The Collegiate Challenge - October 5, 1979
Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 1 and is eight pages.
This issue contains stories on the state legislature approval of TCC capital improvements funding; a Penthouse magazine article on the CIA infiltrating US universities; the student government and open positions; Ronald Wilson being chosen as the new Challenge editor; Tacoma Mayor Mike Parker; a free high school completion program at TCC; the need for students on various campus committees; the beginning of soccer season; a Penthouse magazine article on the worst football teams of the year; new women's athletics coach Chris Quinn; new TCC employees, including Dave Habura as the new Dean of Instruction.
Also includes table of contents; graduation application deadlines; parking permit information; editorial on the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALT and SALT II) between the US and the USSR; letters to the editor from incarcerated men seeking letters; ads and classified ads; a reprint of a speech by Israeli Ambassador Yehuda Z. Blum to the UN Security Council regarding the Yom Kippur War; "Fun" section announcing TCC Coffeehouse concerts, radio broadcasts of the Chicago Symphony and San Francisco Opera, a Clark College Bluegrass Festival; crossword puzzle; men's varsity soccer schedule; a copy of the "Application for Student Government - Student Programs."
Announcements include Columbus Day; auditions for show choir The Clef Dwellers; a welcome to new and returning students from the Challenge; a Fencing Club meeting; Black Students Union (BSU) meetings; the 24th Annual Western Washington Natural Food Convention and Exposition; a Black Arts West Unlimited presentation of Charles Fuller's "The Brownsville Raid"; a Dave Brubeck Quartet concert at the Seattle Opera House; a student and faculty bike trip to Point Defiance Park; a new course approval for veterans benefits; off-campus locations to get the Challenge; bowling league meetings; Challenge notice publication deadlines; foosball and pool tournaments.
Staff credits: editor in chief Ron Wilson; associate editor Candy Reece; photography director Mike Hazelmyer; sports editor Marty Gordon; copy editors Janene Nadeau, Marie Rice; entertainment editor Vivian Lang; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Luciann Nadeau, Wendy Foster, Kathy Olson, Marvin Jenkins, Reggie Carpenter, Patty Wilson; VA column John Scholer; feature writer Marie Rice.
College student newspapers and periodicals
Community colleges
Associated Students of Tacoma Community College
Tacoma Community College Archives, Special Collections Library
Tacoma Community College Archives
Hazelmyer, Mike
Wilson, Ron
Botts, O'Dell
Sutton, Gary
Rice, Marie
Lang, Vivian
Foster, Wendy
Jenkins, Marv
Nadeau, Luciann
Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
Tacoma (Wash.)