Tacoma Community College Archives Special Collections Library
- Title
- Tacoma Community College Archives Special Collections Library
- Description
- This special collection brings together the various published material in the Tacoma Community College Archives. Most but not all of these books and periodicals are also cataloged in the TCC Library Catalog. The majority of these publications are published by TCC departments and/or student organizations. Several are external publications that contain works by TCC employees and/or students, and a few others are historic publications on the Tacoma region.
- Creator
- Tacoma Community College Archives
- Publisher
- Tacoma Community College Archives
- Rights
- Use is governed by Tacoma Community College's Creative Commons Copyright policy requiring attribution and share-alike intentions.
- Date
- 1965-1982
- Format
- Identifier
The Collegiate Challenge - March 2, 1973Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 17 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on various proposed bills attempting to establish jurisdiction of vocational technical institutes; community-funded Women's Studies courses; a Phi Theta Kappa book swap; the board of trustees adopting a new public disclosure policy in response to Initiative 276, and making permanent new tenure rules; the passage of Initiative 276 regarding access to public records and the upcoming appointment of a Public Records Officer; Dr. Jack Hyde receiving his doctorate from the University of Washington, with a dissertation on the possible eruption of Mt. St. Helens; an upcoming "Night Spot" event sponsored by the Associated Students; results of the Miss Pierce County Pageant, with TCC student Joann Carver winning the crown; forensics team news, including members winning scholarships, competing at the Western Washington State College tournament; state legislature news, including HB 196 / SB 2334 regarding contraceptive health care to minors being stalled, the end of HB 556 on student involvement in tenure review; Titan men's basketball news, including division win and qualification for statement tournament, team statistician Bob Cunningham; the track team competing at the Washington State University Indoor Track and Field Meet; a bill to sponsor a state lottery; state community college directory John Mundt requesting more funding for better pay (and retention) of part-time instructors; a visit by Challenge staff to the state capitol. Also includes editorials on the legislative fight over the vocational technical colleges; a letter and response regarding work-study employment frustrations; an open letter from Carl Brown responding to the previous issue's article about his role as Affirmative Action Officer; letter to the editor from two incarcerated men in Ohio seeking letter writers; spring registration procedure; ads and classified ads. Announcements include the groundbreaking ceremonies of a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Institute of Religion building; a printmaking class exhibit and sale; a Transcendental Meditation lecture; the Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP) legislative liaison office; a visit from University of Washington representatives; the re-election of trustee Charles L. Edmunds as the reading clerk of the Pierce County Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO; new meeting location for the Chess Club; the basketball state tournament schedule. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Gene Achziger; associate editor John Wiley; business/ad manager Tom Pantley; sports editor Tom Allen; chief photographer Steve Bloom; reporters Bonnie Ando, Mary Brennan, Paul Eggers, Dolores Hill, Jose Longoria, Molly Corneal, Neena Pellegrini, Vincent Stewart, Ron Hale, Barbara Burke, Debra Campbell, John Carman; photographers Mark Malloy, Diane Henley; secretary Jean Seaburg; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 16, 1973Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 16 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on student senate news, including appointments to the Interim Budget Committee, funding for the recycling program; preparation by TCC Federation of Teachers for contract negotiations; anthropology instructor Michael Avey on Sasquatch; questions on Carl Brown's dual role as minority affairs director and affirmative action officer; new choir director John Burch; forensics team members competing in a tournament at Western Washington State University; new courses Speech 200 and Speech 235; a free small business seminar; House Bill 556, on involving students in tenure review, moving forward in the legislature; the upcoming geology field excursion class; Titan men's basketball news, including qualification for playoffs; the upcoming major league baseball season; golf team tryouts and schedule; Dr. Harry Edwards speaking on the "myth of racial harmony in sports"; the bowling, archery, and fencing teams. Also includes editorials on the All-College Council and faculty statements regarding student involvement in governance, the end of US involvement in the war in Vietnam and prisoners of war; music column, including a review of Carly Simon's new album "No Secrets"; health column on when to seek care from a physician; cartoons; ads and classified ads; a column suggesting the government has hired the mafia to continue the war in Vietnam. Announcements include the Miss Greater Pierce County Pageant; an upcoming board meeting; a visit from a representative of Air Force Detachment 900 of the University of Puget Sound's Aerospace Studies program; Fencing Club meetings; Phi Theta Kappa application deadline; request for old hoses for campus grounds maintenance; the Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP) legislative liaison office; available scholarships; a Los Unidos rummage sale; the Washington State Summer Internship Program; Nursing Program planner conferences; a toll-free phone line to state legislators; upcoming film screenings; CLEP exam prep materials at the library; transcripts deadline to the Admissions and Records Office; tickets for sale for the Curtis Mayfield and Roberta Flack concerts. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Gene Achziger; associate editor John Wiley; business/ad manager Tom Pantley; sports editor Tom Allen; chief photographer Steve Bloom; reporters Bonnie Ando, Mary Brennan, Paul Eggers, Dolores Hill, Jose Longoria, Molly Corneal, Neena Pellegrini, Vincent Stewart, Ron Hale, Barbara Burke, Debra Campbell, John Carman; photographers Mark Malloy, Diane Henley; secretary Jean Seaburg; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 9, 1973Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 15 and is twelve pages. This issue contains stories on the reaccreditation process with the Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools, led by Dr. Richard Falk; student senate news, including the establishment of an Interim Budget Committee, the recent special election; students receiving scholarships; a meeting of Washington community college veterans' coordinators; a new co-ed racing program from the Winter Sports Club; a significant increase in veteran enrollment at TCC; Los Unidos voting to support the new Asian American Student Union (AASU); a petition complaining about the campus phone service delivered to President Ford; a course on Northwest history by Murray Morgan; a TV special about the idea of "ancient [alien] astronauts" visiting Earth; the introduction of House Bill 570 and Senate Bill 2462 to clarify responsibilities for vocational education in the schools and community colleges; a Western