The Collegiate Challenge - October 25, 1974
Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume X, number 4 and is eight pages.
This issue contains stories on interim president Robert Rhule's "coffee Klatsch" informal talk sessions and the need for more student participation; TCC students being elected to the Association of College Unions-International (ACU-I); available activities and student groups on campus; Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP) election and advocacy news; an upcoming presentation by pro-life speakers organized by the Tacoma branch of the Washington State Human Life Committee; campus film screenings and scheduling issues; results of the recent student government election; the upcoming drama production of John Brown's Body; Steilacoom Prisoners Support House, which provides a place to stay for families visiting people incarcerated at McNeil Island; the upcoming tennis season; the cross country team's first meet of the year; the upcoming federal, state, and local elections; the Student Art Gallery in the Counseling Center and its current exhibit.
Also includes an editorial on "interesting times" and the current political, economic, and world climate; letters to the editor responding to the previous issue's story on military retiree health benefits, criticizing the Challenge's content; ads and classified ads; sports editorial on an upcoming boxing match between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman.
Announcements include campus opening and closure dates clarification; open submissions for the Northwest Short Story and Tall Tale Contest from Signpost magazine; a "College Survival and Career Planning" course; open positions with the Office of Veteran Affairs; upcoming visits by Pacific Lutheran University, Seattle University, and University of Washington School of Pharmacy representatives; a backpacking trip to the Olympic Rain Forest; a piano recital by David Rostkowski and Diane Rostkowski; open applications for Phi Theta Kappa; ID picture day; campus lost and found; a Chess Club meeting; student club formation instructions.
College student newspapers and periodicals
Community colleges
Associated Students of Tacoma Community College
Tacoma Community College Archives, Special Collections Library
Tacoma Community College Archives
Tuttle, John
Asplin, Lisa
Hill, Dolores S.
Irwin, Ted
Ramseth, Rick
Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
Tacoma (Wash.)