Tacoma Community College Archives Special Collections Library
- Title
- Tacoma Community College Archives Special Collections Library
- Description
- This special collection brings together the various published material in the Tacoma Community College Archives. Most but not all of these books and periodicals are also cataloged in the TCC Library Catalog. The majority of these publications are published by TCC departments and/or student organizations. Several are external publications that contain works by TCC employees and/or students, and a few others are historic publications on the Tacoma region.
- Creator
- Tacoma Community College Archives
- Publisher
- Tacoma Community College Archives
- Rights
- Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
- Date
- 1965-1982
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- Identifier
The Collegiate Challenge - May 14, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 22 and is eight pages. Note: A photo was clipped from this issue on page 6, resulting in text being missing from an article on page 5. This issue contains stories on the selection of Dr. Richard L. Batdorf as Dean of Student Services; a presentation by Congressional candidate Norm Dicks; approval of funding for an Interim Student Center; student government reps visiting the McNeil Steering Committee; a duck nesting in the library patio; student president Shelley Waller and her accomplishments in office; student government systems at other community colleges; Phi Theta Kappa president Keith Page; the Tacoma Art Museum Faculty Art Show featuring four TCC instructors; a geology excursion course with Dr. Jack Hyde and Larry Johnson; track team results at the Puget Sound Regional Cross Country meet; women's slow pitch softball news. Also includes editorial on the Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP); opinion piece on political campaigns; letters to the editor commending reporting on the issues around the McNeil student elected to student government, supporting varsity team players who are upset about not receiving letterman jackets as promised, asking for penpals, claiming election victory for the Student Apathy Party based on student voter turnout, praising Advising Committee chair Al Clarke, thanking participants in the student-faculty volleyball game; Veteran's Corner column on summer school coverage, tutoring funds; ads; poetry. Announcements include commencement photo opportunities; an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) march and rally; financial aid application dates; bookstore remodeling hours; call for a rideshare; a TCC Service Club baseball game; available scholarships; a trip to Northwest Trek; the Student Leadership Conference. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Jennie Andrews; news editor Marc Delaunay; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Roger Long; sports editor Brian Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Andy Barlett, Ute Painter, John Garletts, Joe Geiss, Steve Lakin, Dan Long, Joyce Loveland, Ron Overland, Michelle Shovlain, Sande Spark, Bill Ziemniak, Gina Vaughn, Debbie Kissler, Stan McAvenia, Bobbie Lovelace; photographer Greg Arnold; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Mari Mittelstead; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 7, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 21 and is eight pages. Content note: This issue contains use of an outdated and now considered offensive terminology relating to mental, developmental, and physical disabilities as well as stature (page 4). This issue contains stories on the structure of student government and handling of student fees; student election results; the Human Service Worker Program; the formation of a Long Range Planning Commission; student lounge remodels; the revitalization of the campus arboretum; 33 students graduating from the Nursing program and finding jobs; an upcoming presentation by Democratic Congressional candidate Norm Dicks; the Debate team winning trophies at competition at Big Bend Community College; a "survival reading" self-reliance evening course for disabled students; the film screenings of Things to Come and Freaks (1932); the Desegregation Forum and bussing; Art Department fundraisers; open booths at the Spring Festival Children's Carnival; Don Moseid resigning as head basketball coach; track team news, including member Jon Judd setting a school record in the high jump; women's slow pitch softball news; a new community women's slow pitch team; the end of the women's tennis season. Also includes editorial praising recent student government work; opinion pieces on spring fever, voting in Congressional elections; letters to the editor regarding Shelley Waller being nominated for the 1976 Outstanding Young Women of American Program, thanking student voters; Veteran's Corner column on discharge upgrades, a Veterans Club dance; ads and classified ads. Announcements include the Friends of the Library's annual book sale; TCC participants in the College-University Invitational Art Faculty Show at the Tacoma Art Museum; summer school registration dates. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Jennie Andrews; news editor Marc Delaunay; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Roger Long; sports editor Brian Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Andy Barlett, Ute Painter, John Garletts, Joe Geiss, Steve Lakin, Dan Long, Joyce Loveland, Ron Overland, Michelle Shovlain, Sande Spark, Bill Ziemniak, Gina Vaughn, Debbie Kissler, Stan McAvenia, Bobbie Lovelace; photographer Greg Arnold; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Mari Mittelstead; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 30, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 20 (actually number 19?) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on a survey of student opinions of student government; faculty sabbaticals for Frank Dippolito, Devon Edrington, Joanne McCarthy, Ann Sundgren; a new Board of Trustees policy manual; a new slideshow to promote TCC; the spring quarter Book Swap; the Pacific Northwest Dance Company's presentation of "Ballet is a Contact Sport"; Rev. Jesse Jackson speaking at the University of Puget Sound Fieldhouse; the successful film screenings of Magical Mystery Tour and Cocaine Fiends; Spring Arts Festival opportunities; Chuck Cline's Video Acting Class; women's slow pitch softball team news; track team news, including profile of co-captain Dave Allen. Also includes editorial on a classified staff report to the Board of Trustees; letters to the editor regarding smoking bans, Speech 101, an incident regarding the Student Apathy Party and the presidential debate, thanking the Service and Activities Fees Committee; Veteran's Corner column on upcoming Veteran's Club events, Congressional news, policies, and graduations; opinion piece on the media; a list of humorous excerpts from DMV accident claim reports; humorous horoscopes; poetry; ads and classified ads. Announcements include the resignation of head basketball coach Don Moseid; student election results; open applications for the Medical Records Technology Program; Jazz Workshop Band concerts; the Diabetes Association Third Annual Bike-A-Thon; call for Department of Human Development volunteer case coordinators; a Veteran's Club party; men's baseball schedule; summer quarter schedule changes; a lecture-recital by Jan Seferian; open booths for the Spring Arts Festival and its Children's Carnival; a meeting of citizens lobby Common Cause; early summer school registration. