Tacoma Community College Archives Special Collections Library
- Title
- Tacoma Community College Archives Special Collections Library
- Description
- This special collection brings together the various published material in the Tacoma Community College Archives. Most but not all of these books and periodicals are also cataloged in the TCC Library Catalog. The majority of these publications are published by TCC departments and/or student organizations. Several are external publications that contain works by TCC employees and/or students, and a few others are historic publications on the Tacoma region.
- Creator
- Tacoma Community College Archives
- Publisher
- Tacoma Community College Archives
- Rights
- Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
- Date
- 1965-1982
- Format
- Identifier
The Collegiate Challenge - May 23, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 22 and is eight pages. Content notice: This issue contains use of outdated language for disability on page 7. This issue contains stories on the Governor's Writers' Day at Olympia where instructor, author, and historian Murray Morgan received an award; the Friends of the TCC Library annual meeting and guest speaker naturalist Ruth Kirk discussing the Ozette archaeological dig; geology instructor Dr. Jack Hyde and the Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption; a federal hiring freeze affecting certain positions on campus; the "Adults and Their Aging Parents" workshop; a non-traditional job workshop and panel; women's tennis team successes at the state tournament; services for disabled students; a gym open house including contests; Day Care Center Director Patricia Heidlebaugh. Also includes "Let's Titan Up" column on the student government budget; letters to the editor announcing the Job Location and Development Program, responding to the article on the Human Service Worker Program; photos from Yakima after the eruption of Mount St Helens; an athletics photo collage. Announcements include available scholarships; fall registration appointments; open Challenge staff positions; a Child Care Center open house; a Student Programs sponsored river rafting trip; call for items for a Black Student Union rummage sale; a visit by an Alaska Pacific University representative. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor J.M. Johnson; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business Danny Johnson; columnist George Freeman III; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; photo editor Tom Ogden; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Debby Heil, Laura Reed; reporters Marvin Jenkins, Elaine Elmantra Smith, Laura Reed, Joe Moore, Ruby Lowe, Marcy McPherson, Mara Morgen, Tony Hampton; artist Marcy McPherson.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 16, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 20 (actually number 21) and is eight pages. Content notice: This issue contains discussion of suicide on page 6. This issue contains stories on a truck crashing into a campus bridge; a major state budget cut to the community colleges; the Human Services Program and need for more staffing; formation of new comedy student club "A Variety a Comedy Shoppe"; documentary film Front Line on Australian cameraman and correspondent Neil Davis's experience covering war in Indochina; student Diane Rose Lintz; student Chinh Davone Many; instructor Ron Magden; a "Salmon Seminar" for fishers; the upcoming annual spring festival; production of instructor Chuck Cline's film on teenage suicide; political science instructor Don Moseid and a Tacoma City Council internship program; all members of the women's varsity tennis team qualifying for the state tournament; the Army Reserve; potential cuts to the Athletics program; the All Northwest Swing Jazz Festival. Also includes letter to the editor regarding a previous issue's review of the film Foxes and discussion of virginity; a guest editorial from Senator R. Lorraine Wojahn on a new tax cut for senior citizens; ads and classified ads; a photo of a new Tacoma Transit System bus; a Spring Festival schedule. Announcements include retirement congratulations to custodian Jim Warren; a seminar on forming neighborhood associations; open auditions for The Clef Dwellers choir and The Jazz Ensemble band; a lecture on Mount St Helens by geologists Dr. Jack Hyde (TCC) and Al Eggers (University of Puget Sound); the third annual Lakewood-Tacoma Super-Summer Halfathon race; a seminar for adults caring for senior family members; upcoming concerts from Evergreen State College music groups; an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) benefit and international potluck by the National Organization for Women Tacoma chapter; available part-time jobs; spring commencement and graduation information. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor J.M. Johnson; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business Danny Johnson; sports Mary Jane Ladenburg; columnist George Freeman III; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; photo editor Tom Ogden; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Debby Heil, Laura Reed; reporters Marvin Jenkins, Elaine Elmantra Smith, Laura Reed, Joe Moore, Ruby Lowe, Marcy McPherson, Mara Morgen, Tony Hampton; artist Marcy McPherson.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 9, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 20 (actually number 21) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on geology instructor Dr. Jack Hyde serving as chair of the Tacoma Planning Commission and running for a vacant Tacoma City Council position; the resignation of instructor Jacob Parker to join the Washington State Board of Prison Terms and Paroles; student Yasuko Sato; new Student Programs Assistant Eddie Richards; student Jim Leonard; courses for senior citizens; an upcoming "Energy and You" seminar. Also includes photo of a sailboat on Puget Sound; editorials on horses as a form of transportation, hindsight; letters to the editor praising the Narrows Bridge Run, responding to a previous issue's editorial on the cancelled charette; illustrations, expressing frustrations with children brought to class by parent students; ads and classified ads; a syndicated story on tanning; a list of winter quarter graduates and Associate Degree recipients; spring quarter final examination schedule. Announcements include call for volunteers to train as English as a Second Language (ESL) tutors for Indochinese refugees with the Asian American Alliance; available scholarships; open auditions for The Clef Dwellers choir and The Jazz Ensemble band; various events of the week; an Evergreen State College Information Fair at TCC; visits by Washington State University and Naval Air Reserve representatives; a "Starting a Family Owned Business" seminar; a Yakima Community College choir concert; available part-time jobs; a Chess and Backgammon Society backgammon competition. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor J.M. Johnson; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business Danny Johnson; sports Mary Jane Ladenburg; columnist George Freeman III; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; photo editor Tom Ogden; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Debby Heil, Laura Reed; reporters Marvin Jenkins, Elaine Elmantra Smith, Laura Reed, Joe Moore, Ruby Lowe, Marcy McPherson, Mara Morgen, Tony Hampton; artist Marcy McPherson.