Tacoma Community College Archives Special Collections Library
- Title
- Tacoma Community College Archives Special Collections Library
- Description
- This special collection brings together the various published material in the Tacoma Community College Archives. Most but not all of these books and periodicals are also cataloged in the TCC Library Catalog. The majority of these publications are published by TCC departments and/or student organizations. Several are external publications that contain works by TCC employees and/or students, and a few others are historic publications on the Tacoma region.
- Creator
- Tacoma Community College Archives
- Publisher
- Tacoma Community College Archives
- Rights
- Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
- Date
- 1965-1982
- Format
- Identifier
The Collegiate Challenge - November 1, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume IV, number 6 and is six pages. This issue contains stories on student action against city Ordinance 18669, which aimed to suppress criticism of law enforcement; winter quarter registration; racism at TCC and the United States National Students Association's Conference on Institutional Racism at Notre Dame; planned classes on Black culture by the Obi Society; The Resistance group asking men to turn in their draft cards; evening courses to be offered for the Peninsula School District adult education department; student government news, including organization committee to review faculty and administration's "arbitrary decisions"; presentation by incumbent congressman Floyd Hicks; commendations from the Board of Trustees for student government recognizing and funding the Obi Society, TCC's educational return on investment; various sports news including cross country team activities, intramurals, golf team, UW Huskies football; an upcoming Sports Car Club auto cross; health records requirements; clubs that haven't spent allotted funds; Pep Staff elections; upcoming new European Travel Group meeting. Also includes editorials on Ordinance 18669, laws against cannabis possession and use; "Campus Comments" column addressing Ordinance 18669; an ad for the Nixon-Agnew presidential campaign promising the elimination of the Selective Service in favor of a professional, all-volunteer armed force; a fashion column; announcement of President Dr. Thornton M. Ford representing TCC at the dedication of the Spokane Community College's Fort Wright campus.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 25, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume IV, number 5 and is eight pages. Content notice: This issue contains several instances of the N word on page 3. This issue contains stories on a presentation by The Resistance co-founder David Harris, criticizing the draft; a presentation by retired Brigadier General Hugh Hester and his disagreement with the Vietnam War; student government news, including proposed constitution amendments; an upcoming Iron Butterfly concert; formation of new UFO and supernatural interest club Aerial Phenomenon Investigation II; use of Activities Scholarships by student government representatives; appointment of Robert Lathrop as Student Services Director and creation of new Department of Student Services; "New Careers" experimental program and college requirements; an upcoming demonstration of Chinese cooking by Mary Pang; the third annual Cronus pictorial magazine; the Olympic games and Tacoman Kaye Hall winning gold; the cross country team; an upcoming Artist and Lecture Series presentation on sexuality by Dr. Alex Comfort; TCC Foundation officer and board elections; expansion of the Biology Department; student Tom White and his participation in the third-party campaign of George Wallace; a presentation by Republican Senator nominee Jack Metcalf. Also includes announcements of a planned Associated Women Students dinner, an upcoming mock state and national election by the Political Science Forum, an upcoming presentation by Joseph Quinones (Yaqui) on indigenous fishing rights, upcoming appearance by State Representative candidate Robert Daly, upcoming reading by poet Leroi Jones at the University of Puget Sound; editorials on charging for the Cronus, freedom of speech; letters to the editor responding to the Obi Society's public presentation "Inter-Racial Soul Search", the Obi Society budget, criticism of the Obi Society; rideshare ads; a column on the Obi Society titled "Awareness"; a fashion column; an activities calendar; comics; an interview with Eddie Karnes; music reviews; various club news. Staff credits: published by Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Carl Zook; managing editor Don Swanson; business manager Nils Olson; Art & Literary Supplement editor Jerry Gollinger; sports editor Keith Hunter; copy editor Hallis Morgan; feature editor Kathy Greenlaw; photography Bob Cummings, Dennis Greunig, Cheryl Doten, Phillip Appling, Philmore Appling, Richard Frank; reporters Terri Bate, Mike Bonito, Dave Brown, Kathy Doheny, Tina Hoffman, Frederick Lowe, Terry Rice, Dennis Howes, John McCarthy, Jack Merritt, Carol Proud, Thomas Ries, Greg Smith, Scott Stephen, Grant Fjermedal, Gayle Weinberger, Loman West; circulation Linda Gallagher, Jennie Williams; artist Carole Glueck; advisor Dale Wirsing; secretary Pat Loth.