Washington Music Educators' Association contest of high school soloists and ensembles taking place at TCC; faculty perspectives on the student senate gaining control of the services and activity fee; the new designated hitter rule in the American League for baseball; forensics team member Robert Coghe winning a recent tournament, with photo of the team's many trophies and caption voicing concerns about their funding; Titan men's basketball news. Also includes editorial on the campus phone system; letter and response regarding President Ford's private office phone; letters to the editor regarding the services and activities fee, the previous issue's review of John Denver; music column, including a review of Neil Diamond's live album "Hot August Night"; ads and classified ads; health column "Ninety-Eight Point Six" about types of medical care available in the US; upcoming Winter Sports Club activities; photos of the Jamming Jammers with announcement of their upcoming concert in the cafeteria, student broadcasters for KTCC channel 6, 1972 Miss Greater Pierce County Sandy Vigna and announcement of her participation in the Miss Washington Pageant. Announcements include the Challenge's plan to cover Black History Week speaker Harry Edwards; classes from the School of Mystical Sciences at Truth Temple; transcripts deadline for the Admissions and Records Office; tickets on sale for the 1973 Miss Greater Pierce County Pageant; library holdings of CLEP exam prep materials; House Bill No. 556, which would require student evaluations of community college instructors; a visit by a Willamette University representative; the Washington State Summer Internship Program; a toll-free phone line to state legislators; a Sports Car Club practice auto-cross; Nursing Program planner conferences; Fencing Club meetings; upcoming film screenings; library hours; a YWCA-sponsored legislation workshop; state senate approval of community college trustees, including recent TCC trustees; discount tickets on sale for Curtis Mayfield, Jackie DeShannon and Ramsey Lewis concerts; a Transcendental Meditation lecture; a board of trustees commencement meeting; the Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP) legislative office; available scholarships, including from Women of Rotary; a Los Unidos rummage sale; open submissions for Mirror Northwest. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Gene Achziger; associate editor John Wiley; business/ad manager Tom Pantley; sports editor Tom Allen; chief photographer Steve Bloom; reporters Bonnie Ando, Mary Brennan, Paul Eggers, Dolores Hill, Jose Longoria, Molly Corneal, Neena Pellegrini, Vincent Stewart, Ron Hale, Barbara Burke, Debra Campbell, John Carman; photographers Mark Malloy, Diane Henley; secretary Jean Seaburg; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - February 2, 1973Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 14 (actually number 13) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the student senate, including being granted full control of a student fee, setting policy for emergency student loans; the experience of of taking a ferry between Vashon Island and Tacoma during stormy weather; forensic team tournament wins; rehearsals for the upcoming Miss Greater Pierce County Pageant, with portraits of participants; an upcoming Casino Night; student opinions on the student lounge; referees for college sports; Titan men's basketball news, including team member Maynard Brown, recent matches; the Friends of the Library and their fundraisers; the formation of the Washington Non-Professional Library Association, with TCC staff member Lorraine Hildebrand serving as vice-chairperson; high flu rates; student Fred Torres and his successful employment discrimination claim against the Veterans Action Center. Also includes editorial on how to spend the services and activities fee; letters to the editor regarding dissatisfaction with Philosophy 100 course, frustration with the possible cancellation of a Chinese language class; a correction for a previous editorial on the TCC phone system; ads and classified ads; music column, including a review of John Denver album "Rocky Mountain High." Announcements include student election results, open submissions for creative magazine Mirror Northwest, upcoming committee meetings, need for volunteers to distribute fliers on the bond issue to establish Northwest Trek wildlife area, Women's Rotary scholarships, deadline to submit transcripts to the Admissions and Records Office, the Washington State Summer Internship Program, a YWCA-sponsored legislation workshop, upcoming Black History Week, film screenings, a visit from a Willamette University representative, a new toll-free phone line to state legislators, a Los Unidos-sponsored rummage sale, book store hours, tickets on sale for a Ravi Shankar concert in Seattle. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Gene Achziger; associate editor John Wiley; business/ad manager Tom Pantley; sports editor Tom Allen; chief photographer Steve Bloom; reporters Bonnie Ando, Mary Brennan, John Bushnell, Paul Eggers, Dolores Hill, Jose Longoria, Molly Corneal, Neena Pellegrini, Steve Severson, Vincent Dale Stewart, Ron Hale; columnists Barbara Burke, Debra Campbell, Larry Bommarito, John Carman; photographers Mark Malloy, Diane Henley; secretary Jean Seaburg; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 26, 1973Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 13 (actually number 12) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on potential tuition raises from the State Board for Community College Education; student senate news including discussion of an emergency loan fund; a new library courier service between TCC and seven other community colleges; the upcoming Miss Greater Pierce County Pageant; State Senator Joe Stortini and a bill to repeal a 1971 hitchhiking law; blood donations; international students at the International Students Organization (ISO); local matchmaking and friendmaking publication The Bulletin; an upcoming Black History Week; practice sessions for the Miss Greater Pierce County Pageant; skiing; a Los Unidos special election selecting interim chairman and vice-chairman; Titan men's basketball news, including recent wins; basketball team recruitment and funding; the Nixon inauguration concert going as planned despite protests and security issues; the Titan Forensic Tournament; discussion of a state bill to restore the death penalty; postponement of photography classes to spring quarter. Also includes editorial on the campus telephone system; letter to the editor on Transcendental Meditation (TM); ads and classified ads; Titan men's basketball schedule; basketball Region I standings and leading scorers; sports editorial on boxer Joe Frazier. Announcements include the return of Friday afternoon rock concert series "Vibrations"; the Washington State Summer Internship Program; transcript submission deadline; ID picture taking; call for Northwest Trek volunteers to distribute information on an environmental bond issue; nursing program planner conference appointments; bookstore hours; student senate seat openings; screening of the film "The Only Way"; discount tickets for the Quicksilver concert in Seattle; open applications for Inhalation Therapy scholarships; Associate Degree application due date; a TCC Sports Car Club practice auto-cross; a new toll-free phone line to share feedback with state legislators; a visit from a Willamette University representative; exam prep books on reserve at the library; a TCC Coffeehouse event; TCC-TV broadcasting the Miss Pierce County Pageant; Fencing Club meetings; intramural basketball signups. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Gene Achziger; associate editor John Wiley; business/ad manager Tom Pantly; sports editor Tom Allen; chief photographer Steve Bloom; reporters Bonnie Ando, Mary Brennan, John Bushnell, Paul Eggers, Dolores Hill, Jose Longoria, Molly Corneal, Neena Pellegrini, Steve Severson, Vincent Dale Stewart, Ron Hale; columnists Barbara Burke, Debra Campbell, Larry Bommarito, John Carman; photographers Mark Malloy, Diane Henley; secretary Jean Seaburg; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 19, 1973Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 11 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on student senate news, including further resignations, restructuring including Activities Council; rumors that food services might be converted to vending machines; the tutoring program for veterans; various campus rumors; addition of a sign to a new sidewalk naming it "Sundgren Way" in (likely facetious) honor of professor who advocated for paving; Stan Mowre taking over campus police department; sex and contraception; new community services program astrology instructor Dianna Graham; Titan men's basketball news, including conference wins, an upcoming game against the University of Washington Husky Pups, and out-of-state recruiting; an upcoming "Casino Nite"; the Fort Steilacoom and Green River basketball teams; the firing of Seattle SuperSonics coach Tom Nissalke; married students Ann Brock and Chuck Brock competing for the top grade in Murray Morgan's northwest history course; problems with off-campus dialing on phone system; non-credit evening and weekend classes; the student lounge. Also includes editorials on the potential closure of Western State Hospital, Nixon committees, the cafeteria vending machines; letters to the editor regarding education and job training, TCC administration, grades timeline; editor's note on new letters policy regarding unsigned letters; ads and classified ads. Announcements include a College of Medical Education course for nurses at the University of Puget Sound; the upcoming deadline for creative magazine Mirror Northwest; food stamps for sale at the bookstore; a peace rally in Wright's Park; Miss Greater Pierce Country Pageant rehearsals featuring 1970 Miss Washington Nancy Peterson Hale; new bookstore hours; open applications for Challenge editorship; Office of Veteran's Affairs services; discounted tickets for the Quicksilver concert in Seattle; intramural basketball league. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Gene Achziger; associate editor John Wiley; business/ad manager Tom Pantly; sports editor Tom Allen; chief photographer Steve Bloom; reporters Bonnie Ando, Mary Brennan, John Bushnell, Paul Eggers, Dolores Hill, Jose Longoria, Molly Corneal, Neena Pellegrini, Steve Severson, Vincent Dale Stewart, Ron Hale; columnists Barbara Burke, Debra Campbell, Larry Bommarito, John Carman; photographers Mark Malloy, Diane Henley; secretary Jean Seaburg; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - January 12, 1973Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 11 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on student senate news, including several resignations; the Council of Representatives and Presidents (CORP) formed as a successor to the Washington Association of Community College Student Governments (WACCSG); the Challenge office relocating; revision and reduction of the state community college capital budget request; replacement of cafeteria silverware with plastic; the installation of street lights on Mildred Avenue; campus issues during snow and icy weather; the quarterly initiation for TCC Chi Gamma chapter of Phi Theta Kappa; the TCC Health Center; an upcoming "Evening of Quintets" concert; corrective action to the previous increase of student senate service awards; an upcoming TCC-sponsored forensic tournament with a scholarship "Mayor's Sweepstakes Award"; the availability of minority scholarships from the Schoenfeld Foundation and the Tacoma Ministers' Alliance; Titan men's basketball news, including recent wins, upcoming games, loss to University of Washington Husky Pups; Los Unidos members participating in a boycott and picket of Farah slacks at the Bon Marche; women's studies courses. Also includes editorial on women's studies courses and funding; letters to the editor praising cafeteria staff, defending a state hitch-hiking law; ads and classified ads; a story about Eddie of Eddie's Meats; comics; a guest/syndicated article from The Washington Teamster on college tuition. Announcements include open Challenge editorship for spring quarter; Office of Veterans' Affairs hours; call for donations for a Los Unidos sponsored rummage sale; thanks from the student senate for donations for Danny Boren; sale of food stamps in the bookstore; KOL DJ Burl Barer speaking on the Baha'i Faith; work study openings; the approaching deadline for submissions to creative magazine Mirror Northwest; an upcoming TCC Coffeehouse; a Friends of the TCC Library meeting; screening of the film Dusty and Sweets McGee; an exhibit of World War I posters at the library; birth of child to Trustee Roy Springer and wife; new bookstore hours. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor Gene Achziger; associate editor John Wiley; business/ad manager Tom Pantly; sports editor Tom Allen; chief photographer Steve Bloom; reporters Bonnie Ando, Mary Brennan, John Bushnell, Paul Eggers, Dolores Hill, Jose Longoria, Molly Corneal, Neena Pellegrini, Steve Severson, Vincent Dale Stewart, Ron Hale; columnists Barbara Burke, Debra Campbell, Larry Bommarito, John Carman; photographers Mark Malloy, Diane Henley; secretary Jean Seaburg; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - December 8, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 10 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on student senate news, including bus costs and attempts to sell it, increasing services awards for officers; the Miss Greater Pierce County Pageant and half of the semifinalists being TCC students; the foreign student experience at TCC; the forensics team competing at the Husky Tourney against mostly four-year colleges and winning several first-place trophies; Christmas activities; how Christmas is celebrated around the world; Titan men's basketball news, including a game against the Olympic Rangers; Biology 106, "Contemporary Biological Problems" and environmentalism; TCC and Pacific Lutheran University courses at McNeil Island Federal Penitentiary; department store Santas and what children request for Christmas; TCC construction plans for Referendum 31 funds, including classrooms, offices, and a cafeteria expansion. Also includes a Christmas poem; editorials on the service awards increase, supporting the basketball team, a University of Michigan student government attempt at buying cannabis with student funds, the launch of Apollo 17 and peace on earth; letter to the editor addressed to full-time instructors regarding conditions for part-time instructors; letters to the editor requesting donations for Danny Boren of Grants Pass, Oregon; ads and classified ads; column on sex and contraception; a story about getting a traffic ticket during the holidays; final exams schedule. Announcements include available scholarships; a benefit concert in support of Pacific Lutheran University establishing a center for formerly incarcerated people seeking college education; increase in veteran enrollment; open submissions for Mirror Northwest creative magazine; gym hours for Christmas vacation; formation of ski racing teams.
