertainment Scott R. Peterson; copy editor Terry Ross; editorial editor Howard Harnett; distribution manager Maria C. Fleischmann; reporters Bill Affholter, Skip Card, Kathy Kohler, Ira McCloud, Phil Musickant, Dave E. Poindexter, Sue L. Sholin, Robert M. Walker, David Webster; photographers Dale Carter, Frances Fleischmann; business and advertising manager Thomas G. Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk.
College student newspapers and periodicals
Community colleges
Associated Students of Tacoma Community College
Tacoma Community College Archives, Special Collections Library
Tacoma Community College Archives
McCloud, Ira
Harnett, Howard
Petrinovich, Paul
Card, Skip
Walker, Robert
Lindquist, L. W.
Parr, Jeff
Malyon, Harland
Peterson, Scott
Bauer, Keith
Sholin, Sue L.
Ross, Terry
Musickant, Phil
Wesner, John
Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
Tacoma (Wash.)