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 2, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 19 (actually number 20) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the last graduation ceremony at McNeil Island Federation Penitentiary (republished from McNeil newspaper Newsbuoy); the "Symposium on the Professional Woman of the 80s"; the TCC student government; veterans educational benefits; the Child Care Center; a summer field trip course to the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico; model agency co-president Eileen Ford and her recent search in Seattle; spokesman and president pro tem of Puget Sun Tom Heidelbaugh speaking on solar energy; conversational language courses at TCC; the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Run; the Respiratory Therapy Technician program and open applications; recent golf team performance. Also includes table of contents; ads and classified ads; "Let's Titan Up" column the cancellation of the all-campus charette. Announcements include a Student Programs sponsored river rafting trip; the annual spring festival; area high school musicians rehearsing with Doc Edson and Gary Hobbs for the All-Northwest Swing Choir and Stage Band Festival; high school student musicians from the Pacific Northwest competing in the All-Northwest Swing Choir and Stage Band Festival. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor J.M. Johnson; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business Danny Johnson; sports Mary Jane Ladenburg; columnist George Freeman III; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; photo editor Tom Ogden; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Debby Heil, Laura Reed; reporters Marvin Jenkins, Elaine Elmantra Smith, Laura Reed, Joe Moore, Ruby Lowe, Marcy McPherson, Mara Morgen, Tony Hampton; artist Marcy McPherson.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 25, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 18 (actually number 19) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on an all-day charette discussion of campus issues; the upcoming symposium on working women in the 1980s; Seattle Post-Intelligencer political writer Bill Prochnau speaking on the 1980 election; TCC student Candy Norberg winning the 1980-81 Miss Pierce County Scholarship Pageant; volcanic activity at Mt. St. Helens; Director of Mail Services Chuck Knauf and his trivia knowledge; staff reflections on the TCC program at McNeil Island; petty theft on campus; approval and plans for the Tacoma Minidome; the golf team and their series of recent wins; the men's baseball team wins against Shoreline and Green River; the upcoming Tacoma Narrows Bridge Run; a Continuing Education and Community Services "Holland and England Excursion by Bicycle" study abroad tour; an upcoming special athletics committee meeting regarding budget cuts; the Geology Field Excursion summer course. Also includes table of contents; "Let's Titan Up" column on budget cuts; letter to the editor responding to a previous issue's editorial on police harassment of rock concert attendees; ads, including ad for the TCC 1980 All Northwest Swing Jazz Festival Finals Concert; an interview with jazz drummer Buddy Rich; men's baseball schedule. Announcements include postponement of the campus charette; a student government sponsored forum on campus issues; open student government positions; available tickets for the production of a Stephen Sondheim musical series at the University of Puget Sound Inside Theatre; available scholarships; the Scandinavian Seminar study abroad program in Denmark; summer registration; call for a Challenge staff secretary; results of the Bowl-a-Thon fundraiser; the Point Defiance Spring Fever 10 km Run; an "Energy and the Way We Live" forum; the 10th annual McChord Open House and Mount Rainier Council Scout-o-Rama event. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor J.M. Johnson; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business Danny Johnson; sports Mary Jane Ladenburg; columnist George Freeman III; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; photo editor Tom Ogden; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Debby Heil, Laura Reed; reporters Marvin Jenkins, Elaine Elmantra Smith, Laura Reed, Joe Moore, Ruby Lowe, Marcy McPherson,Mara Morgen, Tony Hampton; artist Marcy McPherson.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 18, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 17 (actually number 18) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the death of of a student while jogging; a proposed state budget cut during growing community college demand; retired University of Washington professor Giovanni Costigan speaking on anti-Semitism and the Holocaust; the Honors Program guest lecture series on the Holocaust; TCC student Cynthia (Cyn) Anne Brown Doran; variety, talk, and news shows on television; upcoming "Symposium on the Professional Woman of the 80s"; the beginning of men's baseball season; the beginning of women's softball season with practice games; the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Run fundraiser; an upcoming performance by Mica Mime Troupe; the Tacoma/Pierce County Displaced Homemaker Consortium and job orientation classes. Also includes guest editorial / letter from Congress Norm Dicks regarding the Northwest Regional Power Bill; table of contents; comics and illustrations; a survey of responses to the 1980 census; review of the film The Black Stallion; ads; review of "The Shakespeare Plays" TV series' Henry V. Announcements include drop-in support groups at the YWCA Women's Support Shelter and call for volunteers; a "Current Issues in America" speaker series. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor J.M. Johnson; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business Danny Johnson; sports Marty Gordon; columnist George Freeman III; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; photo editor Tom Ogden; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Debby Heil; reporters Joe Moore, Ruby Lowe, Marvin Jenkins, Elaine Elmantra Smith, John Scholer, Mary Jane Ladenburg, Eldridge E. Howell, Mara Morgen; reporters and photographers Laura Reed, Cathy Smith; reporter and artist Marcy McPherson.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 11, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 16 (actually number 17) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on an upcoming concert by the Buddy Rich Band at the Tacoma Pavilion; the upcoming final graduation exercises for McNeil Island; a University of Washington Association of Black Business Students (ABBS) orientation event; new Student Programs Assistant Myra Clark; a new proposed grading system and accompanying poll; a John Franklin Koenig painting exhibition at the Tacoma Art Museum; holistic health care, including a further reading list; Tacoma co-op grocery the Food Bag Cooperative; men's tennis coach Harland Malyon; reduced engineering admissions at Washington State University. Also includes table of contents; "Let's Titan Up" column on the student reserve fund, drawing on furniture; letter to editor thanking the outgoing Challenge editor; review of the film Serial; ads and classified ads; Academy awards predictions; basketball final standings and AAC leading scorers; calendar section. Announcements include graduation deadlines; call for submissions to literary magazine Trillium; an American Diabetes Association Bike-a-Thon; a visit by the Pacific Lutheran University Transfer Coordinator. Staff credits: editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor J.M. Johnson; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business Danny Johnson; sports Marty Gordon; columnist George Freeman III; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; photo editor Tom Ogden; photographers Paul Petrinovich; reporters Joe Moore, Tony Hampton, Ruby Lowe, Marvin Jenkins, Elaine Elemantra Smith, John Scholer, Mary Jane Ladenburg, Eldridge E. Howell, Mara Morgen; reporters and photographers Laura Reed, Cathy Smith, Roger Stevens; reporter and artist Marcy McPherson.