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 18, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume IV, number 4 and is six pages. This issue contains stories on a public presentation by the Obi Society; student election results; an upcoming dance sponsored by Associated Women Students and a request for donated gifts for servicemen and orphaned children in Vietnam; the second annual Haunted House at the old Storlie Mortuary; an upcoming meeting of the Washington Association of Community College Student Governments; the Delta Phi Lambda tutoring service; the cross country team; University of Washington Huskies football coach Jim Owens; student and Boeing employee Al Cook bowling a perfect 300 game; part-time work assistance with the Placement Service; student government news, including review of campus security and their carrying guns; new anthropology instructor Paul Nesbitt; new Dental Accident Insurance for students and employees; foreign language courses; formation of a new Film Club. Also includes multiple editorials on the Obi Society; letters to the editor regarding the Obi Society, the quality of the Challenge; rideshare ads; Art and Literary Supplement with poetry, creative writing, and editor's note; a fashion column with advice on coats. Staff credits: published by Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Carl Zook; managing editor Don Swanson; business manager Nils Olson; Art & Literary Supplement editor Jerry Gollinger; sports editor Keith Hunter; copy editor Hallis Morgan; feature editor Kathy Greenlaw; photography Bob Cummings, Dennis Greunig, Cheryl Doten, Phillip Appling, Philmore Appling, Richard Frank; reporters Terri Bate, Mike Bonito, Dave Brown, Kathy Doheny, Tina Hoffman, Frederick Lowe, Terry Rice, Dennis Howes, John McCarthy, Jack Merritt, Carol Proud, Thomas Ries, Scott Stephen, Grant Fjermedal, Gayle Weinberger, Loman West; circulation Linda Gallagher; artist Carole Glueck; advisor Dale Wirsing; secretary Pat Loth.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 11, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume IV, number 3 and is six pages. This issue contains stories on the primary election results and the upcoming final election for student government; a visit by Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor Art Fletcher and Attorney General candidate Slade Gordon; a new program for social and community engagement for college students, SAGA (Starting A Generation Alliance); approval of the Obi Society budget; the cross country team; funding a football team; an Artist and Lecture Series presentation on Russia by Al Brisbois; availability of student handbooks and activities publications; the Associated Women Students fashion show; the cafeteria and chef Domi Petrinovich; the Miss Tacoma pageant; an upcoming Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) meeting; student and National and Regional skating champion Pat Shannon; student and Miss San Diego, Miss Liberty USA, and Miss Physical Fitness USA Terri Bale. Also includes announcements of a Young Republicans Club meeting, a dance and concert with music by the Iron Butterfly and The Ice, appointment of John Lindal as assistant personnel director, enrollment numbers, appointment of E. W. Hazelton as Inventory and Budget Control Officer, appointment of Kenneth Lee Gentili as physics instructor, library hours; an editorial on the purpose of the Obi Society; letters to the editor regarding the Obi Society, repurposing cemeteries for housing development, coverage of of the conflict between the Tacoma Mayor and City Manager; a new column "Campus Comment" for various brief news; a short story; factoids. Staff credits: published by Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Carl Zook; managing editor Don Swanson; business manager Nils Olson; Art & Literary Supplement editor Jerry Gollinger; sports editor Keith Hunter; copy editor Hallis Morgan; feature editor Kathy Greenlaw; photography Bob Cummings, Dennis Greunig, Cheryl Doten, Phillip Appling, Philmore Appling, Richard Frank; reporters Terri Bate, Mike Bonito, Dave Brown, Kathy Doheny, Frank Flemming, Tina Hoffman, Frederick Lowe, Terry Rice, Dennis Howes, Steve Knightlinger, John McCarthy, Jack Merritt, Mary Miller, Carol Proud, Thomas Ries, Scott Stephen, Grant Fjermedal, Gayle Weinberger, Loman West, Lewis Witham; circulation Karen Bottleson, Roberta Forbes, Dorothy Dusek, Linda Gallagher; artist Carole Glueck; advisor Dale Wirsing; secretary Pat Loth.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 4, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume IV, number 2 and is six pages. This issue contains stories on a visit by Republican candidate for Congress Tony Chase; free draft counseling from Tacoma Area Draft Counseling; approval of the budget by the Board of Trustees; the State Director of the Selective Service System Captain Chester J. Chastek; the official recognition of the Obi Society Black student organization; the cross country team; the desire for a football team; the upcoming Trans-American Sedan Series car race; the start of intramural sports; appointment of Carl Zook as editor in chief of the Challenge; the approval of cigarette sales in the cafeteria; the upcoming student body primary elections. Also includes announcements of an upcoming visit of Washington State University Director of Admissions Stan Berry, the availability of athletic scholarships; two editorials on the student government meeting in which the Obi Society was recognized as an organization and requested its budget; factoids; photos and statements by student body government candidates; the Art and Literary Supplement with poster art, paintings, poetry, and an editor's note. Staff credits: published by Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Carl Zook; managing editor Don Swanson; business manager Nils Olson; Art & Literary Supplement editor Jerry Gollinger; sports editor Keith Hunter; copy editor Hallis Morgan; feature editor Kathy Greenlaw; photography Bob Cummings, Dennis Greunig, Cheryl Doten, Phillip Appling, Philmore Appling, Richard Frank; reporters Patti Amet, Terri Bate, Mike Bonito, Dave Brown, Kathy Lowe, Terry Rice, Dennis Howes, Steve Knightlinger, John McCarthy, Jack Merritt, Mary Miller, Carol Proud, Thomas Ries, Greg Smith, Scott Stephen, Grant Fjermedal, Gayle Weinberger, Loman West, Lewis Witham; circulation Karen Bottleson, Roberta Forbes, Dorothy Dusek, Linda Gallagher; artist Carole Glueck; advisor Dale Wirsing; secretary Pat Loth.
