Tacoma Community College Archives Special Collections Library
- Title
- Tacoma Community College Archives Special Collections Library
- Description
- This special collection brings together the various published material in the Tacoma Community College Archives. Most but not all of these books and periodicals are also cataloged in the TCC Library Catalog. The majority of these publications are published by TCC departments and/or student organizations. Several are external publications that contain works by TCC employees and/or students, and a few others are historic publications on the Tacoma region.
- Creator
- Tacoma Community College Archives
- Publisher
- Tacoma Community College Archives
- Rights
- Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
- Date
- 1965-1982
- Format
- Identifier
The Collegiate Challenge - June 5, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 17, number 24 (corrected by hand) and is sixteen pages. This issue contains stories on new TCC Trustee Larry Faulk; the upcoming commencement ceremony with address by Seattle University President Rev. Dr. William J. Sullivan; the administrative reorganization and how it affects students; Challenge staff perspectives on job openings; sociology and anthropology instructor Bob Adams and his work with beauty pageants; Miss Pierce County 1980 Kally Felknor; sub-atomic particles; the recycling business; a campus traffic accident involving Challenge members; the Women and Technology Symposium; the 1981-1982 Artist and Lecture Series; the Tacoma-Pierce County YWCA Displaced Homemaker Consortium and its programs; the students winning against the faculty and administration team in their softball game; the end of spring quarter sports with no state titles but several new records; Port Townsend; NASA astronaut candidate Bonnie Dunbar speaking at the Women and Technology Symposium. Also includes letters to the editor responding to the idea of a peacetime draft, praising recent articles; opinion pieces on serving your country, getting drafted vs enlisting; illustrations and comics; ads, classified ads, and jobs; list of student awards recipients and ceremony description; an interview with Tacoma punks; a photo collage of Challenge staff members; list of spring quarter graduates; film reviews of Outland, Top 10, and Caveman; review of the play The Owl and the Pussycat at the 565 Broadway; review of the 1981 issue of Trillium by the University of Puget Sound Public Relations Director; photography; final examination schedule; music department chair Dave Whisner teaching a new audio cassette piano lab course. Announcements include open Challenge positions; appointment of David Johnson as student president, with photo; the summer arts workshop production of Annie Get Your Gun and auditions; postponement of a writing lab due to space. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor Janice Atzen; copy editor Rita Fleischmann; editorial editor Loren L. Aikins; arts editor John Ellison; campus editor Julie Forrest; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Brian C. Barker, Brian D. Barker, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, George Freeman III, Deb Grey, Ceresse Jeanblanc, William Jordan, Bill Stephens, Sharon Turner, Scott Wagner, Willie Williams, Angeline Yarger; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Wayne Kooser.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 22, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 17, number 22 (actually number 23) and is eight pages. Content note: This issue contains description of racially motivated violence on page 2. This issue contains stories on a sign language course; the Friends of the Library annual dinner meeting, including officer elections and naturalist Dr. Victor B. Scheffer receiving the John Binns Distinguished Service Award; the Exchange Club of Tacoma and its community programs; the acquisition of an "aircraft prime-mover" for classroom examples of hydraulic components; an upcoming public forum regarding dumping in Commencement Bay; jazz instructor Jorgen Kruse, music instruction, and making it as a professional musician; the women's tennis team taking third in the state tournament; the track team's performance in the state meet; upcoming performances of one-act plays by the Olympic College drama department at TCC. Also includes editorial on racial violence and the KKK; letters to the editor sharing perspective on US education, frustration with late class cancellations and tuition raises, opinions on the draft; ads and classified ads; photo and description of a birthday surprise for Counseling Department chair Dick Patterson; TCC alum Carol Corpany reflecting on poverty in Calcutta; review of the Intiman Theatre Company production of Pygmalion; film review of Friday the 13th Part 2; weekly cultural calendar; syndicated comics. Announcements include an ongoing call for letters regarding a peace-time draft; available scholarships; a performance by Rhinestone Rosie; a student vs faculty and administration softball game. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor Janice Atzen; copy editor Rita Fleischmann; editorial editor Loren L. Aikins; arts editor John Ellison; campus editor Julie Forrest; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Brian C. Barker, Brian D. Barker, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, George Freeman III, Deb Grey, Ceresse Jeanblanc, William Jordan, Bill Stephens, Sharon Turner, Scott Wagner, Willie Williams, Angeline Yarger; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Wayne Kooser.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 15, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 17, number 22 and is eight pages. Content note: This issue contains a story on sexual abuse on page 4. This issue contains stories on a new administrative reorganization released by TCC President Dr. Larry Stevens, including an organizational chart; open student government positions and their roles; budget cuts resulting in the dismissal of Purdy Treatment Center drug counselor Jim Carey; Child Protective Services (CPS) of Tacoma and sexual abuse cases; the track team and the upcoming state meet; TCC hosting the women's state tennis tournament for the first time; women's basketball player Joanne Glenn receiving a Howard University scholarship; the women's tennis team and the upcoming state tournament; the women's softball team recent performance; the golf team and upcoming state tournament. Also includes application form for student government; opinion pieces on nursing homes, US "capitalistic imperialism" creating the issues in El Salvador and Nicaragua; creative narrative piece on alcoholism; call for letters to the editor responding specifically to a Tacoma News Tribune story reporting the "'quiet' reassembling" of the Selective Service; letter to the editor defending the continuing education program; ads, classified ads, and jobs; review of the University of Puget Sound production of Moliere play The Imaginary Invalid; creative writing; weekly cultural calendar; photos from the International Festival; list of health recommendations from Dr. Linus Pauling's December 1980 lecture. Announcements include TCC athletes competing in a number of upcoming state tournaments; the community college appropriation for the biennium; tuition raises due to the state budget; instructions for letters to the editor; the Poncho Theater production of The Miracle Worker; a job search workshop; the "Women and Technology: The Future is Now" seminar. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor Janice Atzen; copy editor Rita Fleischmann; editorial editor Loren L. Aikins; arts editor John Ellison; campus editor Julie Forrest; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Brian C. Barker, Brian D. Barker, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, George Freeman III, Deb Grey, Ceresse Jeanblanc, William Jordan, Bill Stephens, Sharon Turner, Scott Wagner, Willie Williams, Angeline Yarger; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Wayne Kooser.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 8, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 17, number 21 and is eight pages. Content note: This issue contains pieces on domestic violence and hate crimes on page 2. This issue contains stories on TCC Library Reference Specialist Lorraine Hildebrand and her recent receipt of the Washington State Historical Society's David Douglas Award; state budget cuts and planned reductions approved by the TCC Board, including massive cuts to physical education, summer programs, and other course reductions; the second annual TCC Professional Women's Symposium "Women and Technology: The Future Is Now," featuring NASA astronaut candidate Bonnie Dunbar; the "C is for Communication" seminar; the upcoming Asian-Pacific American Heritage Week at the Tacoma Mall; the continuing education program at Purdy Treatment Center (PTC) for Women and Challenge columnist Pati Wilson; the PTC winter quarter awards and degree ceremony; a TCC Education General Assembly on "Education's Role in the Correctional Process"; coach Ron Billings and his plan to rebuild the men's basketball program; the recent success of the men's baseball team; men's tennis team member Gerald Nelson; TCC literary and art magazine Trillium and budget threats to its continuation; local rock band Paris and their upcoming concert; the nutrition workshop by Pierce County Health Department nutritionist Gail Bryant. Also includes creative narrative opinion piece on domestic violence; letters to the editor regarding abortion; editorial on recent murders of Black youth in the Atlanta area; ads and classified ads; an interview with John Wong, the founder of Trillium magazine; the International Festival schedule. Announcements include available scholarships; the retirement of custodian Bob Crouse; the Trekkie Dinner and Dance; the concert choir being invited to a music festival at Central Washington University; auditions for various campus music groups. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor Janice Atzen; copy editor Rita Fleischmann; editorial editor Loren L. Aikins; arts editor John Ellison; campus editor Julie Forrest; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Brian C. Barker, Brian D. Barker, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, George Freeman III, Deb Grey, Ceresse Jeanblanc, William Jordan, Bill Stephens, Sharon Turner, Scott Wagner, Willie Williams, Angeline Yarger; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Wayne Kooser.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 1, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 17, number 20 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the appointment of former Washington state Senator Lawrence J. Faulk to the TCC Board of Trustees; a party celebrating the work of Chuck Summers and Joe Betz on the Narrows Bridge Run; the upcoming American Red Cross centennial; students Steve O'Laughlin and Kirby Kallas-Lewis and their art shop Crystal Creek Pottery; women's softball team member Jill Kors; the track team and qualifying events; men's baseball team member Charles Lewis; recent women's softball team losses; storyteller Cynthia Orr and her upcoming workshop and performance; the International Festival; an upcoming Job Finders workshop by Dr. Jo Loudin. Also includes a creative narrative form of opinion on door to door salesmen; letters to the editor regarding a petition to make Building 11A non-smoking, responding to the previous issue's editorial on abortion; ads and classified ads; International Festival schedule; detailed financial aid guidelines and deadlines. Announcements include new Black Student Union (BSU) officers; the first annual job fair; a nutrition workshop; the third annual Bowl-A-Thon varsity athletic program fundraiser; a typing demonstration and contest with typist Betty Baird; a lecture and slide show of Mount St. Helens by Dr. Jack Hyde for the Friends of the TCC Library annual dinner meeting; a communications workshop series; guidelines and deadline for annual student awards nominations. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor Janice Atzen; copy editor Rita Fleischmann; editorial editor Loren L. Aikins; arts editor John Ellison; campus editor Julie Forrest; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Brian C. Barker, Brian D. Barker, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, George Freeman III, Deb Grey, Ceresse Jeanblanc, William Jordan, Bill Stephens, Sharon Turner, Scott Wagner, Willie Williams, Angeline Yarger; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Wayne Kooser.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 24, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 17, number 19 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the counseling department's Early Retrieval Program and LIFT class to prevent dropping out; counselor Phil Griffin studying student success and studying habits; an upcoming International Festival; new magazine Around Tacoma; student Cynthia MacMahon and her recent diabetes diagnosis; new men's tennis coach Steve Kubota; baseball player Jerry Don Gleaton's Seattle Mariners rookie debut; an upcoming concert by cellist Diane Tremaine; the upcoming summer field trip geology course; mini courses. Also includes editorials on Republican budget cuts, high gun sales in Washington state, abortion; illustrations; letter to the editor suggesting cuts to preserve core on-campus courses; ads and classified ads; a photo of choral director Gene Nelson directing rehearsal while holding his granddaughter; photo and explanation of campus construction; weekly cultural calendar; photo of the International Students Organization (ISO) Mt Rainier snow trip; film reviews of Going Ape and Excalibur; photo of baby ducks; job corner. Announcements include explanation of recent campus clock failures; new magazine Around Tacoma; Job Fair '81; results of a court case involving a local slowpitch team and a keg of beer; a student government forum; a guitar workshop led by Paul Chaseman; a parent workshop. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor Janice Atzen; copy editor Rita Fleischmann; editorial editor Loren L. Aikins; arts editor John Ellison; sports editor Terry Ross; campus editor Julie Forrest; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Brian C. Barker, Brian D. Barker, Thomas Beuning, Wendy Church, Mike Dawson, Kathy De Los Reyes, Kelly Dietz, George Freeman III, Deborah Gray, Ceresse Jeanblanc, Teresa Johnson, William Jordan, John Louderback, Betty Martzall, Bill Stephens, Lori Sweitzer, Sharon Turner, Scott Wagner, Willie Williams, Angeline Yarger; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Wayne Kooser.