The Collegiate Challenge - March 7, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 15 (actually number 16) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the lecture by author Ruth Beebe Hill and protests by the Student Koalition of Indian Natives (SKIN) members of her appearance and book; NAACP National Director of Religious Affairs Rev. Julius Hope speaking as part of Black History Week; an upcoming wine and cheese party and dance; comedy on TV; the Clef Dwellers swing choir; a plan to request increased state funding for the community colleges; legislation regarding student activities fees; the Career Information Center; the TCC Choir; the upcoming University of Washington drama production of "Gold Fever" at TCC; publicity professionals seminar "C is for Communication." Also includes a challenge from student government to faculty for a fundraiser basketball game; table of contents; editorial thanking the Challenge staff and advisor; "Let's Titan Up" column on the presentation by Gov. Dixy Lee Ray; ads and classified ads; letters to the editor regarding the student protest of Ruth Beebe Hill, voting; a book review of Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television by Jerry Mander; exam schedule; information and conference program for "Japanese America: Contemporary Perspectives on the Internment" conference at TCC; humor column "Professor's Update"; crossword puzzle. Announcements include a special Friends of the TCC Library meeting to honor John H. Binns; a student art exhibit in the library; call for submissions to literary magazine Trillium; TCC Jazz Band and Concert Choir performances; available scholarships; the Pierce County March of Dimes Walk-a-Thon. Staff credits: editor John Scholer; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; co-editor Ron Wilson; copy editor Vivian Harris; assistant editor Danny Johnson; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business and artist Scott Peterson; columnist Pati Wilson and George Freeman; reporters Marty Gordon, Marvin Jenkins, Elaine Elemant Smith, H.M. Johnson; photo director Tom Ogden; photographs Paul Petrinovich and Laura Reed; published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 29, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 14 (actually number 15) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the death of former trustee and Friend of the TCC Library John H. Binns; Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP) members planning a campaign for increased funding; a Board of Trustees meeting with employees and students regarding college issues; a presentation by first Obi Society / Black Students Union president and Assistant City Manager Jim Walton; upcoming presentations by University of Puget Sound literature professor Dr. Frank Cousens and University of Washington Department of Russian and East European Studies professor Dr. James West; the Student Koalition of Indian Natives (SKIN) opposition to upcoming speaker Ruth Beebe Hill; "Suggestopedia," a teaching method used by philosophy instructor DeVon Edrington; summer trips by Expedition Research Inc.; "Discovery Days" new student orientation; men's basketball team wins against Skagit Valley, Shoreline, loss to Everett. Also includes editorial on police harassment at rock concerts; photos promoting an upcoming performance by Ballet Tacoma; letter to the editor regarding a stolen guitar; ads and classified ads; concerts calendar; bowling standings. Announcements include the Challenge seeking a new editor; a performance by soprano Cynthia Clairey; a special meeting for Saudi Arabian students by the Saudi Arabian Educational Mission in Texas; a brown bag lunch with faculty Trish Sanford speaking on assertiveness training; a hair cutting and styling demonstration by salon Bogarts; a SKIN sponsored lecture by indigenous activist Janet McCloud on "Role of Native Women." Staff credits: editor John Scholer; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; sports Mary Jane Ladenburg; co-editor Ron Wilson; copy editor Vivian Harris; assistant editor Danny Johnson; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business and artist Scott Peterson; columnist Pati Wilson and George Freeman; reporters Marty Gordon, Marvin Jenkins, Elaine Elemanta Smith, J.M. Johnson; photo director Tom Osden; photographs Paul Petrinovich and Laura Reed; published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 15, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 13 (actually number 14) and is sixteen pages. This issue contains stories on the various flu types active in the county; a "charette" planning workshop for the Instructional Council and College Council; the YMCA World Ambassadors Program; a survey of students regarding the ongoing hostage situation in Iran; Resource and Referral Center workshops; the "death" of TV; rehearsals of the drama production Harvey; the success of the McDonald's franchise; high fall enrollment; the potential postponement or relocation of the Summer Olympics; the limits of student assistance from the Tacoma Unemployment Center; the men's basketball team winning against Ft. Steilacoom; TV program Boston's Marathon Man on runner Bill Rodgers; the upcoming Bowl-A-Thon; the women's basketball team loss to Ft. Steilacoom; "junk mail" and "direct response advertising"; an upcoming Black Students Union sponsored lecture by NAACP National Director of Religious Affairs Reverend Julius Hope; a KTCS broadcast of Shakespeare play Twelfth Night; proposed legislation for growth funding, tuition and fee waivers, and other community college issues; changes to the Veterans Administration deadline for discharge reviews; literary magazine Trillium. Also includes table of contents; editorial on a publishing break for the Challenge; letters to the editor on behalf of the Student Koalition of Indian Natives (SKIN) expressing concern over the upcoming Ruth Beebe Hill lecture, responding to a previous issue's article on cannabis; "Let's Titan Up" column on supporting the basketball team, the Governor Dixy Lee Ray presentation, and a Styx concert; comics and illustrations; crossword puzzle; new humor column "Professor's Update"; review of the film American Gigolo; poetry; ads and classified ads; overview of campus services and accompanying campus map and Tacoma map of extension locations; bowling standings; photo promoting the upcoming presentation by author Ruth Beebe Hill; photo of Food Service Manager Jesus Villahermosa ("Vee") with the news of his election as Sociedad Latina president; calendar section with concerts and campus events; a "Pin the Blame" dartboard back page. Announcements include Governor Dixy Lee Ray speaking at the Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP) meeting; available scholarships; lost and found; an Office of Student Activities sponsored cross country ski trip; a Board of Trustees "Board Day on Campus; available part time jobs; a student government forum; a union course by the Pierce County Central Labor Council and the United Way; early morning business classes; the Black Students Union sponsored lecture by Rev. Julius Hope. Staff credits: editor John Scholer; sports Mary Jane Ladenburg; entertainment Greg Nordlund; co-editor Ron Wilson; business and artist Scott Peterson; copy editor Vivian Harris; columnist George Freeman; columnist Pati Wilson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Marty Gordon, Marvin Jenkins, Elaine Elmanta Smith, J.M. Johnson.