The Collegiate Challenge - September 27, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume IV, number 1 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on a major cut to TCC's requested 1968-1971 budget by the state; a speech by student body President Bill Kageler at freshman orientation; an upcoming dance with music by the Saints and the London Fog; the organization of the new Black student group the Obi Society, including their demands to the administration; courses with no grades, credits, or prerequisites; upcoming student elections; a fashion show and tea hosted by the Associated Women Students; the decision to not add new intercollegiate sports, coaches for continuing teams; the hiring of 20 new faculty and staff members; appointment of head librarian Morris W. Skagen to the Data Processing Advisory Committee of the State Board for Community College Education. Also includes a note in memoriam of professor of mathematics Lloyd F. Jakeman; announcements of German instructor Margrit von Bredow's marriage, tryouts for the play A Thousand Clowns, bookstore hours; an editorial of Bill Kageler's accomplishments as student body president; comics. Staff credits: published by Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Carl Zook; managing editor Don Swanson; business manager Nils Olson; photography Bob Cummings; reporters Frederick Lowe, Terry Rice; advisor Dale Wirsing; secretary Pat Loth.
The Collegiate Challenge - July 22, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 22 and is ten pages. This issue contains stories on newly elected student body officers; 33 TCC sophomores being listed in the 1967-68 Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges; elections of faculty chairmen of the college's "newly organized departments"; approval of an associate degree program in law enforcement; a recent concert by the TCC choral, band, and orchestra groups; the third annual commencement, including speakers Irving Clark, Jr. and sophomore Ralph Lochridge encouraging students to be politically active; track and field news, including wins, disqualification issue, team members on honor list; a presentation by Senator Martin Durkin on poverty, crime, and economics; the possibility of designating Building 15 as a Student Union building; a Political Science Forum presentation by Black student union representatives and ACLU Northwest legal representative Michael Rosen on Black activism in the universities; the first annual talent show of the Performing Arts Club; a presentation by lawyer Jack Tanner on conflict between the Tacoma Mayor and City Manager, and his bid for Democratic nominee for governor; Board approval of a new program for professional training for disadvantaged people; donation of paintings in memory of student Jennie Elizabeth Hazeltine to the library; presentation by Mayor A. L. Rasmussen regarding conflict with the city manager, the Model City program. Also includes announcements of advance tuition payment requirements, individualized language instruction, applications for fall quarter, medical records technician program, summer hours, bookstore manager Mary Pattee completing a National Association of College Stores booksellers course; editorials thanking previous editor Marshall Vigus, commenting on mistakes in Cronus; letter by Doug Jacques resigning as editor in chief; letters to the editor regarding student government control of the newspaper, thanks for coverage of student experiences, thanks for donation to the (Salishan) Eastside Youth Center Building fund; factoids; lists of graduating students, their degrees and awards; comics; photos pages, including sports highlights; fall quarter class schedule; a proposal cigarette policy; the annual budget. Staff credits: published by Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; assistant editor Carl Zook; managing editor Doug Jacques; feature editor Don Swanson; sports editor Walt Snover; business manager Marilyn Bowlby; copy editor Nils Olson; Art and Literary Supplemental editors Jerry Gollinger, Jamie Frank; reporters Carol Brockway, Laura Gwynne, Cheryl Hanna, Chris Johnson, Polly Lewis, Ed Miller, John McCarthy, John O'Malley, Terry Rice, Mitzi Rochester, Kirk Rossi, Lorie Schmechel, Mike Stork, Carol Van Horn, Bonnie Taylor, Marji Williams; circulation Bob Zaugg, Dave Welton; photographers Jamie Frank, Dave Eng, Dennis Gruenig, Marshall Vigus; advisor Dale Wirsing; secretary Pat Loth.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 24, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 21 and is six pages. This issue contains stories on student elections, including candidate photos and statements; student government denial of funds to Delta Pi Lambda to distribute course critiques; a Political Science Forum presentation by university Black student union members Jim Ashhurst, Frank Jenkins, Michael Rosen, and Jules King; editorials on student elections and candidate posters, housing discrimination against Black Tacomans, disciplinary action affecting draft deferment for male students; the tennis team taking second place in the state tournament; track and field team news, including a profile on sprinter Mike Page and qualification for a state meet; the Delta Pi Lambda baseball team; student Grant Newell; the Political Science Forum; a work-in by students, including the Biological Association, to landscape a courtyard; an upcoming student government sponsored fishing picnic. Also includes announcements of the election of freshman representative Lynn Harlass as secretary of the Washington Association of Community College Student Governments, bookstore hours changes, library due dates, physical exam requirements for four year colleges; letters to the editor regarding the ongoing discussion of tuition assistance for World War II orphans, criticizing editorship in the Challenge, and responding to a previous letter regarding the Longshoremen; a thank you to outgoing sports editor Walt Snover; Art and Literary Supplement featuring poetry, photography.