Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - March 20, 198065-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, March 30, 1980. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes call to order; approval of agenda and previous minutes; guest and presentation introductions; resolutions honoring Larry Putnam, Darrell Gray, John Meacham, Joe Palmquist, Clem O'Neil; old business; academic employee tenure recommendations; leave of absence extension request; amendments to 1979-80 operating budget; monthly Instructional Services report; correspondence; citizen remarks; trustee remarks, with commemorative resolution posthumously honoring John H. Binns; executive session; action items; next meeting information; adjourn. Attachments include recommendation to approve previous minutes; notice of commemorative resolutions, resolutions thanking McNeil Island Penitentiary Warden Lawrence R. Putnam, Acting Warden Darrell D. Grey, Associate Warden for Programs John A. Meacham, Supervisor of Education Joseph S. Palmquist, College Coordinator Clement J. O'Neill for their service; recommendation to concur with the Tenure Review Committee tenure recommendations; notice of academic employee professional leave recommendations being covered in the March 18 executive session; recommendation to approve Lloyd Berntson's request for a leave extension; recommendation to approve the amendment to the 1979-80 operating budget, with attached revisions; monthly Instructional Services report; correspondence cover sheet, letter to Ruth Binns inviting her to the Board meeting where they will honor John Binns for his service to TCC, letter from Leola Davidson thanking TCC staff for their work during the National League for Nursing Associate Degree accreditation process, letter from student praising Lynn Schlick's poetry and fiction class; letter from Representative Norman Dicks thanking Tanya Brunke for meeting with him at a women in business and professions luncheon, memo from Frank Dippolito regarding art facilities improvements, letter from center Operations Manager Andy Bergman commending George Rother's classes at the South End Neighborhood Center, letter from Bethel Senior High School Vocational Counselor Donald Russell thanking Marion Miller for her participation in their Careers Ahead program, memo from R. E. Johnston praising the grounds maintenance staff's assistance, letter from Roy Flores thanking Phil Griffin for a slide presentation, letter from TCC President Larry Stevens thanking student senator David Halvorson for his work, letters from the state Council for Postsecondary Education regarding revisions of a standards of progress statement for the purposes of veterans education, letter from Representative Norman Dicks regarding President Stevens' feedback on new financial aid funding processes, letters from Senator Marcus Gaspard and Lieutenant Governor John Cherberg responding to Stevens' opposition to House Bill 1553; multiple letters regarding the new Department of Education and Stevens' advocacy for a community colleges unit within the department, Governor's executive order on minority and women's business enterprise utilization, letter from the Tacoma Area Chamber of Commerce notifying Stevens of his election to their Board; recommendation to adopt commemorative resolution on John Binns, resolution posthumously honoring John Binns' service to TCC.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - May 24, 1979234-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, May 24, 1979. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes call to order; approval of agenda and previous minutes; guest and presentation introductions; old business including student government constitution ratification and related resolution, affirmative action plan approval; professional development request from Ed Zimmerman; Bookstore and Food Services budget and Student Services and Activities Fee budget for study; monthly Instructional Services, Student Services reports; correspondence; citizen remarks; trustee remarks; next meeting information; adjourn. Attachments include 62-page booklet entitled "Fluid Power Technician Program: A Proposal"; 69-page booklet entitled "Energy Management/Use Technician Program"; recommendation to approve previous minutes; recommendation to approve and ratify the new Associated Students constitution, resolution ratifying the constitution; recommendation to approve the revised Affirmative Action Program; recommendation to approve Ed Zimmerman's professional development request; recommendation to accept for study the Bookstore and Food Services budgets, with 1979-80 Budgets for Auxiliary Services (Bookstore and Food Services); recommendation to accept for study the Associated Students budget, with Associated Students Services and Activities Budget for 1979-80; monthly Instructional Services report, with new courses; monthly Student Services report; correspondence cover sheet, letter from Major Richard D. Papineau thanking Joseph Kosai for speaking at the Fort Lewis Unit Equal Opportunity Seminar and Management Course, letter from Captain R. L. Fluetsch thanking Joseph Kosai for attending the U.S. Air Force Academy Educator Airlift briefing, letter from Continuing Education and Community Services Associate Dean Tanya A. Brunke thanking faculty Richard Spangler for their meeting to provide services to Vista Village residents, letter from State Board for Community College Education Associate Director to Ron Magden thanking him for hosting the AACJC television project, letter from the Exchange Club of Tacoma donating bleacher seats for the Sam Minnitti Playfield.