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 8, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 12 (actually number 13) and is twelve pages. This issue contains stories on the Pierce County flu epidemic; State Board for Community College Education Executive Director Dr. John N. Terrey responding to legislator concerns over spending; the success of Methodone substance abuse programs; medical records technology program students' performance in national testing; new computer network Target linking Veterans Administration offices; insurance industry course; cafeteria issues; the history of Valentine's Day; the Child Care Center and associated "Home and Family Life" course; presentation by author Frank Herbert on energy, government, science fiction; law students organizing an industry research and advocacy group Students for the Examination of Contraceptive Effectiveness (SEXCE); the Financial Aid Office's "Job Location and Development Program"; the second annual Bowl-A-Thon; the men's basketball team loss to Bellevue. Also includes photo promoting the upcoming lecture by author Ruth Beebe Hill; table of contents; auto insurance policies; review of Star Trek: The Motion Picture; comics and illustrations; Valentine's messages; opinion piece on the "death" of TV; "Veteran's Corner" column on course drops and attendance card deadlines; bowling stats; women's basketball standings; ads and classified ads; calendar with concerts, campus events. Announcements include a "Chinese Cooking with a Wok" course; fall quarter radiology technology students all passing the national certification exam; information on parking citations; pianist Scott Cossu performing at the Coffeehouse; the cast and crew of the drama production Harvey; financial aid deadlines; available scholarships; a Mt. Baker ski trip; evening cashier services moving to the bookstore; a Black Students Union sponsored voter registration day; a Chess and Backgammon Society meeting. Staff credits: editor John Scholer; sports Mary Jane Ladenburg; entertainment Greg Nordlund; co-editor Ron Wilson; business and artist Scott Peterson; copy editor Vivian Harris; columnist George Freeman; columnist Pati Wilson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Marvin Jenkins, Marty Gordon, Julie Shearer, Elaine Elmanta Smith, Karie Kneedler, Ed Peterson, J.M. Johnson.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 1, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 11 (actually number 12) and is twelve pages. This issue contains stories on YWCA and community college consortium receiving a grant for a displaced homemakers program; the resignation of Director of Veteran's Office Steve Howard; the State Board for Community College Education requesting funds for over-enrollment; an upcoming International Studies Community Forum, including discussion of trade with China by US State Department specialist David Reuther; a scientific theory about our galaxy being pulled through space by the gravity of a cluster of galaxies; Board of Trustees meeting news, including approval of an extension of the agreement with the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE); an upcoming lecture by author Frank Herbert; Milt Boyd returning to direct the drama production of Harvey; men's and women's basketball teams losses to Skagit Valley, Green River, wins against Everett; the tennis team; the 1980 Summer Employment Directory of the United States and summer jobs. Also includes table of contents; "Let's Titan Up" column on student government retreat workshops; photos of the Board; full page ad for Challenge staff positions; a syndicated series of articles on renting and tenants issues, including information on the Uniform Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (ULTRA); comics; men's basketball standings; factoids; ads; men's tennis schedule; list of associate degree recipients for Fall 1979; photo of Governor Dixy Lee Ray promoting her upcoming presentation at the Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP) meeting; ads and classified ads; calendar of concerts, campus events. Announcements include a legislative vote on increasing VA benefits; call for families to take in international students; a new recycling program; an "Adults in Transition" workshop; visits by Washington college representatives; available tickets for a trip to the Supersonics / Lakers game at the Kingdome; golf team tryouts; call for Valentine messages in the Challenge. Staff credits: editor John Scholer; sports Mary Jane Ladenburg; entertainment Greg Nordlund; co-editor Ron Wilson; business and artist Scott Peterson; copy editor Vivian Harris; columnist George Freeman; columnist Pati Wilson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Marvin Jenkins, Marty Gordon, Julie Shearer, Elaine Elmanta Smith, Karie Kneedler, Ed Peterson, J.M. Johnson.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 25, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 10 (actually number 11) and is eight pages. Content note: This issue contains mention of teen suicide on page 1. This issue contains stories on the appointment of Robert E. Hunt to the TCC Board of Trustees; a TV program on teen suicide by drama instructor Chuck Cline; public forums for the "Energy and the Way We Live" program led by TCC; McChord Education Center course "Paradox of Power: US Foreign Policy" (Political Science 204); appointment of TCC Veterans' Advisor Steven J. Howard as the West Point Military Academy representative to area high schools; New York Zoological Society researcher Dr. Roger Payne speaking on whale song research; veterans advisor Steven J. Howard; women's basketball win against Shoreline; the men's basketball team losing to Shoreline. Also includes a photo of the state flag marking the upcoming President's Day holiday; table of contents; letter to the editor seeking friendship; reprint of a letter from the Office of Veterans' Affairs regarding an amendment to the GI Bill; ads, including a large ad for one credit workshops in the Writing Lab; comics and illustrations; list of recent travel books; photo of author Ruth Beebe Hill promoting her upcoming presentation; review of the Bill Moeller performance as Mark Twain; women's basketball photos; intramural athletics schedule; bowling standings; classified ads; calendar with concerts, campus and off-campus events. Announcements include a recruitment visit by a Tacoma Police officer; open call for letters to the editor; available tickets for Frank Herbert presentation "The Poverty of Affluence"; call for bowling team members; call for Valentine messages to be printed in the Challenge. Staff credits: editor in chief John Scholer; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business and artist Scott Peterson; copy editor Vivian Harris; columnist George Freeman; columnist Pati Wilson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; Michele Gianelli, Marty Gordon, Marvin Jenkins, Julie Shearer, Dane Williamson, Ron Wilson, Ed Peterson, Karie Kneedler, Elaine Elmantra Smith.