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 17, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 17, number 18 and is eight pages. Content note: This issue contains outdated language relating to disability (page 1). This issue contains stories on the tentative 1981-1982 Associated Students budget; planning for the disabled service center; the six full time employees given layoff notices; math instructor and Developmental Education Coordinator Richard Spangler being appointed chair of the Mathematics Teacher magazine editorial panel; former Challenge staff member and TCC alum Mara Morgen interning in the TCC Public Information Office; golf team member Chris Frey; the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Run; spring celebrations at the Day Care Center. Also includes comics; opinion piece on the Northwest; letters to the editor responding to the previous issue's editorial on teaching creationism; correction to the previous issue's article on Murray Morgan; ads, classified ads, and jobs; an interview with KISW musical director Steve Slaton; a brief pre-season summary of major league baseball; review of the Tacoma Little Theater production of Love Rides the Rails - or - Will the Main Train Run Tonight?; photography. Announcements include call for feedback on an upcoming vote to allow supertankers in the Puget Sound; the third annual "C is for Communication" seminar for publicity workers; the Associated Students allocating funding to establish an on-campus daycare center; the first annual TCC Job Fair; changes to library lost books charges; weekly cultural calendar; a ragtime jazz concert by Boden & Zanetto; available scholarships; an information booth for Pierce Transit riders at the TCC Transit Center. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor Janice Atzen; copy editor Rita Fleischmann; editorial editor Loren L. Aikins; arts editor John Ellison; sports editor Terry Ross; campus editor Julie Forrest; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Brian C. Barker, Brian D. Barker, Thomas Beuning, Wendy Church, Mike Dawson, Kathy De Los Reyes, Kelly Dietz, George Freeman III, Deborah Gray, Ceresse Jeanblanc, Teresa Johnson, William Jordan, John Louderback, Betty Martzall, Bill Stephens, Lori Sweitzer, Sharon Turner, Scott Wagner, Willie Williams, Angeline Yarger; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Wayne Kooser.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 10, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume 17, number 17 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on major changes and cuts to the athletics department; history instructor Murray Morgan resigning after being listed on the faculty reduction in force (RIF) list; the Honors Colloquium program and its student steering committee; a State Senate proposal to raise tuition 95%; a Dave Brubeck concert; City-County Health Department sexually transmitted infections clinic counselor Phyllis Hale and clinic services; the upcoming second annual Tacoma Narrows Bridge Run; the students losing in their basketball game against administrators and faculty; a lecture by Dr. William Young on the influence of TV. Also includes editorial on a failed bill to teach creationism alongside evolution; a correction to the previous issue's article on registration; letters to the editor regarding the Challenge's Opinion and Comments page and opportunities for sending letters, the Building 7 lounges; comics; photo of construction of a new music center inside Building 7; ads, classified ads, and jobs; weekly sports schedule; film review of The Postman Always Rings Twice; cultural weekly calendar; photo of The Lakes vocalist trio promoting their upcoming concert. Announcements include graduation application deadlines; the return of Luanne Brehmer as Associated Students secretary; a Washington Federation of Teachers rally in Olympia against higher education budget cuts; the Labor Film Festival; information relating to the opening of fishing season; track team qualifications for the state tournament; need for more women's softball team members; call for athletics booster club donations; available tutoring for veterans. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; copy editor Rita Fleischmann; editorial editor Loren L. Aikins; arts editor John Ellison; sports editor Wendy Church; campus editor Julie Forrest; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk.
The Collegiate Challenge - March 13, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 16 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on state legislature and budget news, including potential tuition raises, enrollment and budget cuts; TCC Senate Budget Committee meetings reviewing department budgets; Peaches record store in Tacoma; registration processes; off-campus classes available at nine Tacoma and Gig Harbor area locations; the potential layoff of history instructor Murray Morgan; evening supervisor and business instructor Skip Marshall; Latchkey, a YMCA sponsored elementary day care program; the intramural archery team; new women's softball coach Dennis Ward; Frank Witt's horticulture class. Also includes outgoing editorial; editorial on the Veterans Administration (VA); comics; guest editorial on testing procedures at TCC; review of the Tacoma Actors Guild production of South Pacific; film review of The Incredible Shrinking Woman; ads and classified ads; a satirical qualifying examination for transfer to four-year colleges; job corner; photo of Chico Carroll, promoting an Associated Students sponsored martial arts exhibition; final examination schedule. Announcements include English instructor George McDade's annual trip to the Shakespeare Festival in Ashford (Oregon); calls for submissions to art and literary magazine Trillium, the Free Country Times; call for Challenge letters to the editor; the University of Washington accepting community college credits due to Spring 1981 over-enrollment; information on tuition loans; open Challenge positions. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Loren L. Aikins; assistant editors Scott Peterson, Janice Atzen; editorial editor Mara Morgen; arts editor John Ellison; sports editor Wendy Church; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; graphics Danny Irving; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; circulation manager Rita Fleischmann; reporters Vivian Abrahamson, Brian Barker, Rani Cepeda, Carol Corpany, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, Henry Evenson, Rita Fleischmann, George Freeman, Howard Harnett, Marvin Jenkins, Betty Martzall, Sharon Molnes, Terry Ross, Irene Severance, Stephen Young; photographers Brian Barker, Paul Petrinovich, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - March 6, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 15 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on AMVETS (American Veterans of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam) and veterans assistance services; upcoming first-come, first-served enrollment changes; the House Higher Education Committee holding a hearing on a tenure bill; foreign student counselor Mary Palo; new acting Allied Health Division chair Shirley Johnson; the Music department's upcoming end of quarter concert; the Cooperative Education Program; student Tommy Laway (Laway HoChung); dance instructor Jo Emery and the Tacoma Performing Dance Company; instructor Paul Jacobsen teaching chemistry in the Tacoma Gifted Education Program; student Dennis Werth being selected by the Seattle Mariners in a baseball draft; the track team placing third in a meet at Pacific Lutheran University; the library security system; mother, housewife, and full-time TCC student Marti Hilyard. Also includes editorial on a sunny day; comics; letter to the editor refuting the previous issue's letter regarding Iran coverage; review of the Real World Players production of Royal Gambit at the Tacoma Little Theatre; music review of Rush album "Moving Pictures"; job corner. Announcements include the Pierce County executive election date and hours; a special Board meeting regarding faculty tenure rights and responsibilities; an International Students Organization (ISO) White Pass field trip; ads and classified ads; ad for the TCC Reading Lab and its reading evaluations; challenge by the student government to faculty and administrators for revitalization of their annual benefit basketball game; the second annual Narrows Bridge Run; open Challenge editorial positions. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Loren L. Aikins; assistant editors Scott Peterson, Janice Atzen; editorial editor Mara Morgen; arts editor John Ellison; sports editor Wendy Church; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; graphics Danny Irving; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; circulation manager Rita Fleischmann; reporters Vivian Abrahamson, Brian Barker, Rani Cepeda, Carol Corpany, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, Henry Evenson, Rita Fleischmann, George Freeman, Howard Harnett, Marvin Jenkins, Betty Martzall, Sharon Molnes, Terry Ross, Irene Severance, Stephen Young; photographers Brian Barker, Paul Petrinovich, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 27, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 14 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the Board's approval of a tentative reduced budget; potential cuts to the Real Estate program; Pierce County executive candidates Booth Gardner and Larry Faulk speaking on campus; an exhibit at Pacific Lutheran University by artist Fumiko Kimura; men's basketball team news, including loss to Ft. Steilacoom, profiles of team member Daryl Logue and coach Dennis Stray; the Chamber Orchestra and its upcoming concert; an upcoming photography workshop on "Displaying and Showing Your Work." Also includes editorial on female-headed households and poverty; letters to the editor regarding cafeteria space; comics; jobs; ads and classified ads; film review of My Bloody Valentine; poetry and photography; quotations; photo of band The Shoppe performing on campus. Announcements include deadlines for numerous scholarships and application information; information for veterans using G.I. Bill benefits; a series of community health and welfare service information sessions; call for submissions to art and literary magazine Trillium. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Loren L. Aikins; assistant editors Scott Peterson, Janice Atzen; editorial editor Mara Morgen; arts editor John Ellison; sports editor Wendy Church; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; graphics Danny Irving; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; circulation manager Rita Fleischmann; reporters Vivian Abrahamson, Brian Barker, Rani Cepeda, Carol Corpany, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, Henry Evenson, Rita Fleischmann, George Freeman, Howard Harnett, Marvin Jenkins, Betty Martzall, Sharon Molnes, Terry Ross, Stephen Young; photographers Brian Barker, Paul Petrinovich, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 13, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 13 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the "Board Day on Campus" and discussion of budget cuts, college objectives; state legislature discussion of the "open door" philosophy in light of budget issues; the TCC Adult High School Completion Program; the Career Center; men's and women's basketball teams losses to Everett; men's baseball team news; upcoming lunchtime student activities; Kenyan student Noah Were Ogum; agency accounts officer Jim Call and his bagpipe playing. Also includes editorials on t-shirts, embarrassing dating moments; comics; letters to the editor regarding being a proud American, praising a previous issue's letter to the editor, apologizing regarding a previous issue's article on Iran; ads and classified ads; poetry; a correction to the previous issue's article on Metro waste dumping and a clippable signature form for writing to their offices; creative writing on Valentine's Day; Valentine's messages; weekly basketball schedule; review of Ballet Tacoma's winter concert; a photo from the Tacoma Actors Guild production of Light Up the Sky. Announcements include a tax and retirement planning workshop; a new scholarship created by behavioral science faculty; golf team tryouts; call for anyone experienced in women's mud wrestling; spring sports; call for letters to the editor. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Loren L. Aikins; assistant editors Scott Peterson, Janice Atzen; editorial editor Mara Morgen; arts editor John Ellison; sports editor Wendy Church; photo editor Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; graphics Danny Irving; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; circulation manager Rita Fleischmann; reporters Vivian Abrahamson, Brian Barker, Rani Cepeda, Carol Corpany, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, Henry Evenson, Rita Fleischmann, George Freeman, Howard Harnett, Marvin Jenkins, Betty Martzall, Sharon Molnes, Terry Ross, Stephen Young; photographers Brian Barker, Paul Petrinovich, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 6, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, [number 12] and is eight pages. Content note: This issue uses outdated language for disabilities on page 1. This issue contains stories on Dean of Instruction Dave Habura's perspective on potential budget cuts; a Metro (King County) waste dumping plan that could affect Tacoma waterways; state four-year colleges reducing their enrollments; state funding for campus accessibility improvements; an upcoming public forum with candidates for Pierce County council; telephone access system courses; the changing student population at TCC; student and football player Ron Driscall; the men's and women's track teams; the Tae Kwon Do class; an upcoming performance by actor Thomas Anderson, singer Doris Hayes, and guitarist Steven Bader on Black history; an upcoming symposium on women and technology; Music and Art department remodeling plans; the Juvenile Justice Act; the need for swim class volunteers at the YMCA. Also includes editorials on a bill to ban "drug paraphernalia," the cost of education; letters to the editor regarding the previous issue's photos of campus information kiosks and editorial on backseat driving; ads and classified ads; announcement of Elks Lodge scholarships application deadlines; images of naturalist paintings by student Marie Miller Stanley; factoids; photo of a library display of castles from the Beginning Design 109 class. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Loren L. Aikins; assistant editors Scott Peterson, Janice Atzen; editorials Mara Morgen; arts John Ellison; sports Wendy Church; photography Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; graphics Danny Irving; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; Vivian Abrahamson, Brian Barker, Rani Cepeda, Carol Corpany, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, George Freeman, Howard Harnett, Marvin Jenkins, Betty Martzall, Sharon Molnes, Terry Ross, Stephen Young, Henry Evenson, Rita Fleischmann, Irene Severance, Paul Petrinovich, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 30, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 10 (actually number 11) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on TCC receiving grants for interdisciplinary humanities projects; a capital projects budget increase request; Seattle First National Bank China Development Department Manager R.N. Christiansen and the difficulties of China travel and business; the People's Republic of China's attempts to simplify the Chinese language into a "common speech" dialect; government communications in China; student Dave Davison and his cartoons; women's basketball team center and forward JoAnn Glenn; a new ad hoc Athletic Task Force; student and 1980 Washington State Body Building Contest winner Cindi Munt; the concert choir's upcoming participation in an Olympic College music festival; retired Navy Admiral James S. Russell and his thoughts on the military; the Energy Management Technician program. Also includes a story on Governor John Spellman's new budget pulled from the TCC weekly bulletin; photos of campus information kiosks being installed; editorials on county government, voter turnout, diplomacy with Iran; letters to the editor responding to a previous editorial on global economics, praising the return of the Raiders football team to Oakland, expressing thanks for coverage of the Vet Center's anniversary and updating details; ads and classified ads; announcement and schedule for a "Board Day on Campus"; basketball stats and schedule; intramural schedule; film review of Blood Beach; factoids. Announcements include upcoming Associated Students sponsored events, missing cafeteria trays; a two-part time management seminar; available scholarships. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Loren L. Aikins; assistant editors Scott Peterson, Janice Atzen; editorials Mara Morgen; arts John Ellison; sports Wendy Church; photography Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; graphics Danny Irving; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; Vivian Abrahamson, Brian Barker, Rani Cepeda, Carol Corpany, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, George Freeman, Howard Harnett, Marvin Jenkins, Betty Martzall, Sharon Molnes, Terry Ross, Stephen Young, Henry Evenson, Rita Fleischmann, Irene Severance, Paul Petrinovich, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 23, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 10 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on massive cuts to the summer quarter budget; Veterans Administration education over-payments; transferring to four year schools; TCC student Doris Hayes winning the Miss Washington pageant; the upcoming First Annual Northwest Regional Conference on the Future; men's basketball team captain Barry Huntington; intramural sports; State Board for Community College Education meeting news, including a request for more money. Also includes a photo of people at the US Air Force hospital in Wiesbaden (West Germany) welcoming the hostages released from Iran; comics; editorials on American economic arrogance, acting like a kid to improve your mood, mothers "back-seat driving"; letters to the editor regarding the previous issue's editorial on relationships, the call for letters; job service listings; ads and classified ads; factoids; crossword puzzle; photos of and schedule for the Child Care Center; men's and women's basketball weekly schedule; movie review of Popeye; review of the Tacoma Little Theatre production of Lilies of the Field; photo of Mick McCartney performing in the cafeteria. Announcements include visits from college representatives; payment information for tutors; an upcoming photography seminar; open registration for business courses at the Downtown Center; early club budget deadlines. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Loren L. Aikins; assistant editors Scott Peterson, Janice Atzen; editorials Mara Morgen; arts John Ellison; sports Wendy Church; photography Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; Vivian Abrahamson, Brian Barker, Rani Cepeda, Carol Corpany, Mike Dawson, Kelly Dietz, George Freeman, Howard Harnett, Marvin Jenkins, Betty Martzall, Sharon Molnes, Terry Ross, Stephen Young, Henry Evenson, Rita Fleischmann, Irene Severance, Paul Petrinovich, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 16, 1981Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 9 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the new state government representatives and outgoing Governor Ray's budget proposal; Nursing Program Coordinator Joan Morris becoming the new TCC Federation of Teachers union president; the Tacoma Vet Center and its "Operation Outreach" counseling program; a Russian folk music concert at the University of Puget Sound; the Winter Sports Club and limited snow; the women's basketball team; the men's basketball team; the golf team and its win record; available scholarships; winter graduation; Medical Records Technician Program Coordinator Carolyn Anderson being appointed the American Medical Records Association Academic Director; a new newspaper course with the Tacoma News Tribune on "The Nation's Health." Also includes photo of long lines at the bookstore; comics; editorials on the cultural expectation to prioritize romantic partnership, the all-volunteer army vs. the draft; letter to the editor regarding lack of support from administrators at the end of year concert; ads; interview with artist and actor William Arthur Phillips; review of the Tacoma Actors Guild production of Little Foxes; women's and men's basketball schedule; factoids; job corner; classified ads; ad for the Counseling Center's LIFT program for students considering dropping out. Announcements include open calls for opinion pieces, poetry, and photography in the Challenge; information for tutoring payments; financial aid deadlines; available part-time jobs. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Loren L. Aikins; assistant editors Scott Peterson, Janice Atzen; editorials Mara Morgen; arts John Ellison; sports Wendy Church; photography Sean Hummel; advertising Thom Racosky; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk.