Special meeting of the Board of Trustees - November 22, 197737-page packet for the special meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, November 22, 1977. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes board study session; executive session; open meeting call to order; approval of agenda and previous minutes; study acceptance of the Long Range Planning Commission report; old business; classified personnel holiday schedule variance; resolution on federal surplus property acquisition; monthly Educational Services report; monthly Continuing Education and Community Services report; EDA projects status report; educational planning and budget calendar; correspondence; citizen remarks; trustee remarks; next meeting information; adjourn. Attachments include resolution to acquire federal surplus property; recommendation to approve previous minutes; recommendation to accept the TCC Long Range Planning Commission report for review and study; recommendation to adopt the classified personnel holiday schedule variance, with calendar; recommendation to approve resolution on federal surplus property; monthly Educational Services report, with new courses; monthly Continuing Education and Community Services report, with enrollments; notice of EDA project information and educational planning and budget calendar to be shared at the next study session; correspondence cover sheet, Governor executive order on state expenditure reduction, letter from the State Board for Community College Education (SBCCE) regarding federal funds for physical education facilities, memo from Carolyn Anderson regarding TCC Medical Records Technician (MRT) graduates accreditation exam results, letter to Governor Dixy Lee Ray from Occupational Education Associate Dean Lorraine Stephan regarding the TCC "State of the Industry" energy study, letter from the Servicemen's Opportunity Colleges granting TCC membership in their Associate Degree Program Network, letter from the city of Tacoma commending Jack Hyde for his service on the Planning Commission, letter from Highline Community College President thanking TCC for Ronald Magden's service on a evaluation team visit to Linn-Benton Community College, letter from McNeil Penitentiary Education Supervisor J. S. Palmquist regarding the McNeil Island Art Show, letter from NCCR Conference Chair Larry Romine thanking TCC President Larry Stevens for his presentation.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - April 28, 197767-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, April 28, 1977. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes board luncheon; executive session on personnel and property; open meeting call to order; approval of previous minutes; presentations of Miss Laurie Nelson, Lee Schmidlap, the Show-Pop Choir, Ronald Magden; resolution honoring Robert Yamashita; correspondence; reports on Instructional Services, Student Services, Continuing Education and Community Services, Business Services and Planning; old business including the State Environmental Policy Act, board policy amendments; parking and traffic rules; citizen remarks; trustee remarks; next meeting information; adjourn. Attachments include the State Environmental Policy Act Rules; resolution approving Board Policy Manual amendments, with copy of policy section; Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations; resolution commending Trustee Robert Yamashita for his service; recommendation to approve previous minutes; Social and Behavioral Science Division report, with departments, faculty profiles, enrollment; correspondence cover sheet, letter from the State Board for Community College Education commending Bob Rhule's work on the Course Coding Committee, letter from the Miss Pierce County Scholarship Pageant Board commending security for the pageant, letter from Tahoma Audubon Society thanking TCC for meeting space, letter from Administrative Services Dean Carl Brown to Lee Schmidlap thanking him for apprehending a campus vandal, letter from Tacoma TASC (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime) asking for support; invoice for public service announcements from King Broadcasting Company; monthly Instructional Services report, including new courses; monthly Student Services report; Fall Quarter Student Activities report; monthly Continuing Education and Community Services report, with detailed enrollments; monthly Business Services and Planning report; document describing compliance work for the State Environmental Policy Act.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - February 24, 197735-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, February 24, 1977. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes board luncheon; executive session on personnel and property; open meeting call to order; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; reports on Instructional Services, Student Services; unfinished business; tenure for probationary faculty; citizen remarks; trustee remarks; next meeting information; adjourn. Amendments to the agenda include a college student services presentation, the Energy Conservation Committee, and a resolution endorsing the Tacoma Public Schools levy. Attachments include resolution endorsing the Tacoma Public Schools special levy and bond issue; recommendation to approve previous minutes; correspondence cover sheet, letter from the Tacoma Area Chamber of Commerce thanking TCC for their investment, letter from the Greater Tacoma Sweet Adelines choral group thanking TCC for practice space; monthly Instructional Services report; "Tacoma Community College Students: A Narrative Report" student profile from Student Services, with demographic data in appendices; tenure recommendations for probationary faculty members.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - August 28, 197549-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, August 28, 1975. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes call to order; roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; reports on personnel and affirmative action, budget status, and from the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE), TCC Federation of Teachers (TCCFT), Instruction, Student Services, student government; unfinished business; resolutions on fees, commendation of Frank Mitchell, and authorization of the president to enter contracts; audience comments; trustee comments; information; adjournment. Attachments include letter accompanying Crown Zellerbach Foundation Scholarships for TCC students; allocation letter for the Law Enforcement Education Program (LEEP); memo from Carl Brown regarding the TCC and Metropolitan Development Council Cultural Program for African-American heritage, with program prospectus; monthly Instruction report, forwarding the Resource Center annual report and McNeil Island academic program tentative schedule; summer quarter Student Programs report; summer quarter Counseling report; page noting that the student government report will "go out with the late mailing August 22"; 1974-75 fiscal year financial reports and accompanying memo from Business Manager Jim Call, including summary of budget and expenditures by funds, budget and expenditure comparisons report, estimated revenue and actual revenue comparisons report, contingency minor capital fund status, local building fund status, profit and loss statements for the bookstore, print shop, motor pool, and food service; resolution approving a student materials fee; resolution commending Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds Frank Mitchell for his service, with memo from Frank Mitchell regarding medical leave and resignation; resolution authorizing the president to enter employment contracts.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - April 24, 197552-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, April 24, 1975. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Final agenda includes call to order; roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; reports on personnel and affirmative action, budget status, the presidential search, and from the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE), TCC Federation of Teachers (TCCFT), Instruction, Student Services, student government; unfinished business; new business; audience comments; trustee comments; information; adjournment. Attachments include letter from the Tacoma Fire Department regarding a recent inspection; letter from the Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding TCC's allocation for adult basic education; letter from the Appropriations Committee Chair regarding community college budgeting; letter regarding work study fund allocations; Citizen's Affirmative Action Council brochure entitled "The Land of Opportunity: Fact or Folklore, 1776...1977" on a seminar series and accompanying letter; thank you letter from the Pierce County March of Dimes chapter for participation in the 1975 walk-a-thon; commendation letter from Board Chair Robert Yamashita to Admissions and Records Officer Joseph Kosai regarding the proposal for a systemwide Student Information System, letter of thanks from Washington State Data Processing Authority Executive Director regarding Kosai's assistance; memos from the State Board for Community College Education (SBCCE) regarding budget materials; letter from Oakbrook Golf & Country Club President confirming approval of the TCC golf team's use of their facilities; letter regarding the upcoming Trustees' Association for Community Colleges annual meeting; memos regarding data processing service center rates; SBCCE memo on allocations for faculty and exempt employee salary increases, with computation chart; letter from McNeil Island Penitentiary Supervisor of Education J. S. Palmquist regarding McNeil TCC students receiving Student Activity Funds; monthly Instruction report; supplemental faculty; financial reports including estimate and actual revenue comparisons, budget and expenditure comparisons, contingency minor capital fund status, local building fund status, personal contracts by program, travel, Print Shop profit and loss statement, Food Service operating statement, Central Stores profit and loss; TCC Board roster.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - January 24, 197445-page packet for the special meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, January 24, 1974. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes call to order; roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; reports on Friends of the Library, Enrollment, administrative organization, plan progress for operating within allocation limits; unfinished business on resolution regarding administrative annual vacation; resolutions regarding the academic calendar, capital projects, parking fees, catalog revisions, tuition adjustments, a student union building; Gerald Vaughan resignation; audience comments; trustee comments; information; adjournment. Attachments include a letter from the State Board for Community College Education (SBCCE) to Governor Dan Evans regarding community college funding; letter inviting TCC President Thornton Ford to the University-Community College Conference; memo from Admissions and Records Office Joe Kosai regarding Winter 1974 enrollments; monthly Instructional report; list of Winter part-time academic employees and part-time academic employee demographics; Fall 1973 library media statistical summary; memo from President Ford regarding operating within the state budget allocation; memo from Richard Falk regarding the student proposal on a child day care program; resolution adopting the 1974-75 academic calendar and attached calendar; resolution requesting that the SBCCE approve a TCC capital project and attached Occupational Education Facility Project outline; resolution authorizing parking fees; resolution approving the 1974-75 catalog; resolution supporting the Associated Students in their efforts to maintain student fees at current levels, accompanying memo from Robert Lathrop regarding the proposed community college fee change; resolution endorsing efforts toward obtaining funds for a student union building; letter of resignation from Gerald Vaughan.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - March 23, 197253-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, March 23, 1972. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Revised agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding a resolution recognizing TCC Federation of Teachers (TCCFT) as the academic employee bargaining agent, a review of the budget allocation process, faculty tenure committee recommendations, resolution on leave of absence, resolution on president notice to employees; supplementary faculty appointments; resolutions on Board Chair and Vice Chair elections, authorizing the president to enter into agreements, authorizing the administration to pursue discontinuance of fire insurance, amending codes regarding civil service personnel, designating appointing authorities, regarding sabbatical leave, regarding parking lot lighting; reports from the student body, WACCSG, TCC Association, TCC Staff Association, Student Services, Instruction, Community Services, Occupational Education, Instructional Resource Center, Administrative Services, Planning and Program Development, the president; trustee comments; information. Attachments include letter from Eastern Washington State College regarding TCC Associate degrees transfer policies and accompanying general education for transfers document; letter from Pacific Lutheran University regarding transfers; retirement letter from Rogene Ragsdale; letter continuing approval of the Medical Record Technology Program; letter certifying the election results for the TCC academic employees bargaining agent; resolution recognizing the TCC Federation of Teachers (TCCFT) as the academic employee representing organization; resolution approving recommended faculty for tenure; resolution approving leave of absence for Sheldon Gilman; resolution regarding the president's notification of non-renewal to employees; resolution authorizing the president to enter into agreements with part-time candidates; supplementary faculty recommendations and biographical sketches; resolution on the election of Dewey Tuggle as Chair and Donald Anderson as Vice Chair of the Board; resolution authorizing the president to enter into agreements with the Youth Contact Foundation and the Central Employment Agency for instructional services; resolution directing the administration to seek approval for discontinuance of certain fire insurance policies; State Board For Community College Education resolution regarding capital projects requests; letter regarding the state self-insurance program for state-owned buildings; two resolutions regarding certain personnel actions; resolution granting sabbatical leave to Morris Skagen, memo from Skagen requesting leave, memo from Doreen Amoroso endorsing his sabbatical proposal; resolution accepting the McWik Electric Company bid to install parking lot lighting, list of bids; catalog statement regarding TCC Associate degree acceptance at four-year colleges.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - February 24, 197244-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, February 24, 1972. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business; affirmative action policy; faculty and supplementary faculty appointments; discussion of the district six-year plan; faculty tenure committee recommendations; reports from the student body, WACCSG, TCC Association, TCC Staff Association, Student Services, Instruction, Community Services, Occupational Education, Instructional Resource Center, Administrative Services, Planning and Program Development, the President on election procedures and legislative matters; trustee comments; information. Attachments include letter from state Representative Ned Shera regarding Substitute House Bill 381 funding community colleges; resolution adopting the TCC affirmative action policy, and attached policy; faculty and supplementary faculty appointment recommendations, with biographical sketches; resolution on the State Board for Community College Education development of a six-year plan; faculty tenure recommendations; resolution authorizing the president to give notice to employees whose appointments will not be renewed; resolution ratifying a set of previously established policies and procedures; memo from Steve Whitbeck regarding the Puget Sound Regional Planning Council; memo from student body president Whitbeck and Challenge advisor Dennis Hale regarding the formation of the Student Publications Board; admissions policy statement; tentative spring quarter Community Services courses; memo and report from Doreen Amoroso regarding library media statistics and minority acquisitions for the library; memo from Jerry Vaughan regarding Project GATE (an adult basic education program) with schedules.
Special meeting of the Board of Trustees - February 15, 197225-page packet for the special meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, February 15, 1972. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding resolutions adopting guidelines for academic employee bargaining agent elections and authorizing the President to request services from the Department of Labor and Industries; information on a statement from the Collegiate Challenge and the student government. Attachments include a resolution adopting a policy regarding academic employee bargaining agent elections, accompanying relevant Washington Administrative Code (WAC) sections; resolution authorizing the president to acquire the services of the Washington Department of Labor and Industries to assist with conducting a bargaining agent election; memo from President Thornton Ford to the faculty forwarding documents relating to election eligibility, memo from the Assistant Attorney General on eligibility, list of part-time employees and their schedules 1967-1972; letter of apology from the Collegiate Challenge staff and the student government regarding language and content in the February 4, 1972 newspaper issue.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - January 27, 197243-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, January 27, 1972. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding a proposal to remove an incinerator, a request for TCC Association President release time, and guidelines for the bargaining agent election for academic employees; supplementary faculty appointments; a rezoning request to the County Planning Commission; resolutions on emergency absence reimbursement policy and the authority to appoint substitutes; reports from the student body, the WACCSG, the TCC Association (TCCA), the TCC Staff Association, Student Services, Instruction, Community Services, Occupational Education, the Instrutional Resource Center, Administrative Services, Planning and Program Development, the President; Trustee's comments; information. Attachments include letter to State Board for Community College Education Director John Mundt from the Seattle Community College Board regarding their faculty's strike vote and need for salary increases; letter from the College Entrance Examination Board regarding Upper Division Scholarships for two TCC students; letter from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare regarding a required on-campus review for recent grant-funded construction; memo and related correspondence and forms regarding removal and disposal of an incinerator; memo from President Thornton Ford and forwarded letter regarding the request by the TCCA for release time for their President; memo from the Attorney General's Office regarding voting eligibility for selecting an academic employees bargaining representative; list and brief biographical sketches of recommended supplementary faculty for winter quarter 1972; memo from Richard Falk and accompanying correspondence regarding a rezoning request for nearby property; letter to SBCCE Director Mundt from President Ford and accompanying Board resolution and correspondence regarding a request for a portable building for food services; letter from SBCCE Director Mundt to the state Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management regarding tuition money deposit procedures; memo from Centralia College President Nels W. Hanson forwarding clipping on court decisions regarding Board authority; resolution adopting attached policy governing payment to substitute academic employees; resolution giving authority to the president to employ academic substitutes.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - December 16, 197163-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, December 16, 1971. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding faculty appointments, George Huffman's letter to the Board, and resolutions on the Cooperative Board--Academic Personnel Relations agreement, the Drug Abuse Information Committee policy, sabbatical leave requests; reports from student government, Washington Association of Community College Student Governments (WACCSG), TCC Association (TCCA), TCC Staff Association, Student Services, Instruction, Community Services, Occupational Education, Instructional Resource Center, Administrative Services, Planning and Program Development, the President's Office, and trustee comments; information. Attachments include letter from the attorney representing several part-time faculty members, memo from Paul Jacobson regarding part-time hiring practices; letter from Metropolitan Development Council (MDC) Executive Director William G. Seline regarding an agreement with MDC on an educational research project; letter from Washington State University Director of Admissions Stan Berry regarding WSU accepting TCC students with Associate degrees as juniors; letter from the Higher Education Personnel Board forwarding the Notice of Certification making the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) the bargaining representative for classified staff; letter from TCCA President Luther Jansen requesting release time for the TCCA President role; letter from Tacoma General Hospital School of Nursing Assistant Director Patricia Thomas ending their relationship with TCC for their nursing program; letter from the TCCA regarding the Cooperative Board Academic Personnel Relations agreement, with copy of resolution 71-21 on the agreement and the current agreement itself; recommended supplementary faculty lists; resolution approving the Drug Abuse Information Committee's policy; resolution approving Dr. Ronald Magden's sabbatical leave and attached memo from Magden requesting the leave; letter from TCC Federation of Teachers President George Huffman requesting an election to decide the bargaining agent for academic employees; resolution adopting the TCC-Council of Higher Education sabbatical guidelines, with attached policy; letter from TCCA regarding sabbatical policy concerns; memo from Bob Rhule forwarding a report to the State Board on the occupational programs; memo from Paul Jacobson regarding the experimental education project with the Metropolitan Development Council.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - November 18, 197157-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, November 18, 1971. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Revised agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding the drug abuse information proposal, resolution on the Cooperative Board-Academic Personnel Relations agreement; resolutions on the holiday schedule, permission to use funds for a green house, leave requests; supplementary faculty appointments; reports from student government, Washington Association of Community College Student Governments (WACCSG), TCC Association (TCCA), TCC Staff Association, Student Services, Instruction, Community Services, Occupational Education, Instructional Resource Center, Administrative Services, Planning and Program Development, President's Office, and trustee comments; information on campus events including the Science Building dedication, the Titan Boosters, and sabbatical leaves. Attachments include letter from State Board for Community College Education Deputy Director John Terrey to TCCA President Luther Jansen regarding TCCA's resolutions on Management by Objectives (MBO); resolution approving moving forward on developing a drug abuse information program, with attached memo from the Drug Abuse Committee regarding their proposal outline; resolution extending the Cooperative Board--Academic Personnel Relations agreement, with attached copy of the agreement; resolution approving the classified personnel holiday schedule variance, attached; resolution authorizing a request to include a greenhouse facility in a current capital project request; resolution approving a leave of absence for Sheldon Gilman, with attached memo requesting the leave; supplementary faculty recommendations lists; Library-Media Services annual report for 1970/71; letter from Jitendra Shah praising instructor Tim Keely; tentative program for the Science Complex dedication; press releases for two concerts, the Drama Department production of Ten Little Indians; TCC-Council on Higher Education (CHE) sabbatical leave policy, memo from Assistant Attorney General Robert Patterson forwarding a memo from Assistant Attorney General Richard Montecucco regarding CHE sabbatical leave guidelines; flow chart and list of objections relating to the proposed drug abuse information center.