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 18, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 10 and is twelve pages. This issue contains stories on TCC's section of the newspaper course "Death and Dying" having the highest enrollment of all colleges offering it nationwide; confirmation of TCC's reaccreditation with the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges; a Ralph Nader sponsored survey claiming the Educational Testing Service's standardized tests are a "consumer fraud"; women's and men's basketball teams winning against Seattle Central; new TCC and Tacoma News Tribune newspaper course "Energy and the Way We Live"; television, newspaper, telephone and audio tape courses through TCC; companies that sell term papers; Alcohol Awareness Month and associated events; growing popularity of lifelong learning / adult education programs; men's basketball team news, including win against Fort Steilacoom; the women's basketball team loss to Fort Steilacoom; the Los Angeles Rams advancing to the Super Bowl in professional football. Also includes table of contents; announcement of graduation deadlines; editorial on the possibility of war; factoids; comics; a reprinted response to a TCC professor's letter of concern to Senator Henry M. Jackson regarding the freezing of Iranian assets affecting students in the US; letter to the editor regarding the previous issue's article on the SQ3R study method; guest editorial on frustration with the ongoing hostage crisis at the US Embassy in Iran; "Let's Titan Up" column on student involvement; ads, including a full page ad calling for more Challenge staff; puzzles; a "10 Best" movies of the year list; photos of snow on campus; photos of men's basketball and current standings; men's and women's basketball schedules; classified ads; calendar of concerts and campus events; photo promoting the upcoming concert of country-bluegrass duo Steve and Maureen. Staff credits: editor in chief John Scholer; photography Al Meerscheidt; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business Scott Peterson; copy editor Vivian Harris; columnist Tami Knickerbock; secretary Karie Kneedler; columnist George Freeman; artists Leslie Rule, Scott Peterson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Wendy Foster, Marty Gordon, Marvin Jenkins, Pati Wilson, Peggy Punchak, Julie Shearer.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 7, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 9 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on Board of Trustees candidate Eugene Pearson turning down the appointment due to public disclosure requirements; TCC President Dr. Larry Stevens being elected Northwest Association of Community and Junior Colleges president; the Financial Aid Office launching a "Job Location and Development Program" with state funding; judo classes; the SQ3R (survey, question, read, recite, and review) study method; the library's audiovisual department; the Cooperative Education program; the golf team; results of the Jog-A-Thon. Also includes photo promoting the student government course Political Science 299; table of contents; comics; guest editorials on community college transfer issues to Washington State University (WSU), effects of robots and technology on US jobs; review of the drama and music production of opera Amahl and the Night Visitors; photo of Mark Twain impersonator Bill Moeller promoting his upcoming performance; poetry; quotations by anonymous authors; a campus map and guide; ads and classified ads; detailed calendar section with concerts, notices, campus events, and a "for you" section with all of the above; "Veterans' Corner" section on Cooperative Education program eligibility. Announcements include graduation application deadlines; bookstore hours; open call for letters to the editor; open auditions for the drama production of Harvey. Staff credits: editor in chief John Scholer; photography Al Meerscheidt; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business Scott Peterson; copy editor Vivian Harris; columnist Tami Knickerbock; secretary Karie Kneedler; columnist George Freeman; artists Leslie Rule, Scott Peterson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Wendy Foster, Marty Gordon, Marvin Jenkins, Pati Wilson, Peggy Punchak, Julie Shearer.
The Collegiate Challenge (Special Edition) - December 7, 1979Special edition of the student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is unnumbered and is four pages. Content note: This issue contains a violent illustration on the back page (page 4) of editor Ron Wilson. This issue contains stories on TCC and McChord students traveling to the University of British Columbia International House; the Friends World College study abroad programs; TCC leading statewide training for energy audits; the Summer Employment Directory of the United States. Also includes table of contents; editorial apologizing for a sexist article in the previous issue; letters to the editor responding to the sexist article in the previous issue, correcting an article on the Labor Studies Program in the previous issue, suggesting cultural exchange programs, discussing issues with financial aid; recent men's basketball stats: final examination schedule; a full page illustration of Challenge editor Ron Wilson in tattered clothes and numerous injuries, with a dart board target overlaid, in response to readers' anger about the previous issue's sexist article. Announcements include open applications for scholarships; free services at the Women's Medical Center; gym hours during finals week; orientation, registration dates and times; the TCC Annual Snowflake Festival, dinner, and dance. Staff credits: editor in chief Ron Wilson; photography director Al Meerscheidt; campus editor Debbie Payne; sports editor Marty Gordon; copy editors Marie Rice, Wendy Foster, Vivian Harris, Greg Nordlund; entertainment editor Vivian Lang; staff artist Leslie Rule, Scott Peterson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Reggie Carpenter, Wendy Foster, Marvin Jenkins, Kathy Olson, Pati Wilson, Peggy Punchak, Micki Nadeau, Keith Richardson; photographers Mike Hazelmyer, Nancee Dunbar, Leslie Rule, Julie Shearer; circulation manager Wendy Foster; advertising manager Janene Nadeau; feature writer Marie Rice; VA column John Scholer; student columns Anastasia Armourer, George Freeman; secretary to the editor Karie Kneedler.