The Collegiate Challenge - December 1, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 9 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on student senate news, including an attempt to remove ping pong tables from the student lounge; the need for coaches for area Boy's Club basketball teams; Titan men's basketball news, including the Bellevue Tip Off Tournament and an upcoming game against Olympic; production of the one-act play Birdbath by University of Puget Sound student Beth Kneeshaw; the International Students Organization (ISO) festival; usage of student fees for student government and clubs; use of Spanish in car model names; fashion trends according to a Bon Marche spokeswoman; an upcoming College Career Clinic in Seattle; the Los Unidos student group authorizing member Francisco Rodriguez to select participants in the group's work-study program. Also includes a new feature on sex and contraception; team and individual photos of the Titan men's basketball team; letters to the editor criticizing the Challenge, Referendum 31; editorial response to criticism of the Challenge; editorial on TCC advisors; ads and classified ads; basketball schedule. Announcements include the publishing of the library's Japanese-American bibliography Issei, Nisei, Sansei, Yonsei; the Christmas festival concert at Pacific Lutheran University; a sickle cell anemia clinic and call for volunteers to help with testing; Spanish and French beginner courses; an Air Force officers qualifying test for ROTC; need for volunteers at the Student Information and Referral Center; final exam dates; a screening of the film The Great Bank Robbery; the Music Department winter concert; a new Chinese 101 course. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor in chief Dann Tillinghast; news editor Tom Pantley; sports editor Ross Whitfeldt; managing editor John Wiley; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Wayne Stewart; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; reporters Tom Allen, Larry Bommarito, Barbara Burke, Roger Dahl, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anne Flannigan, Jose Longoria, Paul Henderson, Jeff Hochstrasser; photographers Steve Bloom, David Cozine, Shirley Larson, Mark Malloy, David Powers, Ron Van Gent; columnists Debra Campbell, John Schossow; music reviews Clay Florand, Pat Maddock; staff artist Irene Jones; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 17, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 8 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on student perspectives on communication and interaction on campus; the Obi Society's Thanksgiving food drive; an International Students Organization festival (in English and Spanish); a piano recital by Dr. David Rostkoski; Thanksgiving; the Little Quakers football team; the Spanish origin of the word "cafeteria"; Titan men's basketball team; the end of the cross-country season; the "Challenging Choices" sports prediction game; the Fort Steilacoom Community College basketball team; two new Spanish language courses; the TCC Ethnic Studies Lab and head Larry McIntosh; the approval of TCC's associate nursing program by the State Board of Nursing and the hiring of Joan Morris to assist in curriculum planning; Fort Steilacoom Community College's production of Butterflies Are Free. Also includes editorials on the Christmas season, the Drama Department's production of Last of the Red Hot Lovers; letter to the editor regarding Referendum 31; ads and classified ads; photography. Announcements include State Director of Community Colleges John C. Mundt praising Washingtonians for passing Referendum 31; screenings of films La Boheme and Great Adventure; an Obi Society sponsored presentation by Minister Joe X. Tex; Political Science Forum meetings; formation of a Pool League; Challenge columnist Debra Campbell winning a Thanksgiving turkey from KQIN radio; a Phi Theta Kappa meeting; the third annual Bellevue Tip-Off Tournament; availability of food coupons at the bookstore; an International Students Organization dance; a recruiter visit from the Air Force Reserve; a special student matinee of the touring Broadway musical Applause. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor in chief Dann Tillinghast; news editor Tom Pantley; sports editor Ross Whitfeldt; managing editor John Wiley; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Wayne Stewart; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; reporters Tom Allen, Larry Bommarito, Barbara Burke, Roger Dahl, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anne Flannigan, Jose Longoria, Paul Henderson, Jeff Hochstrasser; photographers Steve Bloom, David Cozine, Shirley Larson, Mark Malloy, David Powers, Ron Van Gent; columnists Debra Campbell, John Schossow; music reviews Clay Florand, Pat Maddock; staff artist Irene Jones; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 10, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 7 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the TCC Security office; an informal TCC "intercollegiate football" team, the Mildred Street University Little Quakers; a lecture by photographer Ansel Adams; new anthropology instructor Michael Avey; the forensic team and recent and upcoming tournaments; an upcoming statewide conference on minority education at Washington State University; the Bellevue Helmsmen basketball team; cross-country team news; criminal justice instructor J. Morton Arnold; student government members attending the Association of College Unions International Conference and other senate news; the Drama Department's production of Last of the Red Hot Lovers; television cartoons; Bert Germalm playing 21 opponents in a chess exhibition. Also includes editorials and guest editorials on the Washington gubernatorial and state measures, US presidential elections, many expressing disappointment in the campaigns, television coverage; ads and classified ads; "Challenging Choices" prediction game; a letter to the sports editor regarding the story on a potential Obi Black basketball league in a previous issue; poetry. Announcements include a Jose Feliciano concert; an Aware Women Students group meeting; an upcoming Central Washington State College representative visit; a "noonie" mini concert; the UW Military Science Department seeking applicants for their Army ROTC program; a new baby for Anthropology instructor Mike Avey; availability of food stamps at the bookstore; a smoking cessation clinic at the University of Puget Sound; Aerospace Studies 110 for Air Force ROTC; suspended clubs due to non-participation in Activities Council; a Student's International Meditation Society meeting. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor in chief Dann Tillinghast; news editor Tom Pantley; sports editor Ross Whitfeldt; managing editor John Wiley; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Wayne Stewart; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; reporters Tom Allen, Larry Bommarito, Barbara Burke, Roger Dahl, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anne Flannigan, Jose Longoria, Paul Henderson, Jeff Hochstrasser; photographers Steve Bloom, David Cozine, Shirley Larson, Mark Malloy, David Powers, Ron Van Gent; columnists Debra Campbell, John Schossow; music reviews Clay Florand, Pat Maddock; staff artist Irene Jones; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - November 3, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is volume VIII, number 6 (incorrectly numbered volume III, number 5) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on US Presidential candidates Richard Nixon and George McGovern; political science instructor John Swarthout on the upcoming election; music news including performances by TCC students; transcendental meditation; results from a student preference poll on the presidential election; Communist Eric Lindberg and his write-in campaign for state office; the TCC Board adopting policy amendments as discussed with the