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 17, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 20 and is six pages. This issue contains stories on continued issues of fair housing for Black TCC students; student election primaries, including photos and campaign statements of candidates; guest lecture by Louis Lomax discussing the need for fundamental change to society, opposing the war in Vietnam and suggesting a guaranteed annual wage; a battle of the bands between Just IV and Missing Lynx and a dance; tennis team, track and field news; end of golf season and golf team win of second place in the Western Division Conference; the decision to not add new intercollegiate sports in the next year; intramural slow pitch baseball; state law requiring tuition assistance for World War II orphans. Also includes Art and Literary Supplement featuring short stories, photographs, poetry; comics; classified ads; a reprint of Esquire magazine's Club & Campus Fashions column; a humorous article on a campus pool (with photo of a small kiddie pool) and the swim team. Staff credits: published by Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; assistant editor Carl Zook; managing editor Doug Jacques; feature editor Don Swanson; sports editor Walt Snover; business manager Marilyn Bowlby; copy editor Nils Olson; Art and Literary Supplemental editors Jerry Golinger, Jamie Frank; reporters Carol Brockway, Laura Gwynne, Cheryl Hanna, Chris Johnson, Polly Lewis, Ed Miller, John McCarthy, John O'Malley, Terry Rice, Mitzi Rochester, Kirk Rossi, Lorie Schmechel, Mike Stork, Carol Van Horn, Bonnie Taylor, Marji Williams; circulation Bob Zaugg, Dave Welton; photographers Jamie Frank, Dave Eng, Dennis Gruenig, Marshall Vigus; advisor Dale Wirsing; secretary Pat Loth.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 10, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 19 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on a speaking visit by ousted Olympic College student body president Forrest Adkins ("Frosty"); a Political Science Forum debate on Vietnam by Dr. Giovanni Costigan and Dr. Donald Hellman; a presentation by Superior Court Judge William Brown on youth and the law; track and field team, tennis team, golf team news; Delta Pi Lambda tutoring and intramural softball participation; Seattle attorney and radio personality Irvin Clark, Jr. being chosen as commencement speaker. Also includes announcements of student Charles Canada representing TCC at the National Junior College Forensics Tournament in Florida, air pollution, an upcoming dance with music by the Moving Sounds, an upcoming presentation by Chief of Police Charles Zittel for the Young Democrats, graduation invitations available in the bookstore; editorial on the Challenge's coverage of student government news; comics; letter to the editor regarding Charles Canada's comments in a previous article about the Longshoremen's Union; factoids on air pollution, heavy drinking, popular schools for college applicants; photo of outgoing TCC Board of Trustees chairman Charles Edmonds handing incoming chairman Frank Cooper a gavel. Staff credits: published by Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; assistant editor Carl Zook; managing editor Doug Jacques; feature editor Don Swanson; sports editor Walt Snover; business manager Marilyn Bowlby; copy editor Nils Olson; Art and Literary Supplemental editors Jerry Golinger, Jamie Frank; reporters Carol Brockway, Laura Gwynne, Cheryl Hanna, Chris Johnson, Polly Lewis, Ed Miller, John McCarthy, John O'Malley, Terry Rice, Mitzi Rochester, Kirk Rossi, Lorie Schmechel, Mike Stork, Carol Van Horn, Bonnie Taylor, Marji Williams; circulation Bob Zaugg, Dave Welton; photographers Jamie Frank, Dave Eng, Dennis Gruenig, Marshall Vigus; advisor Dale Wirsing; secretary Pat Loth.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 3, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 18 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on an upcoming formal dance and crowning of royalty; postponement of student elections; an upcoming Pep Club day; the performance of the play Fences for various audiences; a visit to the Challenge office by Republican state senator Jack Metcalf; an upcoming Artist and Lecture Series concert by the Stadium Madrigals; tennis team and golf team news; intramural slow pitch baseball; track and field news, including a profile on sprinter and team captain Gary Vandegrift; geology instructor Jack Hyde and Mt. St Helens; conflict in the Students for a Democratic Society; awards to Titan men's basketball players at a basketball banquet. Also includes announcements of ousted Olympic Community College student president Forrest Adkins speaking at the Political Science Forum, reelection of Zeta Short as president of the TCC Staff Association, a Titan mascot drawing contest; editorial on student apathy toward student government; letters to the editor regarding student representatives, Challenge coverage of Political Science Forum events; the results of the Choice '68 primary. Staff credits: published by Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; assistant editor Carl Zook; managing editor Doug Jacques; feature editor Don Swanson; sports editor Walt Snover; business manager Marilyn Bowlby; copy editor Nils Olson; Art and Literary Supplemental editors Jerry Gollinger, Jamie Frank; reporters Carol Brockway, Laura Gwynne, Cheryl Hanna, Chris Johnson, Polly Lewis, Ed Miller, John McCarthy, John O'Malley, Terry Rice, Mitzi Rochester, Kirk Rossi, Lorie Schmechel, Mike Stork, Carol Van Horn, Bonnie Taylor, Marji Williams; circulation Bob Zaugg, Dave Welton; photographers Jamie Frank, Dave Eng, Dennis Gruenig, Marshall Vigus; advisor Dale Wirsing; secretary Pat Loth.