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 30, 1979Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 8 and is eight pages. Content note: This issue contains discussion of suicide on page 1, and a sexist and fatphobic article on page 8. This issue contains stories on the mythology of Titans; a new teleplay production by drama instructor Chuck Cline, "Hesitation Marks," on teen suicide; Miller Brewing Company Senior Vice President and Treasurer Thomas B. Shropshire speaking on the future of the business world at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Business Lecture; a poll of TCC students on who they would vote for US president; philanthropist Wayman Presley and his ideas for election controls and grassroots lobbying; inflation effects on TCC; Director of Labor Studies Bob Markholt and the labor studies program under the history department; the upcoming production of opera Amahl and the Night Visitors; a student protest regarding the occupation of the American Embassy in Iran and holding of hostages; the men's basketball team; a Jog-a-Thon fundraiser; a Sports Bulletin magazine poll of college students. Also includes comics and illustrations; table of contents; editorial on leaving the editorship; letters to the editor supporting a previous issue's article on the Child Care Center, responding to the slogan "America: Love It or Leave It," describing being misidentified as Iranian and told to "go home", expressing interest in creating a Foreign Student Volunteer Committee, expressing interest in learning from foreign student exchange; ads and classified ads; final examination schedule; factoids; music review of the Fleetwood Mac album "Tusk"; "Tell it to the Duchess" column on the Human Service Worker program; a sexist and fatphobia article on "food addiction." Announcements include cancellation of the lecture by ABC Science Editor Jules Bergman; editor's notice of some content omissions in the issue; thanks to people who assisted with the faculty art exhibit; winter quarter schedules in TCC offices; winter quarter book availability in the book store; availability of Cooperative Education credit to veterans; TCC Annual Snowflake Festival, dinner, and dance; a faculty and staff brown bag; Diane Lavore (Kawennakaas) speaking on "The Oppression of Native People"; comedian Bill Alexander performing "Is There Life After College?" at the University of Puget Sound; Mel Washington and his jazz trio performing at the Coffeehouse; a performance of "The Brownsville Raid" by Charles Fuller; a library Christmas trivia contest; Intercontinental Press Inprecor editorial staff member Gerry Foley speaking on Iran; the men's basketball team winning against Olympic; varsity tennis information. Staff credits: editor in chief Ron Wilson; photography director Al Meerscheidt; campus editor Debbie Payne; sports editor Marty Gordon; copy editors Marie Rice, Wendy Foster, Vivian Harris, Greg Nordlund; entertainment editor Vivian Lang; staff artist Leslie Rule, Scott Peterson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Reggie Carpenter, Wendy Foster, Marvin Jenkins, Kathy Olson, Pati Wilson, Peggy Punchak, Micki Nadeau, Keith Richardson; photographers Mike Hazelmyer, Nancee Dunbar, Leslie Rule, Julie Shearer; circulation manager Wendy Foster; advertising manager Janene Nadeau; feature writer Marie Rice; VA column John Scholer; student columns Anastasia Armourer, George Freeman; secretary to the editor Karie Kneedler.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 16, 1979Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 7 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on a phone call to Tacoma Police regarding a plan to kidnap TCC President Larry Stevens; resignation of Pan-African Student Association of Washington State (PASAWS) President Ronald Wilson; the peer counseling program; new biology classes "The Biology of Aging" and "Elementary Botany"; new Murray Morgan book Puget's Sound on early Tacoma and the south sound; new McChord Air Force Base commanding officer Col. Donald C. Smith; Thanksgiving (with recipes); the TCC Coffeehouse performance by guitarist Paul Chasman; men's basketball team training; an exhibit in the library by art faculty. Also includes table of contents; comics and illustrations; editorial on freedom of the press; "Tell it to the Duchess" column on the cafeteria; "Let's Titan Up" column on perspective gained from reading 1969 Challenge issues; factoids; "Veterans Corner" column on reasons for delayed or terminated Veterans Association (VA) educational funds; ads; men's basketball team roster and schedule; bowling league recap. Announcements include open applications for the Challenge editorship; a correction regarding the previous issue's article on a student coming to the library after a fight; notice of no Challenge issue the following week; formation of a new program by the Pacific Peaks Girl Scout Council; an American Indian and Alaskan Native student meeting; the TCC Annual Snowflake Festival, dinner, and dance; presentation by ABC Science Editor Jules Bergman; intramural bowling tournament trophies ready for pickup. Staff credits: editor in chief Ron Wilson; photography director Al Meerscheidt; campus editor Debbie Payne; sports editor Marty Gordon; copy editors Marie Rice, Wendy Foster, Vivian Harris, Greg Nordlund; entertainment editor Vivian Lang; staff artist Leslie Rule, Scott Peterson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Reggie Carpenter, Wendy Foster, Marvin Jenkins, Kathy Olson, Pati Wilson, Peggy Punchak, Micki Nadeau, Keith Richardson; photographers Mike Hazelmyer, Nancee Dunbar, Leslie Rule, Julie Shearer; circulation manager Wendy Foster; advertising manager Janene Nadeau; feature writer Marie Rice; VA column John Scholer; student columns Anastasia Armourer, George Freeman; secretary to the editor Karie Kneedler.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 9, 1979Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 6 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on differing transfer policies for area universities; a student coming to the library for help after being beaten; J. Candiotti's "International Politics" course at McChord Air Force Base and associated international relations field trip to Canada; the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Youthgrants program; the TCC swing / show choir The Clef Dwellers; the production of opera Amahl and the Night Visitors; new baseball coach Norman Webstad; judo classes from the PE department; the women's volleyball team winning against Seattle Central; the men's soccer team winning against Edmonds. Also includes table of contents; comics and illustrations; editorial on sentencing disparity; letters to the editor responding to the previous issue's editorial on capital punishment, asking students to put their complaints through the appropriate channels; factoids, advising students against "violent demonstrations"; guest editorial on the US treating the former Iranian Shah for cancer; "Let's Titan Up" column on grading; review of the film Running; pop culture trivia quiz; ads and classified ads; "Tell it to the Duchess" column on the Child Care Center; an interview with Governor Dixy Lee Ray; announcements of an intramural badminton tournament and a pool tournament. Staff credits: editor in chief Ron Wilson; photography director Al Meerscheidt; campus editor Debbie Payne; sports editor Marty Gordon; copy editors Marie Rice, Wendy Foster, Vivian Harris, Greg Nordlund; entertainment editor Vivian Lang; staff artist Leslie Rule, Scott Peterson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Reggie Carpenter, Wendy Foster, Marvin Jenkins, Kathy Olson, Pati Wilson, Peggy Punchak, Micki Nadeau, Keith Richardson; photographers Mike Hazelmyer, Nancee Dunbar, Leslie Rule, Julie Shearer; circulation manager Wendy Foster; advertising manager Janene Nadeau; feature writer Marie Rice; VA column John Scholer; student columns Anastasia Armourer, George Freeman; secretary to the editor Karie Kneedler.