faculty union, preventing a strike; a Halloween party held by Los Unidos for disadvantaged children; Political Science instructor John Swarthout on the upcoming elections; TCC Art Department chair Paul Michaels and TCC's art and music programs; the TCC basketball team; student senate news including a request for funds from Volunteers in Service to People (VISP). Also includes an open letter to Washington college students from Governor Daniel Evans recounting his record and asking for their vote; an open letter on behalf of the Al Rosellini campaign for governor; letter to the editor from the original writer regarding the honorific "Ms." responding to criticism; editorials on Governor Evans, newly elected student senators; ads and classified ads; a photo of Board chair Dr. Dewey Tuggle receiving the Robert Memorial Trophy from Miss Tacoma Sandra Vigna; "Challenging Choices" sports game; sports editorial on the Obi Society's call for a Black Intramural Basketball League; a column on population control; a photo of student Miles Landon representing Argentina a a Model United Nations Security Council session at the University of Puget Sound. Announcements include a spring break ski trip planning meeting by the Winter Sports Club; a Hunting and Fishing Club meeting; the election of Davey L. Smith as president of the Friends of the Library; a presentation by state senate candidate John Hawkins; upcoming performances of The Last of the Red Hot Lovers; a Pacific Northwest Bell aptitude test. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor in chief Dann Tillinghast; news editor Tom Pantley; sports editor Ross Whitfeldt; managing editor John Wiley; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Wayne Stewart; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; reporters Tom Allen, Larry Bommarito, Barbara Burke, Roger Dahl, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anne Flannigan, Jose Longoria, Paul Henderson, Jeff Hochstrasser; photographers Steve Bloom, David Cozine, Shirley Larson, Mark Malloy, David Powers, Ron Van Gent; columnists Debra Campbell, John Schossow; music reviews Clay Florand, Pat Maddock; staff artist Irene Jones; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 27, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 5 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on California State Senator Mervyn Dymally speaking on politics and the need for Black students to be involved; the success of TCC and Fort Steilacoom Community College's ACCESS auction for Referendum 31 support funds; student senate news, including support of Referendum 31 and sale of the bus; student senate election results; Los Unidos club news, including a goal to do a project a month, develop an insignia, and a name change proposal; theatre news including Valley Theater of the Arts' production of Moliere's The Imaginary Invalid; music news including the cancellation of the El Chicano concert and the Elton John concert; an upcoming concert by the TCC String Quartet; the results of the first "Challenging Choices" sports prediction game; the cross-country team placing second in the Shoreline Invitational; this year's basketball team. Also includes a speculative column on Sherlock Holmes; letters to the editor responding to the previous issue's letter regarding the honorific "Ms."; a review of musical film Cabaret; ads and classified ads; weekly sports prediction form. Announcements include an upcoming lecture by photographer Ansel Adams; due date for Associate Degree applications; a new bookstore schedule; new Phi Theta Kappa officers.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 20, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 4 and is eight pages with a two-page insert. This issue contains stories on HJR 61, a state constitutional amendment for equal rights; TCC tennis team; the TCC television station and it's one-year birthday; election of Reginald Fernandez as Obi Society Prime Minister and need for more members; theatre news, including rehearsals for Last of the Red Hot Lovers, performances at Tacoma Little Theater, and area shows; student senator frustrations on student "apathy and indifference"; a new Career Informations program; cross-country team news; beginning of basketball season; blind student Janet Gayle. Also includes a cover photo collage of women; editorials on the hypocrisy of a women-targeted ad and the state equal rights amendment, the presidential campaign, and student senate election spending; letter to the editor regarding the use of the prefix "Ms"; ads; music column on the Tower of Power concert, upcoming shows, and a Tacoma Opera Society performance of Madame Butterfly; a two-page insert on the candidates for the U.S. presidential election. Announcements include upcoming Political Science Forum, Chess Club meetings; a Student International Meditation Society lecture; availability of on- and off-campus part-time jobs for students; the forensics team and tournament schedule; a California Senator Mervyn Dymally lecture. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor in chief Dann Tillinghast; news editor Tom Pantley; sports editor Ross Whitfeldt; managing editor John Wiley; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Wayne Stewart; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; reporters Tom Allen, Larry Bommarito, Barbara Burke, Roger Dahl, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anne Flannigan, Jose Longoria, Paul Henderson, Jeff Hochstrasser; photographers Steve Bloom, David Cozine, Shirley Larson, Mark Malloy, David Powers, Ron Van Gent; columnists Debra Campbell, John Schossow; music reviews Clay Florand, Pat Maddock; staff artist Irene Jones; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 13, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 3 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on student senate news, including a formal request for invitation to faculty meetings after senators were excluded from a strike postponement faculty meeting; the faculty union voting to postpone their strike for further mediation; results of a student survey showing ignorance of their student government representatives, and profiles of President Lou McCabe and Senators Linda Miller and Jim Pever; an information session on the potential strike and student boycott in sympathy, in which student senators were criticized for the boycott; Los Unidos group news, including upcoming concerts by El Chicano, an approved proposal to bring El Teatro Campesino to TCC, and officer elections; opening of a Student Information and Referral Center (SIRC) for reproductive health, draft, and drug counseling; TCC Health Advisor Dorothy Galloway; a solo show at the Gig Harbor White Whale Gallery by TCC art department chair Paul Michaels; Paula Pascoe discussing changes at TCC; the cross-country team taking third at the Green River Invitational; a new Racism and Minority Groups telecourse from UW; new TCC Community Service classes; student and Pierce County GOP campaign mailing chair Jenny Howell; the cast for the upcoming production of The Last of the Red Hot Lovers; more humorous aspects of strike discussions. Also includes editorial on the faculty contract negotiations' impact on students; ads; a new music column "The Circle of Sound" on the Seattle/Tacoma music scene; statements from student senate candidates; a column on cities and pollution; a new sports section interactive. Announcements include an upcoming lecture by Stanford University Biology Professor Paul R. Ehrlich; a Transcendental Meditation lecture; a Veteran's Association meeting; the Tacoma Little Theatre production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf; a Bill Cosby Show performance; a Candidate's Fair for Washington state representatives; office hours for Health Advisor Dorothy Galloway; food coupons for sale at the bookstore; a Phi Theta Kappa meeting; cheerleader elections. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor in chief Dann Tillinghast; news editor Tom Pantley; sports editor Ross Whitfeldt; managing editor John Wiley; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Wayne Stewart; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; reporters Tom Allen, Larry Bommarito, Barbara Burke, Roger Dahl, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anne Flannigan, Jose Longoria, Paul Henderson, Jeff Hochstrasser; photographers Steve Bloom, David Cozine, Shirley Larson, Mark Malloy, David Powers, Ron Van Gent; columnists Debra Campbell, John Schossow; music reviews Clay Florand, Pat Maddock; staff artist Irene Jones; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - October 6, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is volume VIII, number 2 (corrected by hand) and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on faculty contract negotiations, including the faculty voting to negotiate directly with the Board; a new Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFROTC) program at TCC in partnership with University of Puget Sound; Board meeting news, including faculty contract negotiations and faculty policy votes; Referendum 31, which would provide bonds for community college facilities construction; the 1973 Miss Greater Pierce County Pageant; the Drama Department's planned production of Neil Simon's The Last of the Red Hot Lovers; a new TCC sign at the north entrance; upcoming elections for Obi Society officers; Jack Hyde's geological field trip course and the possible sale of TCC's bus; the U.S. loss to Russia in basketball at the Olympics; the TCC cross-country team; a TCC Board executive session regarding the dispute over a faculty contract; Dr. Ronald Magden's spring study at the University of Zagreb, Yugoslavia; financial aid programs; the TCC Criminal Justice program; an upcoming exhibition game by Bert Germalm for the TCC Chess Club; student senate meeting news, including by-law changes on elections. Also includes editorials on how people choose who to vote for, the concept of the "youth vote," Georgia state legislature candidate J.B. Stoner; letters to the editor praising the positives of the Olympics; ads and classified ads. Announcements include a Los Unidos reunion gig; cheerleader tryouts; the sale of the third issue of Mirror Northwest; the Friends of the TCC and Tacoma Public Libraries' successful book sale; an upcoming Englebert Humperdinck concert; a TCC film festival schedule; the largest enrollment to date at TCC; Winter Sports Club meetings; how to start a new club; the need for student senate secretaries; senate position petition due date; Political Science Forum meetings; an upcoming Bobby Womack concert; the new Hunting and Fishing Club meetings; an upcoming concert by El Chicano; a possible new TCC Bowling League. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor in chief Dann Tillinghast; news editor Tom Pantley; sports editor Ross Whitfeldt; managing editor John Wiley; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Wayne Stewart; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; reporters Tom Allen, Larry Bommarito, Barbara Burke, Roger Dahl, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anne Flannigan, Jose Longoria, Paul Henderson, Jeff Hochstrasser; photographers Steve Bloom, David Cozine, Shirley Larson, Mark Malloy, David Powers, Ron Van Gent; columnists Debra Campbell, John Schossow; music reviews Clay Florand, Pat Maddock; staff artist Irene Jones; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - September 8, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VIII, number 1 and is twelve pages. This issue contains stories on fall registration; off-campus weekend trips as part of fall orientation programming; parking and speed issues in TCC parking lots; the possible withdrawal of Trustee Charles Edmunds' resignation; negotiations with new faculty union TCCFT; upcoming student elections; Public Information Officer Barbara Saurs; Board approval of the Communications Club's request to apply for an FM radio station; the appointment of Joan G. Royce as planner for an Associate Degree nursing program; the need for stories for the Challenge; Defense Secretary Laird and reductions to the draft; movement of Project HIPPIE's recycling collection areas; new women studies courses from a joint Women's Studies and Services Center by TCC, Pacific Lutheran University, University of Puget Sound, and local businesses and women's groups; Student Body President Lou McCabe and student services fees; student senate action delays due to lack of quorum and impeachments. Also includes announcements of Robert F. Thaden being appointed acting admissions and records officer during Joseph Kosai's sabbatical, Selective Service System draft lottery; editorials on the killings at the Munich Olympics, encouraging student involvement at TCC; a map of campus; ads, many for local elections and including a two-page ad for Chuck Hamrick for Commissioner District #2; an activity interest check sheet; a student senate newsletter and questionnaire results, with topics including bookstore policy, the possibility of a day care center, student health services, instructor evaluations; a calendar of events for September and October; a form for being included in a student phone directory. Staff credits: published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College; editor in chief Dann Tillinghast; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; business/ad manager Gene Achziger.
The Collegiate Challenge - June 2, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VII, number 24 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on TCC student Sandra Vigna winning the Miss Tacoma pageant, hosted on campus; the TCC Board of Trustees requesting capital funds for campus expansion projects; a grant from the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and how it will be used at TCC; geology instructor James Crawford; summer session courses; the "New Careers" two year college program; the TCC campus TV station; the TCC Student Information and Referral Center; TCC golf team member and state medalist Russ Bloom; instructors Donald A. Hiatt and Russell E. Clark being selected for the 1972 edition of Outstanding Educators of America; tennis team news, including Dan Beyette going to the state tournament; a performance by El Teatro Campesino at the Evergreen State College; Los Unidos proposals for courses in Latin American, Chicano, and Northwest indigenous history, culture, and language; the new Washington State Vietnam Bonus. Also includes letter to the editor thanking Dean of Instruction Dr. Jacobsen; examination schedule; ads and classified ads. Announcements include cap and gown pickups; a blood drive for a TCC family; graduation activities; availability of commencement invitations; summer registration; the Friends of the TCC Library annual dinner meeting; a TCC campus news TV broadcast; a new Phi Theta Kappa - Chi Gamma chapter alumni association and officers. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College. Editor in chief Candice Hanes; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Bill Schrum; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; sports editor Dann Tillighast; reporters Stephen Bowden, Anne Flannigan, Dolores Hill, Lamoyne Hreha, Jose Longoria, Duane McCormies, Joyce Rhodes, Tod Sharlow; photographers Charles Kuhn, Shaune Liles, David Powers, Wayne Stewart; opinion Ken Elgin, Stephan Guthrie, Irene Jones, Rick May, Michael McLavy; sports Ross Whitfeldt, Mike Greenwood; makeup Phyllis Church; office secretary Joyce Basozki; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 26, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VII, number 23 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the TCC Pride and Shame Week, including a presentation by William Hosokawa on the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, a panel discussion on the incarceration and contemporary racial prejudice; the TCC Student Publications Review Board objectives; TCC history instructor Rev. Elijah H. Hankerson receiving an Urban League community service award; a new Selective Service draft induction; the Pacific Northwest Bell general aptitude test to be given on campus; a new art show in the library by Mexican artist Gustavo Alaniz; the events of the Los Unidos-hosted cultural week; Referendum 31 to provide bond money for Washington junior colleges; the upcoming commencement ceremony; student senate business, topics including book buying, the Challenge's budget, elimination of the Cronus, and a Budget Committee meeting; the rezoning of land near the Ram Pub in the Fircrest area; the Miss Tacoma contest, including portraits of the candidates; track team news, including pole vaulter Don Rinta setting a new state community college record; the Friends of the TCC Library annual dinner; golf team news; TCC president Dr. Thornton Ford praising local parties for supporting Referendum 31; the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare granting TCC student aid funds. Also includes letter to the editor praising telephone operator Lynn Counter; ads and classified ads; reviews of films Gumshoe and Cisco Pike; a "day in the life" description of the TCC Lounge; examinations schedule; the TCC campus landscape, including work done by Reinhold Mueller and tree donations; a photo of organist George Scott. Announcements include an upcoming Pacific Northwest Bell Company general aptitude test; new legislation regarding veterans tuition reduction; election of allied health programs manager Donald R. Gangnes as TCC Asociation president; information at the Career Development Program; presentations by author Hazil Heckman and monologist Lovina March at the Friends of the TCC Library annual dinner meeting; veterans course load requirements; Congressman Floyd Hicks speaking at the Phi Theta Kappa initiation banquet; new requirements for student receiving Social Security benefits; summer registration; availability of commencement invitations. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College. Editor in chief Candice Hanes; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Bill Schrum; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; sports editor Dann Tillighast; reporters Stephen Bowden, Anne Flannigan, Dolores Hill, Lamoyne Hreha, Jose Longoria, Duane McCormies, Joyce Rhodes, Tod Sharlow; photographers Charles Kuhn, Shaune Liles, David Powers, Wayne Stewart; opinion Ken Elgin, Stephan Guthrie, Irene Jones, Rick May, Michael McLavy; sports Ross Whitfeldt, Mike Greenwood; makeup Phyllis Church; office secretary Joyce Basozki; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 12, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VII, number 21 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on a presentation by governor candidate James (Jim) McDermott; TCC Pride and Shame Week, commemorating the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II; TCC Admissions and Records Officer Joseph Kosai, and his experience in an incarceration camp during World War II; the TCC Veteran's Association moving their office; the TCC faculty art show at the new Tacoma Art Museum; speech-drama department chairman Donald A. Hiatt receiving the Washington State Speech Association Distinguish Service Award; the Pierce County Young Republicans Club; tennis and golf team news; student senate business, including the recycling center and discussion of a Student Health Council. Also includes letters to the editor responding to the reprinting of Senator Buckley's speech in the previous issue, on summer jobs and union membership, thanking the art department for the Fine Arts Week; what appears to be a guest article on cannabis legislation; ads and classified ads; a review of film Little Big Man. Announcements include Denver Post associate editor and author of Nisei, the Quiet Americans William K. Hosokawa speaking for Pride and Shame Week; performances of Under the Gaslight; availability of tickers for Canned Heat and Taj Mahal in concert; a hotpants contest in the cafeteria; recycling station hours expanding to 24 hours; ticket refunds for "Boogie on the Water"; moved Phi Theta Kappa meetings; Roberta Flack concert ticket refunds; end of pre-registration period. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College. Editor in chief Candice Hanes; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Bill Schrum; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; sports editor Dann Tillighast; reporters Richard Barnes, Stephen Bowden, Mary Brannon, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anne Flannigan, Dolores Hill, Lamoyne Hreha, Joyce Kalivas, Jose Longoria, Shirley Larson, Duane McCormies, Joyce Rhodes, Tod Sharlow; photographers Charles Kuhn, David Powers, Wayne Stewart, Shaune Liles, Jim Zderic; opinion Michael McLavy, Irene Jones, Rick May, Kenneth Elgin, Stephen Guthrie; sports Ross Whitfeldt, Mike Greenwood; makeup Dennis Bouffiore, Phyllis Church; office secretary Joyce Basozki; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - May 5, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VII, number 20 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the Artist and Lecture Series and art department-sponsored Fine Arts Week; the College Entrance Examination Board receiving a Carnegie Corporation grant for the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP); TCC student Shirley Klein winning Tacoma Goodwill Worker of the Year; Los Unidos news, including elections and the upcoming Los Unidos Week events; the Community Involvement Program (CIP); upcoming TCC drama performances of Under the Gaslight; the All-College Council; the TCC ski team winning the Aspen Highlands Club Championship Ski Race and the TCC Winter Sport Club; new student president Lou McCabe; an upcoming Friends of the TCC Library book sale; the new TCC affirmative action policy; Titan men's basketball coach Don Moseid; track and field, tennis team news. Also includes editorials on the TCC telephone service; a review of the film Mary, Queen of Scots; letters to the editor thanking instructors and staff; the reprinted text of a speech by Senator James Buckley regarding the war in Vietnam; ads and classified ads; a review of the new Graham Nash and David Crosby album. Announcements include the "Boogie on the Water" Puget Sound cruise; a presentation by American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) representative Rick Hull; a performance of Jesus Christ Superstar at Pacific Lutheran University; Donny Hathaway appearing at the Olypic Hotel Seattle; a TCC Skydivers meeting and demonstration; the TCC Instructional Resource Center being feature on TV; voter registration events. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College. Editor in chief Candice Hanes; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Bill Schrum; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; sports editor Dann Tillighast; reporters Richard Barnes, Stephen Bowden, Mary Brannon, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anne Flannigan, Dolores Hill, Lamoyne Hreha, Joyce Kalivas, Jose Longoria, Shirley Larson, Duane McCormies, Joyce Rhodes, Tod Sharlow; photographers Charles Kuhn, David Powers, Wayne Stewart, Shaune Liles, Jim Zderic; opinion Michael McLavy, Irene Jones, Rick May, Kenneth Elgin, Stephen Guthrie; sports Ross Whitfeldt, Mike Greenwood; makeup Dennis Bouffiore, Phyllis Church; office secretary Joyce Basozki; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 28, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VII, number 19 and is four pages. This issue contains stories on a presentation by former San Quentin Prison warden Clinton Duffy; election results for student representations and the constitutional amendment; TCC Board member Reverend Robert Yamashita; the TCC budget allocation for 1972-1973; Elizabeth Burrows speaking on the Aquarian Age; Fine Arts Week events; tennis and golf team news; a Phi Theta Kappa-sponsored presentation on world economics by TCC instructors Gary Sigmen and Timothy Keely. Also includes ads and classified ads; a review of the film The French Connection; a review of the first David Crosby solo album. Announcements include an upcoming "Boogie on the Water" Puget Sound cruise; TCC art faculty participating in an exhibit at the Tacoma Art Museum; expanded Language Lab hours; a meeting on an initiative to legalize cannabis; a TCC radio program; cap and gown orders; open applications for Phi Theta Kappa.