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 26, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 17 and is six pages. This issue contains stories on a discussion of riots by the new Student Inter-racial Congress; lack of communication between Activity Council and the Challenge affecting event coverage in the paper; the Forensic Club winning third in the Washington State Community College forensics tournament; acceptance of the Students for a Democratic Society and club elections; the golf team; track and field, including Titans winning their first track meet of the season; the possibility of gym suit rentals for P.E.; the tennis team; an upcoming West Central District band concert competition of the Western Washington Music Educators Association; student and McNeil Island Federal Penitentiary corrections officer Lee A. Haines, including discussion of his work; the upcoming third annual dinner meeting of the Friends of the TCC Library with speaker Murray Morgan; Joe Laviola's Security Force security service at TCC; I. A. Richards speaking at University of Puget Sound on "The Future of Poetry"; Tacoma attorney and governor candidate Jack Tanner encouraging students to participate in politics; an upcoming lecture by Paul E. Lomax; an upcoming dance specially co-sponsored by Model United Nations and the Freshman class; the new Biological Association. Also includes editorials on college marriages, the new Student Inter-racial Congress; letters to the editor regarding a state law exempting World War II orphans from tuition charges, responding to an article on student government "chaos," thanks for the Mel Carter concert; proposed changes to the student government constitution; comics; announcements of Winter Sports Club skating events, an upcoming dance with music by the Peppermint Trolley, a noon dance with music by the Moving Sounds, election of Dr. Ronald E. Magden as president of the faculty association; classified ads; student government meeting news; a donation from student government to the Salishan Youth Center. Staff credits: published by Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; assistant editor Carl Zook; managing editor Doug Jacques; feature editor Carol Van Horn; sports editor Walt Snover; business manager Marilyn Bowlby; assistant business manager Nils Olson; copy editor Loman West; Art and Literary Supplemental editors Jerry Golinger, Jamie Frank; reporters Laura Gwynne, Chris Johnson, John McCarthy, John O'Malley, Ed Miller, Cheryl Hanna, Mitzi Rochester, Terry Rice, Kirk Rossi, Lorie Schmechel, Mike Stork, Don Swanson, Bonnie Taylor; circulation Bob Zaugg, Dave Welton; photographers Jamie Frank, Dennis Gruenig, Marshall Vigus.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 19, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 16 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on the upcoming Mel Carter concert and dance; Model United Nations traveling to a conference in Arizona; discussion events at a coffee house; summer session; student Al Manuel riding a motorcycle into Howard Shull's speech class; the Choice '68 presidential primary and opportunity for students to share opinions on Vietnam; petitions for running for student government; track and field meets; tennis team delays due to illness; the end of ski season; the beginning of intramural slow pitch season; the golf team. Also includes announcements of speech instructor Donald Hiatt being elected to the Washington Education Association Board of Directors, students participating in a forensics tournament, royal court elections for May formal dance; an editorial on the power of student government; proposed student government constitution changes; a large ad for the Mel Carter concert and dance illustrating free admission for TCC students, faculty, and staff.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 12, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 15 and is six pages. This issue contains stories on an upcoming Spring Formal dance sponsored by the Associated Women Students; student government spending for the upcoming Mel Carter, Roger James Orchestra, and Ayrial Birds concert and dance; the Committee on Student Regulations voting down a written policy for student misconduct; the acceptance deposit system at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut; Debate Club participation in an invitational forensic tournament and student Charles Canada winning two second place awards; plans for a student Biological Association; a possible experiment in ending final exams at Iowa State University; new sophomre class elections; an upcoming concert by the Central Washington State College Chamber Band; track team, tennis team, and golf team events. Also includes announcements of an upcoming rock band jam session held by the Performing Arts Club, the second anniversary of the Collegiate Challenge; editorials on the location of a possible new high school, asking for help for student government; classified ads; Art and Literary Supplement with poetry, photographs, short stories, poster art; the Dean's List. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; assistant editor Carl Zook; managing editor Doug Jacques; feature editor Carol Van Horn; sports editor Walt Snover; business manager Marilyn Bowlby; assitant business manager Nils Olson; copy editor Loman West; Art and Literary Supplemental editors Jerry Gollinger, Jamie Frank; reporters Laura Gwynne, Chris Johnson, John McCarthy, John O'Malley, Ed Miller, Cheryl Hanna, Mitzi Rochester, Terry Rice, Kirk Rossi, Lorie Schmechel, Mike Stork, Don Swanson, Bonnie Taylor; circulation Bob Zaugg, Dave Welton; photographers Jamie Frank, Dennis Gruenig, Marshall Vigus.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 5, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 14 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on resignations of student government officers; a fire that destroyed the Salishan Youth Center and a planned benefit dance; an upcoming concert by Mel Carter, the Roger James Orchestra, and the Ayrial Byrds; upcoming student government primary elections; Time magazine project "Choice 68" asking for student views of Vietnam and presidential candidates; summer school; the Peninsula District of the Washington State Federation of Women's Clubs contributing to the TCC student loan fund; intercollegiate golf; the track team; new intramural slow pitch baseball; tennis team and addition of a woman to the team; upcoming Sports Car Club events; student government refusing to recognize the Students for a Democratic Society group; the TCC Board approving appointment of Robert C. Lathrop as director of student services during Richard Falk's sabbatical, Brice H. Shull as supervisor of the evening program, and hiring of DeVon Edrington as instructor of philosophy and German. Also includes photo showing recent a donation of geological specimens from the Tacoma Agate Club; editorials on the "chaos" of student government, discrimination against Black residents of Tacoma; letter to the editor regarding campus landscaping; announcements of the second anniversary of the Collegiate Challenge, new requirement of parking registration and decals; classified ads.
The Collegiate Challenge - March 6, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 13 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on the Titan men's basketball team and their upcoming first statement basketball tournament game; final exams; spring courses without credit, testing, and grading; a course on the philosophy of Playboy magazine; the Delta Pi Lambda honorary organization; "Phase 3" of campus landscaping and beautification, plans for a campus arboretum. Also includes photo showing the new cafeteria on its third day after grand opening; announcements a panel discussion by Pierce County Vice-Chairman of the Democratic Central Committee Ethel Walk hosted by the Young Democrats; an editorial from the new Political Science Forum on the John Birch Society; an Art and Literary Supplement section with book reviews, poetry, creative writing, photography, and collage.
The Collegiate Challenge - March 1, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 12 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on a convention for the Southern Region of the Washington Association of Community College Student Governments; an ACLU challenge to Washington "Marijuana Laws" regarding possession and use of cannabis; Titan men's basketball, including winning a spot in the state tournament, and a profile on player Tom Patnode; intramural basketball; the track team; the student government Sports Committee and discussions of new intercollegiate sports; an upcoming Winter Sports Club ski trip. Also includes an editorial on the proposed course withdrawal policy changes; letter to the editor and editor response regarding a previous story on the Salishan housing development; announcements for a Sports Car Club autocross.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 16, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 11 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on spring quarter registration; naming of the Fine Arts Building for Superintendent of Tacoma Public Schools Dr. Angelo Giaudrone; the upcoming "Beat Green River Pep Week"; support for youth at the Salishan housing development; an upcoming Valentine's Day dance with music by Sheriene White and the Sound Transfusion; an upcoming speaking visit from Attorney General John J. O'Connell; new campus parking and traffic regulations; Titan men's basketball, including a profile on freshman Marty Morin; Intramural Program basketball and ping pong; the new tennis team; education in France; Pep Club activities; a Community Services Program astronomy class. Also includes an editorial on development of a site near TCC for a Weyerhaeuser and American Plywood Association lab as well as housing units; letters to the editor regarding the class withdrawal policy change; comics; numerous ads from Tacoma businesses congratulating the school on its dedication; the cafeteria menu; Placement Center jobs; announcement of a Titan mascot art contest. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; managing editor Jim Rancipher; sports editor Walt Snover; feature editors Carol Van Horn, Doug Jacques; copy editor Nils Olson; photographers Jamie Frank, Marshall Vigus, Dennis Gruenig; reporters Renee Bayer, Cheryl Hanna, Polly Lewis, Nils Olson, John O'Malley, Mitzi Rochester, Loman West, Bob Zaugg, Carl Zook, Mike Stork, Marji Williams, Jerry Gollinger, Carol Brockway; circulation Bob Zaugg, Dave Welton; business manager Marlyn Bowlby; secretary Pat Loth; advisor Dale Wirsing.