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 2, 1979Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 5 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on a student government budget committee meeting to decide what to do with funds carried over from the previous year's budget; Dean of Students Dr. Richard Batdorf's thoughts on student engagement and retention; "The Open DOR" program (Drop-Out Retrievement) for high school drop-outs; increased enrollment at TCC; the Board of Trustees meeting, including approval of leasing a space in downtown Tacoma for the Educational Center; a performance by Rhinestone Rosie for a Life Long Learning Center Brown Bag Luncheon; the cross country team winning their first race in several years; the men's soccer team win against Everett; the golf team; a distance running program; Pierce County Sheriff candidate and acting sheriff Elwin Hart; Pierce County Sheriff candidate and retired Tacoma police chief Lyle Smith. Also includes table of contents; comics and illustrations; editorials on capital punishment, biased news coverage against Palestinians and a history of their displacement; letters to the editor on the previous issue's editorial on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), requesting correspondents; "Veterans Corner" column on a social event at Ft. Steilacoom, deadlines, tuition reductions, and an expense calendar; ads and classified ads; Representative Norman Dicks; pop culture trivia quiz; factoids; review of the film ...And Justice for All; a photo of the men's baseball team at practice. Announcements include sports officiating classes with TCC and the Western Washington Officials Association; the premiere of the TV production by drama instructor Chuck Cline "Too Proud to Live"; the Career Computer at the Career Information Center; club formation information and active groups; a Black Students Union lunch hour disco; guitarist Paul Chasman performing at the TCC Coffeehouse; women's varsity basketball tryouts. Staff credits: editor in chief Ron Wilson; associate editor Candy Reece; photography director Al Meerscheidt; campus editor Debbie Payne; sports editor Marty Gordon; copy editors Marie Rice, Wendy Foster, Vivian Harris, Greg Nordlund; entertainment editor Vivian Lang; staff artist Leslie Rule; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Reggie Carpenter, Wendy Foster, Marvin Jenkins, Kathy Olson, Pati Wilson, Peggy Punchak, Micki Nadeau, Keith Richardson; photographers Mike Hazelmyer, Nancee Dunbar, Leslie Rule, Julie Shearer; circulation manager Wendy Foster; advertising manager Janene Nadeau; feature writer Marie Rice; VA column John Scholer; student columns Anastasia Armourer, George Freeman; secretary to the editor Karie Kneedler.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 26, 1979Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 4 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on prices in the cafeteria; John MacGilvary and his roller skates; a Freon pipe rupturing in the cafeteria; Halloween; Sasquatch; hedonism; the men's basketball team; the men's soccer team win against South Seattle, loss to Skagit Valley; the women's basketball team. Also includes table of contents; comics and illustrations; editorials on a book about Lee Harvey Oswald, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA); ads - including a full-page ad by Challenge staff with a reward for finding Bigfoot - and classified ads; letter from the editor apologizing for a mistake in the previous issue; Halloween trivia quiz; word search puzzle; factoids; "Let's Titan Up" and "Tell it to the Duchess" columns by student government officers on school spirit, empathy. Staff credits: editor in chief Ron Wilson; associate editor Candy Reece; photography director Mike Hazelmyer; sports editor Marty Gordon; copy editors Ron Wilson, Candy Reece; entertainment editor Vivian Lang; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Reggie Carpenter, Wendy Foster, Marvin Jenkins, Kathy Olson, Peggy Punchak, Patti Wilson, Micki Nadeau; photographers Nancee Dunbar; circulation manager Wendy Foster; advertising manager Janene Nadeau; feature writer Marie Rice; VA column John Scholer; student columns Anastasia Armourer, George Freeman; secretary to the editor Karie Kneedler.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 19, 1979Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 3 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the new student government officers; the work study program; casting for the TV production "Too Proud To Live" created by drama instructor Chuck Cline; legislation regarding community college tuition; grades; News Tribune publisher Elbert H. Baker II; a court case regarding mandatory student fees in New Jersey; the TEL-LAW tape recorded messages phone system for legal information; the Boden and Zanetto concert at the TCC Coffeehouse; an upcoming musical recital by Janet Hildebrand and Edwin Gnandt; men's cross country team news, including a win at the Western Washington University Invitational meet; Syracuse University football; the men's soccer team loss to Bellevue; inflation and book price increases. Also includes table of contents; editorial on the effects of TV; a letters to the editor exchange regarding an ad; a correction to the previous issue's photo essay by David Habura; "Tell it to the Duchess" column on issues with text books from the book store; factoids and quotations; review of the film Apocalypse Now; ads and classified ads; a photo promoting the musical stage show "Up With the People." Announcements include Veteran's Club meeting; the coed volleyball league; martial arts workouts; intramural basketball meetings; call for bowling league members; a city zoning seminar. Staff credits: editor in chief Ron Wilson; associate editor Candy Reece; photography director Mike Hazelmyer; sports editor Marty Gordon; copy editors Ron Wilson, Candy Reece; entertainment editor Vivian Lang; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Reggie Carpenter, Wendy Foster, Marvin Jenkins, Kathy Olson, Peggy Punchak, Patti Wilson, Micki Nadeau; photographers Nancee Dunbar; circulation manager Wendy Foster; advertising manager Janene Nadeau; feature writer Marie Rice; VA column John Scholer; student columns Anastasia Armourer, George Freeman; secretary to the editor Karie Kneedler.