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Jennie Andrews; news editor Marc Delaunay; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Roger Long; sports editor Brian Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Andy Barlett, Ute Painter, John Garletts, Joe Geiss, Steve Lakin, Dan Long, Joyce Loveland, Ron Overland, Michelle Shovlain, Sande Spark, Bill Ziemniak, Gina Vaughn, Debbie Kissler, Stan McAvenia, Bobbie Lovelace; photographer Greg Arnold; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Mari Mittelstead; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 23, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 18 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the complicated resolution of a McNeil student taking office as a student senator; the Bookstore remodel; guest editorial on voting in the student election; results of a student survey on drug use; a new "Oriental Cultural Center" in University Place; the revival of the Service Club; the debate between student presidential candidates; the film screenings of March of the Wooden Soldiers and Reefer Madness; the Evergreen State College reducing first quarter tuition and fees; the upcoming drama production of Rip Van Winkle; a new citizens task force on state tuition policies; track team news, including wins at the Olympic Invitational and profile of discus thrower Bill Wilson; an upcoming Desegregation Forum. Also includes editorial on the McNeil student senator; letters to the editor regarding frustration with hosting an event in the cafeteria, praising College Information Officer Eve Dumovich, thanking the Motorcycle Enthusiasts club for their contributions to St Ann's children's home, announcing open booths at the Spring Festival's Children's Carnival, thanking Food Services for support for a Music club's pot luck, assuring students cafeteria coffee prices won't go up; student government candidate statements, portraits, and polling information; poetry; ads and classified ads. Announcements include a student-faculty volleyball game; the May Day Ball at the University of Puget Sound; various campus meetings; spring quarter schedule changes; early registration dates; the dinner and concert event with Beatles and Elvis cover band Apple; booth openings for the Spring Festival Children's Carnival; unclaimed book swap checks. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Jennie Andrews; news editor Marc Delaunay; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Roger Long; sports editor Brian Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Andy Barlett, Ute Painter, John Garletts, Joe Geiss, Steve Lakin, Dan Long, Joyce Loveland, Ron Overland, Michelle Shovlain, Sande Spark, Bill Ziemniak, Gina Vaughn, Debbie Kissler, Stan McAvenia, Bobbie Lovelace; photographer Greg Arnold; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Mari Mittelstead; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 16, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 18 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the delay between students needing to make educational expenses and receiving certain financial aid; a new Campus Ticket Sales Outlet in the Bookstore; the new Lanier Tel-Edisette dictation machine; the Campus Master Plan, including interim student spaces; a Bremerton park dedication in honor of Bataan marchers; student senate openings; Governor Daniel J. Evans not seeking another term; the need for volunteers at St. Ann's children's home; dinner and breakfast events during the Spring Festival; a classroom experiment in English composition in Illinois; Larry Callegos winning a geology scholarship; the Motorcycle Enthusiasts club; the Phi Theta Kappa Bicentennial Literary Contest; an upcoming concert by Beatles and Elvis Presley tribute band Apple; men's baseball and women's slow pitch softball losses; track team members qualifying for the state track meet. Also includes editorial on campus thefts; letter to the editor regarding the Spring Film Program; ads and classified ads; Veteran's Corner column on college credit for military experience; photographs of fountains; Program Board weekly schedule. Announcements include an Allied Arts of Tacoma, Inc. competition for city fireplugs designs; dinner and breakfast events during the Spring Festival; open summer jobs at the city Manpower Planning Office; a May Day Ball at the University of Puget Sound; a notetaking workshop; commencement information; the campus voter's registrar Jeanette Bratrad's hours and services; spring quarter schedule changes. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Jennie Andrews; news editor Marc Delaunay; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Roger Long; sports editor Brian Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Andy Barlett, Ute Painter, John Garletts, Joe Geiss, Steve Lakin, Dan Long, Joyce Loveland, Ron Overland, Michelle Shovlain, Sande Spark, Bill Ziemniak, Gina Vaughn, Debbie Kissler, Stan McAvenia, Bobbie Lovelace; photographer Greg Arnold; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Mari Mittelstead; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 9, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 17 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on upcoming student elections; graduation and degree application deadlines; a new Veterans club newspaper; changes to the Program Board's film program; Friends of the Library coloring book fundraisers; upcoming parking violation citations; Vietnamese students; alumni and Naval Flight Officer Ensign William T. Johnson; an international jazz music tour; the women's slow pitch softball team; tennis team and track team news. Also includes editorial on student costs; letter to the editor thanking students who helped paint Spring Festival banners; guest editorial in defense of fat people; Veteran's Corner column on new Congressional bills affecting veterans and local policies and procedures; ads and classified ads; poetry. Announcements include open scholarship programs; call for letters to the editor and opinion pieces for the Challenge; notice of ongoing Veteran's Corner and Spring Arts Festival columns; call for volunteer coaches for Narrows Athletic Club; a Veterans club meeting; call for art exhibits from McNeil students for the Spring Arts Festival; upcoming visiting representatives, including University of Washington departmental reps; a Black art exhibit at the library; film screenings of Reefer Madness and March of the Wooden Soldiers; a concert by the Mt. Hood Swing Choir and vocal jazz ensemble, sponsored by the Program Board and Music club; a Service club bake sale; a Tacoma Institute of Religion gathering for Mormon students; a performance and demo by the Pacific Northwest Dance Troupe; Pierce County and Tacoma city summer jobs; open submissions for the Collegiate Creative Writing Contest; a call for participants in the Spring Arts Festival Ethnic Dance Program. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Jennie Andrews; news editor Marc Delaunay; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Roger Long; sports editor Brian Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Andy Barlett, Ute Painter, John Garletts, Joe Geiss, Steve Lakin, Dan Long, Joyce Loveland, Ron Overland, Michelle Shovlain, Sande Spark, Bill Ziemniak, Giana Vaughn, Debbie Kissler, Stan McAvenia, Bobbie Lovelace; photographer Greg Arnold; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Mari Mittelstead; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - March 5, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 15 (possibly actual number 16) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on hiring for a new Dean of Student Services after administrative reorganizing; the third annual Health Fair; the Student Faculty Breakfast; expansion of tutoring subjects; progress on the Sam Minnitti Memorial Playground; library staff Lorraine Hildebrand and her work in ethnic studies librarianship; biology instructor Richard A. Perkins; the TCC film program and poor turnout; a student exhibit for Paul Clee's photography class; a new device to convert print to sound for users with vision impairment; auditions for the Rip Van Winkle production's variety show; administrative growth and faculty compensation in the educational field; the McNeil Liaison Office and McNeil student engagement; the end of the men's and women's basketball seasons with losses. Also includes editorial on president Dr. Larry Stevens' work on TCC's financial issues; letters to the editor rebutting a previous letter criticizing campus Food Service, from the "Student Apathy Party"; ads and classified ads; community college basketball final standings; poetry. Announcements include Health Services Center hours and services; an upcoming presentation by Socialist vice presidential candidate Willie Mae Reid; availability of financial aid applications; winter quarter Music department concerts; a concert by Jim Page; a Veteran's club meeting; an Outdoor Recreation club hike; a coloring book fundraiser by the Friends of the TCC Library; open submissions to literary magazine Trillium; open applications for the Human Service Worker Program. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; associate editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Roger Long; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Kerry Gade; sports editor Bryan Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Jennie Andrews, Charles Brady, Herbert Dailey, Connie Fuller, John Garletts, Joseph Geiss, Kurt Kentfield, Earl Kirby, David Losk, Patricia Mitchell, Deborah Schmidt, Sandra Spark, Harold Thomas; photographers Susan Snyder, Loren Freeman; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Pam Hurnblad; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 27, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 15 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the student senate special elections, including a recount demand; major reorganization of campus services; legislative delays to a tuition raise; strategies for veteran students; Operational Administrator for Research Planning and Development and Special Programs Donald R. Gangnes; the Model Office program for office job training; the Rod and Gun Club Salmon Derby and Get-Together; the Respiratory Therapy Technicians program; the upcoming concert by folk singer Jim Page; a Bicentennial literary contest by Phi Theta Kappa; the Medical Records Technology, Medical Secretary, and Medical Transcription programs; the cultural and dramatic program by actors Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee; an upcoming plant and bake sale by Phi Theta Kappa; men's basketball win against Everett; intramural sports; new tennis coaches Norma Tomsic and Walt Tomsic. Also includes editorial on faculty representation in student government; letters to the editor regarding the student elections and recount demand, the president's authority to conduct all hiring through Administrative Services' Personnel Unit, the cafeteria and its deficit; ads and classified ads; winter examination schedule. Announcements include TCC Goof-Off Day; a free concert; golf team tryouts; a new Career Information Center computer terminal; tryouts for women's slow pitch softball; a student government bake sale; a jazz workshop band performance or meeting; a Ski Club ski trip; an International Students Organization (ISO) mountain trip; new course Advanced Expository Writing (English 201); call for events notification by the Community Service Office. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; associate editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Roger Long; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Kerry Gade; sports editor Bryan Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Jennie Andrews, Charles Brady, Herbert Dailey, Connie Fuller, John Garletts, Joseph Geiss, Kurt Kentfield, Earl Kirby, David Losk, Patricia Mitchell, Deborah Schmidt, Sandra Spark, Harold Thomas; photographers Susan Snyder, Loren Freeman; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Pam Hurnblad; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 6, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 13 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on high application rates for the Nursing program; the poor state of the student lounges; the change from one year to two year college catalogs; the Ad-Hoc Budget Committee and student fees spending procedures; literary magazine Trillium; Veterans Club officer elections; night classes; Debate team news; tuition waiver programs from the Financial Aids Office; Tacoma YMCA program Y-PALS for children of single parent families; student senator replacements; the upcoming Black History Week; upcoming screenings of films Black Girl and Wattstax; a high school music contest to be hosted by TCC; the Music department's production of a musical and opera revue; men's basketball news; bowling courses and the bowling league; intramural basketball. Also includes editorial on tuition increases; guest editorial on matter and antimatter; letter to the editor regarding lack of engagement for student films; a review of the film White Line Fever; Black History Week schedule; ads. Announcements include a special student senate election; recent thefts on campus; call for donations for Vietnamese students; a touch-tone phone system independent study course (Journalism 209); availability of W-2 forms for work study students; open applications for Forest Service field work; call for interest in a lunch time exercise class for employees; high school diploma deadlines; call for assistance to decorate the Rainier School gym; a found cat; call for volunteers at the African-American Cultural Center; upcoming visits by University of Puget Sound representatives; upcoming Bahai' Club sponsored presentation by radio personality Burl Barer on "Renewal of Religion"; a film screening of William Faulkner: Land into Legend; open scholarship for women in communications; a lost knife; a Rod and Gun club meeting. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; associate editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Roger Long; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Kerry Gade; sports editor Bryan Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Jennie Andrews, Charles Brady, Robert Brady, Dan Brinkmann, Herbert Dailey, Loren Freeman, Connie Fuller, John Garletts, Joseph Geiss, Bryan Gutsche, Mike Jones, Kurt Kentfield, Earl Kirby, Shirley Larson, David Losk, Patricia Mitchell, William Moore, Norman Rose, Deborah Schmidt, Sandra Spark, Harold Thomas, Les Christopher; photographers Susan Snyder, Bruce Stell, Loren Freeman; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Pam Hurnblad; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 30, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 12 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the study of TCC's Food Service Operation to reduce its costs; a push to improve computer usage on campus; Spanish instructor Mario Faye; Program Board chair Irish McKinney; a new educational program and television project on "Rejuvenating American Idealism"; the drama department's upcoming one act plays performances; the Obi Society; the Forensics and Debate club; the new Rod and Gun club; the Music club; the Associated Student Body Leadership Conference; men's basketball wins against Shoreline and Bellevue; intramural programs. Also includes editorial on apathy; student senate meeting minutes; letter to the editor regarding name misspellings in the Challenge; review of the film Hustle; sports editorial on athletics statistical manager Al Reid; poetry; a brief story on a McNeil Island student being penalized for a non-existent parking violation; ads; comics. Announcements include a film screening of William Faulkner: Land into Legend; Motorcycle Enthusiasts club meetings; call for performers in Rip Van Winkle; a beach hike; open submissions for literary magazine Trillium; formation of a Native American Council club; a tuition protest; an International Students Organization meeting; a University of Washington short course on Dynamics of Teamwork; a Winter Sports Club meeting; a free concert; Potential Business Leaders conference workshops; the theft of lounge manager Jeff Johnson's motorcycle. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; associate editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Roger Long; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Kerry Gade; sports editor Bryan Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Jennie Andrews, Charles Brady, Robert Brady, Dan Brinkmann, Herbert Dailey, Loren Freeman, Connie Fuller, John Garletts, Joseph Geiss, Bryan Gutsche, Mike Jones, Kurt Kentfield, Earl Kirby, Shirley Larson, David Losk, Patricia Mitchell, William Moore, Norman Rose, Deborah Schmidt, Sandra Spark, Harold Thomas, Les Christopher; photographers Susan Snyder, Bruce Stell, Loren Freeman; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Pam Hurnblad; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 23, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is unnumbered and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the State Board of Community Colleges denying tenure to several faculty members; the likelihood of a tuition increase and legislator perspectives; geology instructor Dr. Jack H. Hyde; an upcoming college conference day; TCC over-enrollment; a memorial celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.; the senior tuition waiver; for-credit volunteer opportunities with youth at Remann Hall; campus physician Dr. James M. Blankenship; Phi Theta Kappa; an upcoming concert by saxophonist Harvey Pittel; the TCC Day Care Center and proposed Substitute House Bill 39 regarding campus day care centers; the new women's basketball team; men's basketball loss to Seattle Central; tennis team performance at the Pacific Northwest Indoor Tennis Classic; track team tryouts. Also includes editorial on inflation, educational priority, accountability; a statement by the Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP) against tuition increases; opinion piece on parking; comics; a photo of the Pep Squad; ads. Announcements include a call for letters to the editor and opinion pieces; the campus "Lights Out" energy conservation program; high school diploma application deadlines; a musical revue performance; one act play performances; campus study spaces; upcoming film screenings, including Growing Up Female: As Six Becomes One and White Line Fever; associate degree application deadlines; new Bahai' club meeting; part time instructors pay information; Information Office request for notification off-campus publicity needs; an arts and crafts workshop; a Rod and Gun club meeting; call for Forensics and Debate team members. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; associate editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Roger Long; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Kerry Gade; sports editor Bryan Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Jennie Andrews, Charles Brady, Robert Brady, Dan Brinkmann, Herbert Dailey, Loren Freeman, Connie Fuller, John Garletts, Joseph Geiss, Bryan Gutsche, Mike Jones, Kurt Kentfield, Earl Kirby, Shirley Larson, David Losk, Patricia Mitchell, William Moore, Norman Rose, Deborah Schmidt, Sandra Spark, Harold Thomas, Les Christopher; photographers Susan Snyder, Bruce Stell, Loren Freeman; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Pam Hurnblad; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 16, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 9 (handwritten notes express confusion at this) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on administration reorganization by president Dr. Larry Stevens, including the appointment of Dr. Robert R. Rhule as Dean of Instruction; the appointment of Richard F. Evans, Jr. to the Board of Trustees; a new English as a second language program; the Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP) unanimously voting against a tuition increase; the Christmas Arts Fair; the work study program; tutoring at TCC; Dr. Joel Fort speaking on human sexuality; the Student Information Center; the new Motorcycle Enthusiasts club; the upcoming Northwest Community College Student Photography Exhibition; women's personal growth classes; Titan men's basketball news, including recent losses; the new cheerleading squad. Also includes editorial on tuition increases; student senate meeting minutes; a letter to student president Shelley Waller from the Board thanking the student government for their participation in a reception for Vietnamese TCC students; review of the film Lucky Lady; a photo from the Vietnamese students event at the December Board meeting; poetry; comics. Announcements include ID card photo days; Veterans Job Development office hours; open women's studies courses; a self exploration course; non-credit courses for apartment managers; radiologic technology program deadlines; Ski Club information; Christian Fellowship on Campus meetings; formation of recreational sports teams; open auditions for the drama production of Rip Van Winkle; Music club meetings; a free concert; open submissions for literary magazine Mirror Northwest; a saxophone concert by Harvey Pittel; Arts and Crafts club meetings; parking regulations; campus bulletin deadlines; Program Board job openings. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; associate editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Roger Long; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Kerry Gade; sports editor Les Christopher; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Jennie Andrews, Charles Brady, Robert Brady, Dan Brinkmann, Herbert Dailey, Loren Freeman, Connie Fuller, John Garletts, Joseph Geiss, Bryan Gutsche, Mike Jones, Kurt Kentfield, Earl Kirby, Shirley Larson, David Losk, Patricia Mitchell, William Moore, Norman Rose, Deborah Schmidt, Sandra Spark, Harold Thomas; photographers Susan Snyder, Bruce Stell; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Pam Hurnblad; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 13, 1976Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 14 (actually number 10 according to handwritten correction) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on students selected for the Bicentennial traveling revue; an upcoming dramatic and cultural event with actors Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee, cosponsored by the TCC Program Board, Obi Society, and Pacific Lutheran University Black Student Union; a student protest in Olympia against tuition increases; the third annual TCC Health Fair; the third annual Spring Arts Festival; the TCC Rod and Gun club sponsored Salmon Derby; community courses and Director of Community Relations and Services Director Joseph Kosai; an upcoming performance by the Tacoma Performing Dance Company; students Patsy Fulton and Renee Smith beautifying a section of campus; track team news; Titan men's basketball news, including a profile on player Don Tuggle; the women's basketball team losing to Gray's Harbor. Also includes editorial on common student complaints; guest editorials regarding gradual tuition increases, science fiction and light speed travel; letter to the editor about name misspellings (possibly a response to a previous issue); student senate candidate statements; ads. Announcements include holiday closures; a program with Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee; a new Christian Service group; upcoming nutritional workshops; transfer information for Western Washington State College (WWSC); a golf team meeting; film rental funds from the audiovisual department; a faculty-student breakfast; donations request from the Child Care Center. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; associate editor Mike McHugh; campus editor Roger Long; feature editor Opal Brown; arts editor Kerry Gade; sports editor Bryan Gutsche; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; reporters Jennie Andrews, Charles Brady, Robert Brady, Dan Brinkmann, Herbert Dailey, Loren Freeman, Connie Fuller, John Garletts, Joseph Geiss, Bryan Gutsche, Mike Jones, Kurt Kentfield, Earl Kirby, Shirley Larson, David Losk, Patricia Mitchell, William Moore, Norman Rose, Deborah Schmidt, Sandra Spark, Harold Thomas, Les Christopher; photographers Susan Snyder, Bruce Stell Loren Freeman; business manager Doug Stine; secretary Pam Hurnblad; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - December 5, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 8 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the Veterans Administration tightening control on GI Bill usage; the TCC Math Lab; winter registration; the Obi Society's successful food drive; Friends of the TCC Library chair John Binns; the Program Board needing student feedback and participation; the need for more women's basketball players; women's volleyball team news; athletic director Ed Fisher. Also includes editorial on a student union building; student senate meeting minutes; "Francesca's Flashes" column on rules for New England teachers in the 1870s; health column on fad diets, vitamins, and "natural" food labeling; a review of the TCC performance of the play Our Town; ads and classified ads; sports editorial on a school fight song; poetry; fall quarter examination schedule. Announcements include sales of the TCC Friends of the Library Bicentennial coloring book; the upcoming Bicentennial Youth Debate; a cultural presentation benefit for Filipino radio program Tinig Ng Pilipino; extension of the audition deadline for the Spirit of '76 Bicentennial Revue; a Christmas art fair; a Tacoma and Pacific Northwest history course by Dr. Murray Morgan (History 267); holiday readings by Chuck Cline's oral interpretation course; a Bicentennial essay contest; a rape prevention program by the Pierce County Sheriff's Office; book buy-backs and a student book swap; end of quarter library due dates; open applications for Scottish Rite Foundation scholarships; a children's literature class (English 230) by Janet Grimes. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; business manager Ted Irwin; copy editor Mike McHugh; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; campus editor Howard Schmidt; feature editor Opal Brown; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; sports editor Bob Brady; arts editor Harold Thomas; reporters Cory Brame, Les Christopher, Ronald Coleman, Herbert Dailey, Bryan Gutsche, Julia Hagan, Valerie Hewitt, Kurt Kentfield, Shirley Larson, Roger Long, Mike McHugh, Pat Mitchell, Ute Lydia Painter, Doug Stine; photographers Scott Wellsandt, Susan Snyder; advertising Ted Irwin; secretary Pam Hurnblad; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 21, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 7 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the workstudy program and its funding; upcoming speaker on "Human Sexuality" Dr. Joel Fort; the TCC blood reserve at the Pierce County blood bank; the TCC Book Swap; Health Center services; budget cuts; the Ethnic Studies Lab and Program Assistant Al Coby; new student ID cards; the Administrative Council; the Washington State Community College District 17 "Spirit of '76" Bicentennial project being designated as Washington state's traveling festival for the Bicentennial; the Phi Theta Kappa TCC chapter, Chi Gamma; Titan men's basketball team news, including member Chris Aube and the upcoming Bellevue Tip-Off Tournament; the track team and coach Bob Fiorito; the women's volleyball team and win against Olympic Community College. Also includes editorial on student government response to funding the workstudy program; student senate minutes; review of the film Here We Go Again; poetry, photography; "Francesca's Flashes" column on various (mostly college) news from around the country; ads and classified ads; photo promoting the Pool Team final competition of the season. Announcements include a Winter Sports Club meeting; a student art display in the library from Art 105 and Art 109; an upcoming Christmas Art Fair; a new Music Club, and their guitar workshop with Dudley Hill; new GI Bill regulations; a jazz workshop by Tom Hanson; an Obi Society benefit dance and food drive; Friends of the TCC Library coloring books for sale in the bookstore; an indigenous beadwork workshop; formation of a concert band; a Ski School PE class; student club budget submission deadlines; a screening of the film The Sting; Spanish Club meetings; a Paper Pinching Contest; bowling team openings; the next women's volleyball game. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; business manager Ted Irwin; copy editor Mike McHugh; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; campus editor Howard Schmidt; feature editor Opal Brown; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; sports editor Bob Brady; arts editor Harold Thomas; reporters Cory Brame, Les Christopher, Ronald Coleman, Herbert Dailey, Bryan Gutsche, Julia Hagan, Valerie Hewitt, Kurt Kentfield, Shirley Larson, Roger Long, Mike McHugh, Pat Mitchell, Ute Lydia Painter, Doug Stine; photographers Scott Wellsandt, Susan Snyder; advertising Ted Irwin; secretary Pam Hurnblad; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 14, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 6 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the growth of the music program, including debut of the jazz workshop band; upcoming course "Major Women Writers" (English 231) taught by Joanne McCarthy; an Obi Society sponsored food drive; winter quarter registration; a student government leadership conference; a survey by the Program Board regarding student preferences for film screenings; the upcoming drama production of Our Town; a traveling theater and music revue for US Bicentennial celebrations; the International Students Organization (ISO) and new officers; a new course on glaciers (Geology 291) taught by Dr. Jack Hyde; Titan men's basketball news, including forward Eugene Glenn; athletic trainer Ralph Lincoln. Also includes comics; editorials on lack of student participation, gun control; a review of the film Three Days of the Condor; ads; poetry, photography; sports editorial on cheerleaders. Announcements include the Obi Society and student government food drive; Veterans club officer elections; a visit by evaluation team chair Dr. James L. Taylor; performances by belly dance instructor Diane Edrington and her students; a folk rock concert by the Sky Boys; a McNeil Island Penitentiary Bicentennial art sale; a visit by representatives from Evergreen State College; a presentation by president Dr. Larry Stevens at the Tacoma Institute of Religion on "Higher Education in the 70s"; a Music club guitar workshop. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; business manager Ted Irwin; copy editor Mike McHugh; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; campus editor Howard Schmidt; feature editor Opal Brown; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; sports editor Bob Brady; arts editor Harold Thomas; reporters Cory Brame, Les Christopher, Ronald Coleman, Herbert Dailey, Bryan Gutsche, Julia Hagan, Valerie Hewitt, Kurt Kentfield, Shirley Larson, Roger Long, Mike McHugh, Pat Mitchell, Ute Lydia Painter, Doug Stine; photographers Scott Wellsandt, Susan Snyder; advertising Ted Irwin; secretary Pam Hurnblad; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 7, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 5 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the closed circuit TV system at TCC (KTCC-TV) and its under-use; a new class to train student senators; student government election and student questionnaire results; Black history instructor Rev. Elijah H. Hankerson; the Opus 2128 Wurlitzer pipe organ; the women's volleyball team; Titan men's basketball team head coach Don Moseid; assistant basketball coach Jim Savitz. Also includes editorial on the student paraprofessional positions; student senate minutes; poetry, photography; ads; a review of the film Hard Times. Announcements include formation of a new concert band; a jazz concert by Jorgan Kruse at the Victory Music Hall; a weekly student meeting series on the theme of togetherness; a new Motorcycle Enthusiasts' club; upcoming performances of Shakespeare play Villains and Fools; need for small pots for the greenhouse; student Crystal Czarnecki making the debate finals at the Logger-Collegiate Forensic Tournament; accounting students performance at the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants accounting testing program. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; business manager Ted Irwin; campus editor Howard Schmidt; staff artist Gary Schlesinger; copy editor Mike McHugh; arts editor Harold Thomas; feature editor Opal Brown; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; sports editor Bob Brady; reporters Cory Brame, Les Christopher, Ronald Coleman, Herbert Dailey, Bryan Gutsche, Julia Hagan, Valerie Hewitt, Kurt Kentfield, Shirley Larson, Roger Long, Mike McHugh, Pat Mitchell, Ute' Lydia Painter, Doug Stine; photographers Scott Wellsandt, Susan Snyder; advertising Ted Irwin; secretary Jacque Cexton; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 31, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 4 and is four pages. Content notice: Please note this issue contains discussion of capital punishment on page 2. This issue contains stories on the accreditation process and an upcoming committee visit; an art show by the Tacoma Arts and Crafts Association, including works by four TCC instructors; the student budget being approved by the Board of Trustees; a debate on capital punishment relating to Initiative 316, which would make the death penalty mandatory for first degree aggravated murder; continuing education courses on holiday decorations and accounting; winter intramural sports programs; the TCC pool team and the Northwest Billiards League. Also includes the full associated student body operational budget; editorial on the student budget; a letter to the editor from library staff regarding cuts to the library budget; sports editorial on various professional and TCC sports news. Announcements include an upcoming TCC Coffeehouse with performances by Shirley Jackson, Larry Conklin; Listening/Language Lab hours and services; upcoming visits by representatives from Western Washington State College and the University of Puget Sound; a flu vaccine clinic. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; business manager Ted Irwin; campus editor Howard Schmidt; arts editor Harold Thomas; feature editor Opal Brown; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; sports editor Bob Brady; reporters Cory Brame, Les Christopher, Ronald Coleman, Herbert Dailey, Bryan Gutsche, Julia Hagan, Valerie Hewitt, Kurt Kentfield, Shirley Larson, Roger Long, Mike McHugh, Pat Mitchell, Ute' Lydia Painter, Doug Stine; photographers Scott Wellsandt, Susan Snyder; advertising Ted Irwin; secretary Jacque Sexton; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 24, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 3 and is twelve pages. Content notice: Please note this issue contains a story on disciplining a student who may have been gender non-conforming and uses outdated and offensive terminology relating to the student's gender presentation on page 1. This issue contains stories on student disciplinary action and appeal procedures; Director of Administration Services Carl Brown and his new title under a reorganization; the small campus grounds maintenance crew; TCC president Dr. Larry Stevens speaking at a Tacoma Kiwanis Club lunch on TCC's community impact; the TCC Library and the Friends of the Library; Vietnamese students at TCC and state tuition reductions for Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees; English Literature instructor and English-Philosophy Department chair Lloyd S. Berntson; new College Information Officer Eve Dumovich and a new weekly bulletin; the upcoming campus elections; the forensics team competing in the national Bicentennial Youth Debate Program; the upcoming publication of literary magazine Trillium; the OBI Society and call for participation; the TCC Coffeehouse and upcoming jazz concert by Airbrush; cross-country team news; the Titan men's basketball team and upcoming season. Also includes editorials on student government credibility, active participation in student elections; student senate and administrative council meeting news; campus services locations and hours; list of survey questions that will be on the student ballot; a brief obituary for student Joseph Sparks; student government candidate statements and photos; poetry, photography; review of the film Other Side of the Mountain; review of light show "Death of the Red Planet" and a Yes concert film; a sports editorial on cheerleaders; a photo of the women's volleyball team; ads and classified ads; men's basketball game schedule. Announcements include formation of a Music Club; high school diploma application requirements; a Basketball Officiating Techniques class; students winning Zellerbach Paper Company scholarships; an upcoming visit by Western Washington State College representatives; a YMCA photography class; a Star Trek fan convention at Seattle Center. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; business manager Ted Irwin; campus editor Howard Schmidt; arts editor Harold Thomas; feature editor Opal Brown; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; sports editor Bob Brady; reporters Cory Brame, Les Christopher, Ronald Coleman, Herbert Daily, Kerry Grade, Bryan Gutsche, Julia Hagan, Valerie Hewitt, Kurt Kentfield, Shirley Larson, Roger Long, Mike McHugh, Pat Mitchell Ute' Lydia Painter, Doug Stine; photographers Scott Wellsandt, Susan Snyder; advertising Ted Irwin; secretary Jacque Sexton; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 10, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 2 and is eight pages. Content notice: Please note this issue contains use of an outdated and now offensive term for intellectual disability on page 3. This issue contains stories on campus food services operating at a deficit; childhood diseases and vaccination recommendations; new student reserved parking; Chief of Security Stanley P. Mowre, Jr. and campus security; the planned drama production of Our Town; the TCC Coffeehouse and upcoming concert by jazz band Airbrush; the Intiman Theatre Company production of Hedda Gabler; acting student president Shelley Waller; job and financial aid opportunities in the Financial Aids office; the Learning Assistance Center (LAC); the beginning of women's volleyball season; the new cross-country team. Also includes (facetious?) letter to the editor suggesting a change in campus security firearms; editorial on campus leadership changes; student senate meeting notes; photos from the Black Cultural Workshop to help establish a permanent Afro-American Cultural Center; sports editorial on major league baseball; a student senate fall election calendar. Announcements include student club signups; visits by Washington state colleges; open submissions for creative works in the Challenge; graduation applications; concerts by Pat Gill, Carl Spaeth, and band Featherstone; ads and classified ads. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; business manager Ted Irwin; campus editor Howard Schmidt; arts editor Harold Thomas; feature editor Opal Brown; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; sports editor Bob Brady; reporters Cory Brame, Les Christopher, Ronald Coleman, Herbert Daily, Kerry Grade, Bryan Gutsche, Julia Hagan, Valerie Hewitt, Kurt Kentfield, Shirley Larson, Roger Long, Mike McHugh, Pat Mitchell Ute' Lydia Painter, Doug Stine; photographers Scott Wellsandt, Susan Snyder; advertising Ted Irwin; secretary Jacque Sexton; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 3, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 11, number 1 and is eight pages. Content note: This issue contains use of an outdated word for physical disabilities on page 7. This issue contains stories on student government news, including student fees allocation, the resignation of student president Sid Breckenridge, and his conflict with administration over the student government paraprofessional positions; Board of Trustees Chairman Lewis Hatfield and relations with student government; the student lounge and a new pool team; the new varsity women's volleyball team; the need for participation in varsity sports; Physical Education courses; new TCC president Dr. Larry Stevens; Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds Frank Mitchell and his resignation; need for students to help in program for disabled students; Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP) news; the Child Care Center and need for volunteers; a flu vaccine clinic. Also includes editorial statement on the Challenge's policies and procedures; a guest editorial from President Larry Stevens welcoming students to the new year and areas of improvement; a review of the film Give 'Em Helly Harry; campus health services column; campus photos; sports editorial on the professional sports seasons; ads and classified ads. Announcements include sources for information on campus events; call for vocal jazz ensemble members; a National College Poetry Contest; Leroy L. Seth being appointment Native American Education Program Specialist by the State Board for Community College Education; a Daryl Hall, John Oates, and Shawn Phillips concert in Seattle; a new state resolution for reduced tuition for Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees at community colleges; student lounge concerts by Timothy Noah, Maurice Harla, Pat Gill, T.J. Wheeler; traffic and parking regulation enforcement. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Steve Kruse; business manager Ted Irwin; campus editor Howard Schmidt; arts editor Harold Thomas; feature editor Opal Brown; chief photographer Scott Wellsandt; sports editor Bob Brady; reporters Cory Brame, Les Christopher, Ronald Coleman, Herbert Daily, Kerry Grade, Bryan Gutsche, Julia Hagan, Valerie Hewitt, Kurt Kentfield, Shirley Larson, Roger Long, Mike McHugh, Pat Mitchell Ute' Lydia Painter, Doug Stine; photographers Scott Wellsandt, Susan Snyder; advertising Ted Irwin; secretary Jacque Sexton; advisor Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - June 6, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 10, number 24 (actually number 23) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on conflict in the Program Board over activities fund spending; the appointment of Dr. Larry P. Stevens as the new TCC President; student senate news; the graduation of student John Danko, who returned to school after a serious car accident; poor student election turnout; new student senators Wendy Pennell, Nancy Sullivan, and Marge Porter; a concert by progressive jazz ensemble Marbles; the drama production of The Taming of the Shrew; world hunger; a new computer system for career information; golf team news, including a win by Tim Mark; the end of the bowling season; composting; American Literature and English instructor Vernon Hess. Articles relating to the Tenth Anniversary Spring Jubilee include reviews of events such as the Coffeehouse performances, the First Annual TCC Juried Art Show, a mime workshop by Marj Bly, concerts by McChord Air Force concert and dance bands, world dance performances, the film screenings of Lost Horizon; a story on frustration with weather affecting the festival. Also includes letter to the editor regarding the student activities fee; calendar section with events and deadlines; syndicated column on Washington DC news; comics; sports editorial awarding individuals and teams; ads and classified ads. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Skip Jones; campus editor Howard Schmidt; associate editor/business manager Ted Irwin; news editor Laurie Bornstein; arts editor W. A. Cullen; chief photographer Bob Olsen; secretary Sandi Garner; sports editor Steve Kruse; reporters Bob Brady, Peter Brandt, Opal Brown, James Conant, E. C. Fitzgerald, Russell Ginter, Allen Hildreth, Dolores S. Hill, Terry Kanzler, Kurt Kentfield, Kari Kirchhoff, Ute Lydia Painter, Louis Potts, Pamalarose Pacinda, Les Christopher; photographers Bob Olsen, Mike Miller; advertising Ted Irwin, Marc DeLaunay, Edward Shambourger; adviser Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 23, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 10, number 23 (actually number 22) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on new head of the Ethnic Studies Laboratory Al Coby; a Geology Field course led by Dr. Jack Hyde; Mother's Day at the Purdy Treatment Center; student senate news; Program Board chair Rick Ramseth; new financial aid programs; Spring Jubilee film screenings of Five Easy Pieces, Lost Horizon, and The Point; Phi Theta Kappa spring quarter initiation; the World of Poetry First Annual Poetry Competition; a ragtime music program by instructors Paul Michaels and Dave Whisner for the Jubilee; a watercolor painting workshop in the library; efforts to preserve Leach Creek and Chambers Creek; publication of the first issue of campus literary and art magazine Trillium; the Asian Student Union and Jubilee plans; Student Activities Program Advisor Ray Miller; track team performance at the Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges Track Championships; baseball team losses; tennis team news; growing home garden tomatoes. Also includes a review of the Muhammad Ali and Ron Lyle boxing match; a bizarre story promoting the Career Information Center; syndicated column on Washington DC and foreign policy news; calendar section with events and deadlines; sports editorial on tennis court availability; Puget Sound region community college tennis final standings; ads and classified ads. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Skip Jones; campus editor Howard Schmidt; associate editor/business manager Ted Irwin; news editor Laurie Bornstein; arts editor W. A. Cullen; chief photographer Bob Olsen; secretary Sandi Garner; sports editor Steve Kruse; reporters Bob Brady, Peter Brandt, Opal Brown, James Conant, E. C. Fitzgerald, Russell Ginter, Allen Hildreth, Dolores S. Hill, Terry Kanzler, Kurt Kentfield, Kari Kirchhoff, Ute Lydia Painter, Louis Potts, Pamalarose Pacinda, Les Christopher; photographers Bob Olsen, Mike Miller; advertising Ted Irwin, Marc DeLaunay, Edward Shambourger; adviser Rachel Bard.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 16, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 10, number 22 (actually number 21) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on sociology instructor Ann Sundgren being appointed to the American Sociological Association Undergraduate Education Committee; student government candidates meeting with McNeil Island TCC students; Program Board and student senate meeting news; the upcoming drama production of The Taming of the Shrew; the proposed closure of the Counseling Center; planting home vegetable gardens; observation of Poppy Day to benefit Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW); the upcoming Friends of the TCC Library annual dinner. Also includes student government election results; letter to the editor rebutting a response to the writer's original letter regarding capital punishment; calendar section with events and deadlines; syndicated column on Washington DC news and foreign policy; comics; sports editorial on professional sports events admission prices; the women's slow pitch team; the golf team winning the NWCC Puget Sound region to qualify for the state championships; ads and classified ads. A special supplemental section for the Tenth Anniversary Spring Jubilee includes a detailed schedule, photos, narrative description of events and activities, an overview of the first ten years of the college.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 9, 1975Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 10, number 21 (actually number 20) and is four pages. This issue contains stories on English instructor Frank Garratt; the results of the clothing and toy drive for Rainier School; a Multiple Sclerosis Bike-a-thon; Forensics team performance at the State Junior College Tournament, including Dan Firth winning first in Oratory; the Sports Car Club and their autocross events; the track team performance at the Everett Invitational; tennis team news, including rain delays. Also includes editorial on Washington education and protesting school teachers; a letters to the editor responding to a previous letter on capital punishment, asking for penpals; syndicated column on Cambodian and Vietnamese leaders leaving their countries; comics; calendar section with events and deadlines; syndicated article from Earth News on student demonstrations at US colleges; ads and classified ads. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Skip Jones; campus editor Howard Schmidt; associate editor/business manager Ted Irwin; news editor Laurie Bornstein; arts editor W. A. Cullen; chief photographer Bob Olsen; secretary Sandi Garner; sports editor Steve Kruse; reporters Bob Brady, Peter Brandt, Opal Brown, James Conant, E. C. Fitzgerald, Russell Ginter, Allen Hildreth, Dolores S. Hill, Terry Kanzler, Kurt Kentfield, Kari Kirchhoff, Ute Lydia Painter, Louis Potts, Pamalarose Pacinda, Les Christopher; photographers Bob Olsen, Mike Miller; advertising Ted Irwin, Marc DeLaunay, Edward Shambourger; adviser Rachel Bard.