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 9, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 10 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the upcoming campus and Fine Arts Building dedication ceremonies, including the formal installation of Dr. Thornton M. Ford as TCC President; TCC Board of Trustees approval of the student-invited speakers policy and other Board news; a student petition regarding a proposed policy change to class withdrawal deadlines; a new "You and the Law" course; Titan men's basketball, including a profile on freshman Greg Freitag; development of the golf team; Intramural Program basketball; possible intercollegiate athletics program additions; the history of the creation of a community college in Tacoma and the history of planning the campus; drug use and abuse; campus fire alarm systems. Also includes an editorial on the proposal class withdrawal deadline policy; letters to the editor regarding a visit to TCC by Tacoma-area attorney Jack Tanner, the destruction of a recreation center for residents of the low-income housing development the Salishan, support of Titan men's basketball, student government activities budgets; announcements of testing and learning skills specialist Richard W. Giroux presenting at the Washington Academy of Clinical Hypnosis meeting, the possibility of forming a campus chapter of the Citizens Committee of Inquiry, the new Talent Club; various campus news in the "You Don't Say" column; creative writing in the Art and Literary Supplement. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; managing editor Jim Rancipher; sports editor Walt Snover; feature editors Carol Van Horn, Doug Jacques; copy editor Nils Olson; photographers Jamie Frank, Marshall Vigus, Dennis Gruenig; reporters Renee Bayer, Cheryl Hanna, Polly Lewis, Nils Olson, John O'Malley, Mitzi Rochester, Loman West, Bob Zaugg, Carl Zook, Mike Stork, Marji Williams, Jerry Gollinger, Carol Brockway; circulation Bob Zaugg, Dave Welton; business manager Marlyn Bowlby; secretary Pat Loth; advisor Dale Wirsing.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 2, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 9 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on the upcoming Associated Women Students-sponsored Drug Week; the upcoming Model United Nations dance featuring music from the Red Coats; graduation requirements; submissions to "Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges"; Titan men's basketball, including a profile on freshman Don Martonik; upcoming Winter Sports Club and Sports Car Club ski trips; Intramural Program basketball; the 1948 Rolls Royce Silver Wraith touring limousine. Also includes announcements for Delta Pi Lambda tutoring, future discussion of an inter-collegiate football team, need for freshman sports writers, Placement Center jobs; editorial on an advisory poll on the council-manager form of city government in Tacoma; letters to the editor regarding student conduct, responding to previous letters and articles criticizing student government; a guest column on French youth culture by exchange student Martine Leurent.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 26, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is unnumbered and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on a failed impeachment attempt of sophomore class President John Conrad; Project Public Information national director Dr. Richard Gray being named keynote speaker for the campus dedication event; a "Beat Green River Pep Week" event; an upcoming Model United Nations dance; plans for an Associated Women Students-sponsored "Drug Week"; draft resistance; Titan men's basketball, including a profile on sophomore Bill Bailey; a new "universal gym" weight training machine set; upcoming Sports Car Club events; winter Intramural Program sports; transition of the Artist and Lecture series from faculty to student control; various student government news. Also includes a editorial on a fire alarm prank; letters to the editor criticizing student government, praising Activities Coordinator Miss Eisenman; announcements inviting freshman sports writers to the Challenge; comics; "Happenings!" activities news; an Art and Literary Supplement section with creative writing and photos.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 12, 1968Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 7 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on a presentation by the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS); TCC Board of Trustees review of the new rule regarding student-invited speakers; TCC's academic program size rank among the state's community colleges; planned Winter Sports Club activities; appointment of new sociology instructor Ann Shea Sundgren; a speech contest in the Speech 100 and Speech 220 classes; Intramural Program; Titan men's basketball; an upcoming meeting for new golf team; appointment of Harland Malyon as new tennis coach; plans for a new wrestling team; installation of bleachers in th gym; life insurance benefits for veterans; membership in the symphony orchestra, concert band, and stage band; grading at the University of Santa Clara; a computer error causing inaccurate grades; innovations in student government at Wilson College in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania; filing accurate Veterans Administration claims. Also includes an editorial on the sophomore representatives previously mandated to improve their work; letter to the editor criticizing the student government; activities news in a new "Happenings!" column; activities schedule. Staff credits: published by Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; managing editor Jim Rancipher; sports editor Walt Snover; features editors Carol Van Horn, Doug Jacques; reporters Renee Bayer, Brian Bray, Laurel Gronen, Cheryl Hanna, James Hendershot, Dennis Kaperick, Polly Lewis, Nils Olson, John O'Malley, Mitzi Rochester, Loman West, Bob Zaugg, Carl Zook, Mike Stork; secretary Pat Loth; advisor Dale Wirsing; photographers Jim Smith, Jamie Frank, Marshall Vigus; business manager Marlyn Bowlby.