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 14, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VII, number 17 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on the spring student senate election; senate news, including absent senators; Gerald Allen and his Community Service jewelry casting class; a panel discussion on world economics; the TCC Math Lab; the campus recycling center program; TCC librarian Morris W. Skagen and his upcoming sabbatical leave; astronomy instructor George Harper; Titan men's basketball and golf team news. Also includes student body candidate statements and photos; editorial on the All-College Council; letters to the editor regarding Challenge coverage of the Frank Cedervald presentation, from an incarcerated individual seeking to run for president; a new pro and con section, discussing amnesty toward those who refused to be drafted in this issue; ads and classified ads; reviews of the film Seven Samurai, in anticipation of a showing at the University of Puget Sound (UPS), and the new film The Godfather; review of the new Grateful Dead album "Live Dead"; a track meet schedule; a photo of Spencer Haywood of the Seattle Super Sonics. Announcements include volunteer opportunities at the Tacoma Area Child Tutoring program; open applications for Phi Theta Kappa; the upcoming Friends of the TCC Library fundraiser performance of Plaza Suite; transfer course corrections from UPS; available scholarships; a panel discussion by TCC students on TV; cap and gown orders; comics. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College. Editor in chief Candice Hanes; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Bill Schrum; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; sports editor Dann Tillighast; reporters Richard Barnes, Stephen Bowden, Mary Brannon, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anne Flannigan, Dolores Hill, Lamoyne Hreha, Joyce Kalivas, Jose Longoria, Shirley Larson, Duane McCormies, Joyce Rhodes, Tod Sharlow; photographers Charles Kuhn, David Powers, Wayne Stewart, Shaune Liles, Jim Zderic; opinion Michael McLavy, Irene Jones, Rick May, Kenneth Elgin, Stephen Guthrie; sports Ross Whitfeldt, Mike Greenwood; makeup Dennis Bouffiore, Phyllis Church; office secretary Joyce Basozki; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - April 7, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VII, number 16 and is eight pages. This issue contains stories on geology instructor Jack Hyde and the effect of budget cuts on professional engagement; TCC Board Chairman Dr. Dewey Tuggle; the selection of TCC Federation of Teachers as the new bargaining agent for employees; the upcoming Fiesta Mexicana at the Temple Theater; Miss Tacoma pageant contestants meeting the current Miss Washington; an art exhibit from Eastern Washington State College on display in the TCC Library; Friends of the TCC Library fundraisers; the TCC Coffee House events; journalism programs in four year colleges; TCC golf team news; the upcoming installation of parking lot lighting; the TCC basketball banquet, including guest speaker Spencer Haywood of the Seattle Super Sonics. Also includes guest articles by student senator Ron Hale on an upcoming constitution revision, Steve Whitbeck on the proposal for an All-College Council; a review of the film The Last Picture Show; reviews of albums by Traffic, The Who; letters to the editor on the Tacoma Crisis Clinic, Challenge coverage of the Frank Cedervall presentation; ads and classified ads. Announcements include a new grading system at the University of Washington; an upcoming visit by Washington State University, Central Washington State College representatives; a student panel discussion on TV; an upcoming benefit performance of Plaza Suite by Neil Simon for the Friends of the TCC Library; Judo Club meetings; the new Phoenix crisis telephone services; a new student Information and Referral Center on campus; one credit student workshops; contributions for campaigning for a special levy for the school district; part time campus jobs; an upcoming production of Blow Hot, Blow Cold; incomplete grades in the Math Lab; corrections to transfer credit information for University of Puget Sound; Community Services director assistant Jerry Vaughan being interviewed on TV; a meeting for Tacoma Crisis Clinic staff and volunteers; an upcoming Sarah Vaughn concert. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College. Editor in chief Candice Hanes; associate editor Kathy Wardlow; chief photographer Bill Schrum; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; sports editor Dann Tillighast; reporters Richard Barnes, Stephen Bowden, Mary Brannon, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Anne Flannigan, Dolores Hill, Lamoyne Hreha, Joyce Kalivas, Jose Longoria, Shirley Larson, Duane McCormies, Joyce Rhodes, Tod Sharlow; photographers Charles Kuhn, David Powers, Wayne Stewart, Shaune Liles, Jim Zderic; opinion Michael McLavy, Irene Jones, Rick May, Kenneth Elgin, Stephen Guthrie; sports Ross Whitfeldt, Mike Greenwood; makeup Dennis Bouffiore, Phyllis Church; office secretary Joyce Basozki; advisor Dennis Hale.
The Collegiate Challenge - March 10, 1972Student newspaper of the Tacoma Community College. This issue is numbered volume VII, number 15 and is six pages. This issue contains stories on social science division chair Ronald Magden taking leave to participant in a Yugoslavia exchange program; the presentation on the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) by labor organizer Frank Cedervald; Los Unidos supporting the Inside-Out House and other group business; TCC math instructor Bill Wittenfield directing the Mitey Mite ski racing program at Crystal Mountain; a presentation by former FBI agent Gerald W. Kirk on the radical Left and the Nixon government; the two different unions at TCC; Titan men's basketball losses; a new emergency meal ticket program; the induction of new Phi Theta Kappa - Chi Gamma chapter members; instructor perspectives on final exams; TCC choir member Loren Hill being chosen to tour Europe with the Princeton University Academy for Music; TCC students placing in a Novice Indoor Archery Tournament. Also includes editorials on controversies in the Challenge, the February issue's Black poetry, Senate accomplishments; letters to the editor praising young students, referring to a poem in the previous issue, encouraging the editors; ads and classified ads; Titan men's basketball statistics. Announcements include an upcoming presentation by the Tacoma-Pierce County League of Women Voters; spring quarter registration; the election for which union will bargain for TCC employees; upcoming Sports Car Club events; new courses accepted toward degrees. Staff credits: Published by the Associated Students of Tacoma Community College. Editor in chief Cheryl Doten; chief photographer Charley Kuhn; sports editor Dann Tillighast; business/ad manager Gene Achziger; copy editor Kathy Wardlow; reporters Stephen Bowden, Mike Greenwood, Candice Hanes, Dolores Hill, Lamoyne Hreha, Jose Longoria, Joyce Rhodes, Owens Satterwhite Jr., Tod Sharlow, Ken Slusher, Ross Whitfeldt, Lynn Fitzpatrick; photographers Wade Cook, Shaune Liles, David Powers, Bill Schrum, Bill Stephenson, Wayne Stewart, Tracy Stromberg; columnist Kathy Wardlow; artist Phillip "Rosy" Rosenbaum; cartoonist Gary Payn; culture page Ed Hawkins; office secretary Joyce Basozki; advisor Dennis Hale.