The Collegiate Challenge - December 5, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 8 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on Tacoma Mall Santa Frank Phillips; the Board considering budget proposals in light of state budget cuts; Dr. Linus Pauling speaking on Vitamin C at the University of Puget Sound; Representative Norm Dicks campaign manager Colin Knudsen; TCC and Challenge alum and now Tacoma News Tribune photographer Russ Carmack; history and traditions of winter holidays; men's basketball team news, including loss to Lower Columbia Community College; professional basketball news; the upcoming debut performance of the TCC Chamber Orchestra. Also includes opinion pieces on holiday drinking and driving, loving or hating Christmas; ads; job corner; final examination schedule; review of animated film Winds of Change; review of book Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-Earth by J.R.R. Tolkien; photo of Dr. Know It All and the Magic Bag at the Tacoma Actors Guild; men's and women's basketball schedules; a half-page holiday greeting from the Department of Continuing Education staff. Announcements include congratulations to Kilworth Scholarship recipients; reduced Admissions and Registration hours; a holiday show by Dr Know It All and the Magic Bag at the Tacoma Actors Guild; open submissions for arts and literary magazine Trillium; a faculty art show in the library; events at Pacific Lutheran University. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; secretaries Mary Jo Gilbert, Janice Atzen; photo editor Paul Petrinovich; entertainment John Ellison; sports Tracy Carnahan; advertising Loren Aikins; receptionist Deanna Johnson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Loren Aikins, Janice Atzen, Jeff Barabin, Brian Barker, Janet Blassey, Tracy Carnahan, Carol Corpany, David Duke, Cathy Easterwood, Bill Elderton, John Ellison, Rita Fleischmann, Johnny Hammond, Howard Harnett, Delores Hill, Betty Holden, Al Jackson, Maya Valverde, Stephen Young; photographers Gary Erickson, Sean Hummel, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 21, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 7 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the Board reviewing "operational priorities" in light of state budget cuts; Board approval of a five year lease of the Downtown College Center space; a video presentation of the Mount St Helens eruption and other volcanic footage; Associate Dean of Continuing Education Tanya Brunke being included in the 1981-82 Who's Who of American Women; the TCC political intern program; the Voyager I program and unmanned space exploration technology; the Thanksgiving turkey industry; Hanukkah; professional basketball news; the men's cross country team taking fourth in the state conference finals; the women's volleyball team winning against Pacific Lutheran University; the beginning of basketball season; intramural tennis; upcoming Ski Club trips; the upcoming music department Christmas and end of quarter concert; student senate news. Also includes final examination schedule; ads; alternative Thanksgiving recipes; excerpt from a letter to President Franklin Pierce from Chief Sealth; creative writing on Thanksgiving; salmon fishing hints; a review of the Tacoma Little Theatre production of Heaven Can Wait; review of the Tacoma Actors Guild production of Bus Stop; poetry; photo of the art exhibit in the library; job corner; classified ads. Announcements include the successful end of the United Way fund drive; a new bus route to TCC from the Tacoma Mall; a faculty art show; a Black Student Union sponsored dance; the Music department's Christmas concert; the Chamber Orchestra debut; the annual art festival; winter quarter registration dates; editor opening at the Challenge; call for submissions for literary and art magazine Trillium. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; secretaries Mary Jo Gilbert, Janice Atzen; photo editor Paul Petrinovich; entertainment John Ellison; sports Tracy Carnahan; advertising Loren Aikins; receptionist Deanna Johnson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Loren Aikins, Janice Atzen, Jeff Barabin, Brian Barker, Janet Blassey, Tracy Carnahan, Carol Corpany, David Duke, Cathy Easterwood, Bill Elderton, John Ellison, Rita Fleischmann, Johnny Hammond, Howard Harnett, Delores Hill, Betty Holden, Al Jackson, Maya Valverde, Stephen Young; photographers Gary Erickson, Sean Hummel, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 7, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 6 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on a survey showing extensive usage of the community colleges; TCC hosting the Athletic Association of Community Colleges Cross Country state meet, including an illustration of the planned courses; luge racing; earthquakes and the Puget Sound; KCTS-9 live coverage of the Voyager I Saturn approach; the Tacoma Indian Center sponsored Medicine Wheel Indian Hour radio program; Wanda Coats returning to TCC as President Stevens' secretary; the Honors Program Colloquium; members of the men's and women's cross country teams; the salmon fishing workshop; a fundraiser to benefit the Roxy Theater restoration; the BBC-PBS series "The Shakespeare Plays" and its Hamlet broadcast; the arts building remodel; an art exhibit in the library. Also includes a photo of security officer Dick Dickinson ticketing cars; a brief history of Veterans Day; ads; announcement of a Tacoma Youth Symphony concert; cafeteria weekly menu; sports editorials on professional basketball; "Volleyball Player of the Week" profile; job corner; poetry; classified ads. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; secretaries Mary Jo Gilbert, Janice Atzen; photo editor Paul Petrinovich; entertainment John Ellison; sports Tracy Carnahan; advertising Loren Aikins; receptionist Deanna Johnson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Loren Aikins, Janice Atzen, Jeff Barabin, Brian Barker, Janet Blassey, Tracy Carnahan, Carol Corpany, David Duke, Cathy Easterwood, Bill Elderton, John Ellison, Rita Fleischmann, Johnny Hammond, Howard Harnett, Delores Hill, Betty Holden, Al Jackson, Maya Valverde, Stephen Young; photographers Gary Erickson, Sean Hummel, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 31, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 5 and is twelve pages. Content note: This issue contains outdated language referring to disability on page 1. This issue contains stories on record high enrollment; a proposed service center for people with disabilities; a visit to campus by state legislative candidates; a debate hosted by Pacific Lutheran University between Washington governor candidates Jim McDermott and John Spellman; Congressman Norm Dicks and opposing candidate Jim Beaver speaking on campus; recent men's soccer team performance; men's and women's cross country teams performance at a recent meet; National Basketball League news; women's volleyball team performance; intramural sports offerings; Seattle Super Sonics coach Lenny Wilkens; advertising and label fraud in contraception products; Tacoma Actors Guild Theater's production of A Man for All Seasons; a display of indigenous baskets in the library's Northwest history room; John Spellman's daughter Margo Spellman and her assistance to his campaign; student Charlene MacMahon and her genealogy research; Halloween history. Also includes a scary story and Halloween factoids; a photo of Information Officer Dan Small at his birthday party, with an announcement of the birth of his son; ads; a guide to understanding soccer, with illustration; weekly sports schedule; film review of The Elephant Man; book reviews of Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941-1946 by W. Averall Harriman and Elie Abel and Splendor in Exile: The Ex-Majesties of Europe by Charles Fenyvesi; interviews with governor candidates Jim McDermott and John Spellman; weekly cafeteria menu; job corner; classified ads. Announcements include call for Jog-A-Thon pledges; a workshop for working parents; open recruitment for the men's track team; beginning of intramural bowling; upcoming visits by U.S. Army, Pacific Lutheran University, and Western Washington University representatives; open call for Challenge staff; an art exhibit by instructors Paul Michaels and Richard Rhea at the Blue Heron Gallery. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; secretaries Mary Jo Gilbert, Janice Atzen; photo editor Paul Petrinovich; entertainment John Ellison; sports Tracy Carnahan; advertising Loren Aikins; receptionist Deanna Johnson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Loren Aikins, Janice Atzen, Jeff Barabin, Brian Barker, Janet Blassey, Tracy Carnahan, Carol Corpany, David Duke, Cathy Easterwood, Bill Elderton, John Ellison, Rita Fleischmann, Johnny Hammond, Howard Harnett, Delores Hill, Betty Holden, Al Jackson, Maya Valverde, Stephen Young; photographers Gary Erickson, Sean Hummel, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 24, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 4 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on columnist Max Lerner speaking on the American presidency; the Educational Opportunity Resource Center and job seeker services; a TCC mom letting her grade school kids dress her for college; the annual United Way drive at TCC; the ways TCC students making "thrifty" economic choices for their families; the student senate retreat; test preparation and concentration aid tapes in the Listening-Language Laboratory; the men's soccer team winning against Skagit Valley and Northwest College; the women's volleyball team losing to Everett; the men's cross country team, including 4th place win at Mt. Hood Cross Country Invitational; women's cross country team performance at the same event; course and production cuts in the drama program; an upcoming recital by University of Idaho faculty musicians; budget cuts and resulting course eliminations; the new satellite campus, the Southeast College Center. Also includes a photo of Lloyd Bertson at his retirement reception; ads; letter to the editor regarding education and "the rat race"; a photo of student president Anastasia Armourer; photography spread by Beverly Hildebrand; Seattle Super Sonics head coach speaking on the upcoming professional basketball season; a new Basic Sailing class; classified ads; jobs. Announcements include an open meeting with President Dr. Larry Stevens; open call for letters to the editor; a frisbee distance contest; American Ski Association "Skiing the 80s" ski shows at the Sea-Tac Mall; intramural tennis; Bill Moeller performing as Mark Twain; an art exhibit by instructors Paul Michaels and Richard Rhea at the Blue Heron Gallery; a meeting and election for the International Student Organization (ISO); an Admissions and Registration open house event; call for Jog-A-Thon pledges; available scholarships. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; secretaries Mary Jo Gilbert, Janice Atzen; photo editor Paul Petrinovich; entertainment John Ellison; sports Tracy Carnahan; advertising Loren Aikins; receptionist Deanna Johnson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Loren Aikins, Janice Atzen, Jeff Barabin, Brian Barker, Janet Blassey, Tracy Carnahan, Carol Corpany, David Duke, Cathy Easterwood, Bill Elderton, John Ellison, Rita Fleischmann, Johnny Hammond, Howard Harnett, Delores Hill, Betty Holden, Al Jackson, Maya Valverde, Stephen Young; photographers Gary Erickson, Sean Hummel, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 17, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 3 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on a series of Tacoma News Tribune articles on drugs in Pierce County; President Dr. Larry Stevens being promoted to full Colonel in the US Marine Corps; instructor Paul Jacobson's car disappearing and reappearing around the block; volunteering at Pierce County Juvenile Court and Detention Center, Remann Hall; the Office of Migrant Education and Spanish-speaking TCC students working in bilingual education programs as teachers' aides; student senate news; new student president Anastasia A. Armourer; the Cooperative Education program; the Evers School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance and Instruction Studio; the men's basketball team; the women's volleyball team, including a recent win; the men's cross country team winning the community college division at the Fort Casey Invitational; the men's soccer team and recent performance; the Tacoma Symphony performing its first concert at Life Center; the Drama Club meeting; the formation of the Greater Tacoma Area Honor Stage Band, comprised of high school students. Also includes announcement of the upcoming performance of Bill Moeller as Mark Twain; ads; an open call for letters to the editor; review of the theater production The Bad Seed; photography; classified ads; information on the Lost and Found, Job Corner. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; secretaries Mary Jo Gilbert, Janice Atzen; photo editor Paul Petrinovich; entertainment John Ellison; sports Tracy Carnahan; advertising Loren Aikins; receptionist Deanna Johnson; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Loren Aikins, Janice Atzen, Jeff Barabin, Brian Barker, Janet Blassey, Tracy Carnahan, Carol Corpany, David Duke, Cathy Easterwood, Bill Elderton, John Ellison, Rita Fleischmann, Johnny Hammond, Howard Harnett, Delores Hill, Betty Holden, Al Jackson, Maya Valverde, Stephen Young; photographers Gary Erickson, Sean Hummel, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 10, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 2 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the temporary conversion of a TCC parking lot to a Pierce County Transit bus depot; an interview with BBC writer and producer James Burke; the Nursing program receiving full National League for Nursing accreditation; upcoming Arts and Lectures Series events; fall campus activities and an available activities calendar; a Ronald Reagan film festival; music scholarships. Also includes ads; photo spread of the campus accident where a truck crashed into the underside of a bridge; intramural programs meeting times; sports schedule; job corner; "Out and About" local entertainment guide for the week; film review of Caligula; poetry; classified ads; geographical trivia; list of late starting classes with space still available. Announcements include open call for poetry and photography; graduation deadlines. Staff credits: editor Scott Peterson; secretaries Mary Jo Gilbert, Janice Atzen; photo editor Paul Petrinovich; entertainment John Ellison; sports Tracy Carnahan; advertising Loren Aikins; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; receptionist Deanna Johnson; reporters Loren Aikins, Janice Atzen, Jeff Barabin, Brian Barker, Janet Blassey, Tracy Carnahan, Carol Corpany, David Duke, Cathy Easterwood, Bill Elderton, John Ellison, Rita Fleischmann, Johnny Hammond, Howard Harnett, Dolores Hill, Betty Holden, Al Jackson, Maya Valverde, Stephen Young; photographers Gary Erickson, Sean Hummel, Dale Weast.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 3, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVII, number 1 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on financial aid; the upcoming lecture by columnist Max Lerner, "The Presidency in Perspective: Reflections of Past Presidents - the Choice, the Expectation, the Reality"; campus parking; an upcoming Health Fair; the Tacoma News Tribune's preparation and coverage for President Jimmy Carter's visit; Biology 106 students developing a campus Nature Center; Challenge editor Scott Peterson's experience covering the Carter visit; TCC Foundation news, including new officers for its board; new Assistant Activities Director Kathy De Los Reyes; cafeteria staff receiving safety awards; the likelihood of state budget cuts to the community colleges; TCC President Dr. Larry Stevens speaking on the budget; student senate news; new physical education instructor Arno Zoske; the men's cross country team winning at the Everett Invitational; enrollment and other campus statistics; intramural sports; the new Chamber Orchestra; upcoming Arts and Lecture Series events; the Counseling and Career Development Center. Also includes letter to the editor praising math instructor Paul Schaeffer; comics; ads; 1980-81 academic calendar; photo of the men's soccer team at a pre-season game; book review of The Dead Zone by Stephen King; film review of Middle Age Crazy; classified ads; new "Job Corner" section; crossword puzzle. Announcements include open call for letters to the editor; first aid locations around campus; availability of transit schedules and passes in the bookstore; open call for poetry and photography; graduation deadlines. Staff credits: editor Scott Peterson; secretaries Mary Jo Gilbert, Janice Atzen; photo editor Paul Petrinovich; entertainment John Ellison; sports Tracy Carnahan; advertising Loren Aikins; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; reporters Cathy Easterwood, Rita Fleischmann, William Elderton, Linda Steele, Carol Corpany, Delores Hill, Betty Holden, Maya Valverde, Gary Erickson, Howard Harnett, Stephen Young, Jody Johnson, Brian Barker, Janet Blaise; photographers Dale Weast, Sean Hummel.
The Collegiate Challenge - June 6, 1980Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume XVI, number 23 and is twelve pages. This issue contains stories on state representative Shirley J. Winsley being selected to speak at commencement; summer quarter for veterans; police harassment at rock concerts (a reprint from an earlier issue) and a responding article; lack of policy on children in classrooms; a TV program series, "Closing the Learning Gap," on the Direct Instruction teaching method; director, producer, and now Bellevue Community College "artist in residence" instructor in film Stanley Kramer; summer field trip and study abroad programs; the Labor Film Festival. Also includes a photo of the student senate and their year-end six-foot sandwich; letters to the editor regarding parking tickets, praising the year's activities from the Black Students Union, commending reporter Marvin Jenkins, praising editor Scott Peterson, discussing inflation and interest rates; letter from the editor thanking numerous members of the TCC community; final examination schedule; a tongue-in-cheek list of writing recommendations from the Chicago Sun-Times; a photo of the truck stuck under the campus bridge; ads; a list of 1980 graduates and their degrees; a student activities survey; a photo of the Faculty Art Exhibition at the Tacoma Art Museum; photo essay of Challenge staff; photo of country band The Shoppe at the spring festival; comics; list of student awards recipients. Announcements include Challenge staff openings; availability of the revised Student Rights and Responsibilities Code; an American Red Cross Tacoma-Pierce County chapter meeting; availability of issues of literary arts magazine Trillium. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Scott Peterson; assistant editor J.M. Johnson; entertainment Greg Nordlund; business Danny Johnson; columnist George Freeman III; advisor Ila Zbaraschuk; photo editor Tom Ogden; photographers Paul Petrinovich, Debby Heil, Laura Reed; reporters Marvin Jenkins, Elaine Elmantra Smith, Laura Reed, Joe Moore, Ruby Lowe, Marcy McPherson, Mara Morgen, Tony Hampton; artist Marcy McPherson.