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 12, 1979Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 2 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the TCC Honors Program; a new collaborative theatrical TV program led by drama instructor Chuck Cline, "To Proud to Live," on senior citizen issues; an upcoming meeting "Energy and the Way We Live," organized by Regional Coordinator for National Issues Forum Ronald E. Magden; the new Tap-O-Matic System from Miller Brewing Company for tapping beer kegs; new Dean of Instruction David Habura; high school participants in the Summer Arts Workshop production of West Side Story receiving TCC scholarships; the women's volleyball team; men's soccer team loss to Ft. Steilacoom; the small business course taught by N. W. "Skip" Marshall; upcoming auditions for the upcoming music and drama production of opera Amahl and the Night Visitors; the Tutoring Lab. Also includes table of contents; editorials on nuclear power, legalization of cannabis; ads and classified ads; veteran's column on benefits, Veteran's Club events; photography by David Habura; Tacoma nightlife; communications calendar with area lectures, theater events, films, and concerts; women's volleyball schedule; a photo from men's baseball training; a large ad for one-credit workshops from the Writing Lab. Announcements include new financial aid legislation; a seminar on starting a business; the 28th annual BMI Awards to Student Composers competition; men's basketball team tryouts. Staff credits: editor in chief Ron Wilson; associate editor Candy Reece; photography director Mike Hazelmyer; sports editor Marty Gordon; copy editors Candy Reece, Ron Wilson; entertainment editor Vivian Lang; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Luciann Nadeau, Wendy Foster, Kathy Olson, Marvin Jenkins, Patty Wilson, Reggie Carpenter; ads manager Janene Nadeau; VA column John Scholer; feature writer Marie Rice.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 5, 1979Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 1 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the state legislature approval of TCC capital improvements funding; a Penthouse magazine article on the CIA infiltrating US universities; the student government and open positions; Ronald Wilson being chosen as the new Challenge editor; Tacoma Mayor Mike Parker; a free high school completion program at TCC; the need for students on various campus committees; the beginning of soccer season; a Penthouse magazine article on the worst football teams of the year; new women's athletics coach Chris Quinn; new TCC employees, including Dave Habura as the new Dean of Instruction. Also includes table of contents; graduation application deadlines; parking permit information; editorial on the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALT and SALT II) between the US and the USSR; letters to the editor from incarcerated men seeking letters; ads and classified ads; a reprint of a speech by Israeli Ambassador Yehuda Z. Blum to the UN Security Council regarding the Yom Kippur War; "Fun" section announcing TCC Coffeehouse concerts, radio broadcasts of the Chicago Symphony and San Francisco Opera, a Clark College Bluegrass Festival; crossword puzzle; men's varsity soccer schedule; a copy of the "Application for Student Government - Student Programs." Announcements include Columbus Day; auditions for show choir The Clef Dwellers; a welcome to new and returning students from the Challenge; a Fencing Club meeting; Black Students Union (BSU) meetings; the 24th Annual Western Washington Natural Food Convention and Exposition; a Black Arts West Unlimited presentation of Charles Fuller's "The Brownsville Raid"; a Dave Brubeck Quartet concert at the Seattle Opera House; a student and faculty bike trip to Point Defiance Park; a new course approval for veterans benefits; off-campus locations to get the Challenge; bowling league meetings; Challenge notice publication deadlines; foosball and pool tournaments. Staff credits: editor in chief Ron Wilson; associate editor Candy Reece; photography director Mike Hazelmyer; sports editor Marty Gordon; copy editors Janene Nadeau, Marie Rice; entertainment editor Vivian Lang; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Luciann Nadeau, Wendy Foster, Kathy Olson, Marvin Jenkins, Reggie Carpenter, Patty Wilson; VA column John Scholer; feature writer Marie Rice.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 19, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VII, number 22 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on a federal grant for planning a Registered Nurses course in the the Allied Health Service program; ACLU organizer Richard Hull speaking on campus and encouraging formation of a campus chapter; music instructor Robert Dezell; new officers and objectives for Los Unidos club; a new transfer policy change for Associate of Arts degreeholders; a Publications Board meeting; the Northwest Young Americans for Freedom supporting mining of the port of Haiphong in Vietnam; a scholarship from the Leif Erickson Memorial Committee; an older student being helped by a classmate after falling; review of the film The Summer of '42; music review of Jethro Tull album "Thick as a Brick"; the forensics team winning multiple trophies at a tournament; Congressman Floyd Hicks being chosen as the speaker for the Phi Theta Kappa spring initiation; golf team wins against Green River and Edmonds; limited funds and facilities preventing new athletics leagues at TCC; athletics achievements of the year; major league baseball trade rumors and Willie Mays; the TCC Sky Divers; creation of new assistant to the (student) president position; a student government sponsored Prisoner of War - Missing in Action booth. Also includes review of the drama production Under the Gaslight; letter to the editor asking for correspondents; a photo of the renamed Boucicault Theatre; student and faculty opinions on a recent action by President Nixon in the war in Vietnam; illustrations; ads; spring examination schedule. Announcements include a reminder of the end of Los Unidos Cultural Week and the Japanese American Citizen's Pride and Shame Week; tickets and information on the Miss Tacoma Pageant; summer registration deadlines; the successful federal grant for the nursing program; an organ recital by instructor George Scott; a choral concert by the Orpheus Club of Tacoma; Canned Heat and Taj Mahal concerts at the University of Puget Sound Fieldhouse and the Paramount Northwest; an exhibit of watercolors by Gustavo Alaniz in the library; the ongoing drama production of Under the Gaslight; a new Social Security benefit policy for students; the next Coffeehouse event; author William Hosokawa speaking as part of the Japanese American Pride and Shame Week; a Los Unidos sponsored concert by Los Cumbancheros as part of Cultural Week; a Washington Association of Community College Student Governments (WACCSG) spring conference; a presentation by Minister Louis Farrakhan at Garfield High School Auditorium; a graduation alumni dinner dance; the state tennis tournament. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor in chief Candice Hanes; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; business / ad manager Gene Achziger; chief photographer Bill Schrum; sports editor Dann Tillinghast; reporting Stephen Bowden, Anne Flannigan, Dolores Hill, LaMoyne Hreha, Jose Longoria, Duane McCormies, Joyce Rhodes, Tod Sharlow; photography Charles Kuhn, Shaune Liles, David Powers, Wayne Stewart; opinion Ken Elgin, Stephan Guthrie, Irene Jones, Rick May, Michael McLavy; sports Ross Whitfeldt, Mike Greenwood; makeup Phyllis Church; office secretary Joyce Basozki; advisor Dennis Hale.