The Collegiate Challenge - December 12, 1967Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 6 and is twelve pages. This issue contains stories on Titan men's basketball, including profiles on assistant coach Jim Savitz and player Don Lehmen, photos; an Activities Council member resignation; a motion to remove sophomore class representatives if they didn't improve; a change of location for the upcoming Christmas Ball; the Tacoma Area Child Tutoring (TACT) program; upcoming dedication for the Fine Arts Building and TCC campus; student Dan Ruffo receiving a Red Cross certificate of merit; new administrative policies on student conduct; a new policy for student-invited speakers; the Sports Car Club autocross; appointment of music instructor Robert Dezell as golf coach; intramural wrestling; a new student book exchange; the food services committee and plans for new cafeteria; a new Talent Club; freshman participation in student government; an upcoming Associated Women Students Christmas party for Remann Hall children; an upcoming chamber orchestra, concert band, and choir concert; TCC Community Services programs, including programs for corrections employees and inmates, student nurses, and other community members. Also includes editorials on student government disciplinary action rules, commending various campus groups for successful events and programs; letters to the editor regarding the library's "Northwest Room," parting comments from an outgoing student; comics; announcements for Winter Sports Club and Young Democrats events, art instructor Donald Tracey participating in an art show, Delta Pi Lambda tutoring; basketball and exam schedules; holiday-themed creative writing; a photo essay on student Maryhelen Lockeridge making a dress for a TCC dance; Placement Center jobs. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; managing editor Jim Rancipher; sports editor Walt Snover; feature editors Carol Van Horn, Douglas Jacques; reporters Renee Bayer, Brian Bray, Laurel Gronen, Cheryl Hanna, James Hendershot, Dennis Kaperick, Polly Lewis, Nils Olson, John O'Malley, Mitzi Rochester, Loman West, Bob Zaugg, Carl Zook, Mike Stork; secretary Pat Loth; advisor Dale Wirsing; photographers Jim Smith, Jamie Frank, Marshall Vigus; business manager Marlyn Bowlby.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 24, 1967Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 5 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on an upcoming dance and light show with music by the Magic Fern; Associated Women Students (AWS) elections; upcoming Christmas Ball; Activities Council event approvals; freshman class meetings and business; a cross-country meet; Winter Sports Club events; the upcoming Sports Car Club autocross; biology instructor William Shapeero making fried squid in the Biology Lab. Also includes announcements for Placement Center jobs; editorials on protecting the new gym floor; a humorous work about Thanksgiving. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; managing editor Jim Rancipher; sports editor Walt Snover; feature editors Carol Van Horn, Douglas Jacques; reporters Renee Bayer, Brian Bray, Laurel Gronen, Cheryl Hanna, James Hendershot, Dennis Kaperick, Polly Lewis, Nils Olson, John O'Malley, Mitzi Rochester, Loman West, Bob Zaugg, Carl Zook, Mike Stork; secretary Pat Loth; advisor Dale Wirsing; photographers Jim Smith, Jamie Frank, Marshall Vigus.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 10, 1967Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume III, number 4 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on freshman class, Associated Student Body Secretary, Activities Council elections; the upcoming Model United Nations-hosted dance with music by The Red Coats; registration; cross-country and track teams; University of Washington Husky football; Intramural Program; Titan men's basketball; Winter Sports Club events; President Miller Upton of Beloit College on public subsidy of college students over institutions; TCC Board of Trustees chairman and occasional student Charles Edmunds; an upcoming Young Republicans Convention including keynote speaker Governor Dan Evans; Associated Women Students (AWS) primary elections; upcoming dances; Pep Club elections; success of the high school student education program Project Galaxy; a Sports Car Club upcoming autocross; new sophomore class representatives. Also includes announcements for drama tryouts for The Glass Menagerie, Young Democrats discussion group, Young Republicans elections, Placement Center jobs, an accreditation visit for Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools, appointments to the campus development committee, relocation of the health services program to Building 5, AWS receipt of Service Award, a visit by University of Puget Sound professor of aerospace studies Col. Robert W. Denomy; editorials on student government participation in the Washington Association of Community College Student Governments; letters to the editor regarding a previous editorial criticizing student Vice President Tim O'Grady; a full-page ad regarding the Challenge classified ad section. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor-in-chief Marshall Vigus; managing editor Jim Rancipher; sports editor Walt Snover; feature editor Carol Van Horn; reporters Renee Bayer, Brian Bray, Laurel Gronen, Cheryl Hanna, James Hendershot, Douglas Jacques, Cliff Johnston, Dennis Kaperick, Polly Lewis, Nils Olson, John O'Malley, Carol Proud, Mitzi Rochester, Loman West, Bob Zaugg, Carl Zook, Mike Stork; secretary Pat Loth; advisor Dale Wirsing; photographers Jim Smith, Jamie Frank, Marshall Vigus.