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - October 28, 197142-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, October 28, 1971. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Revised agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding the resolutions on the Cooperative Board-Academic Personnel Relations agreement and the adoption of the student government budget; the drug abuse information proposal; supplementary faculty appointments; resolutions amending the 1971-72 allotment, regarding the Bus Manager contract; contract for heating control services; reports from student government, Washington Association of Community College Student Governments (WACCSG), TCC Association (TCCA), TCC Staff Association, Student Services, Instruction, Community Services, Occupational Education, Instructional Resource Center, Administrative Services, Planning and Program Development, the President's Office, and trustee comments; information on the Board recognition dinner. Attachments include letter from Trustee Robert Yamashita to attendees of the Board dinner; resolution on the Cooperative Board--Academic Personnel Relations agreement and related letter from TCCA President Luther Jansen to TCC President Thornton Ford; resolution accepting the student government budget, with attached co-curricular and annual budgets; memo from the Drug Abuse Committee with a proposal outline; recommended supplementary faculty lists; resolution amending TCC's requested allotment from the State Board; resolution authorizing the president to execute a contract with Honeywell for a heating contract, and attached contract; resolution authorizing the president to execute a contract with Bus Manager Mike Schafer; memo from Jerry Vaughan regarding the status of the General Adult Training and Education (GATE) program; list of minority acquisitions by TCC Library for June through September; memo from Dick Falk regarding the accreditation self-study preliminary visit.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - September 23, 197180-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, September 23, 1971. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Revised agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence regarding guidelines on sabbatical leaves; unfinished business regarding the resolution the Cooperative Board-Certificated Personnel Relations agreement; supplementary faculty appointments; equipment bids; maintenance contract for office equipment; resolutions regarding the St. Joseph's Hospital respiratory care program and use of facilities, final acceptance of the Maintenance and Science Building, the student government budget; reports from student government, Washington Association of Community College Student Governments (WACCSG), TCC Association (TCCA), TCC Staff Association, Student Services, Instruction, Community Services, Occupational Education, Instructional Resource Center, Administrative Services, Planning and Program Development, President's Office, trustees; information on the October Board dinner. Attachments include memo from John Terrey on the Council on Higher Education's position on sabbatical leaves and accompanying professional leave guidelines, report on professional leaves, memo from the Council on Higher Education to the Legislative Budget Committee regarding professional leave guidelines, chart of professional personnel on sabbatical leave in Washington community college districts, vote results for guidelines at the Council on Higher Education conference, letter from Terrey to Legislative Budget Committee Chairman Senator Frank Foley regarding the guidelines; letter from Tacoma Public Utilities Light Division Superintendent J. D. Cockrell regarding electrical distribution improvements near TCC; letter of notification of the formation of TCC Federation of Teachers Local 2196 of the American Federation of Teachers (AFL-CIO) from TCCFT President George E. Huffman; resolution extending the Cooperative Board--Academic Personnel Relations agreement, with accompanying copy of the agreement; supplementary faculty recommendations; invitation to bid, returned bids, and awards for audiovisual equipment, athletic supplies; memo from E. W. Hazelton regarding a maintenance contract for the college's IBM typewriters; resolutions authorizing the president to execute contracts with health care agencies for employees, facilities, and equipment for TCC health programs; resolution of final acceptance for Maintenance Building No. 21 and Science Complex Addition Building No. 10, with memo from Dr. Richard Falk and letters from architect Lyle Swedberg regarding the buildings passing final inspection, resolution authorizing additional funds to the construction contract for these buildings, contract change order and cost estimate detail sheet; resolution authorizing a preliminary student government budget until the 1971-72 operating budget is approved; memo from President Thornton Ford forwarding Public Information Officer Dale Wirsing's reflections on a community college legislative relations workshop; memo from Ford regarding the summer project for Task Force C; orientation session ratings for faculty, staff, and administrator training on operating and managing by objectives (MBO) and accompanying comments, schedule for MBO workshops.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - August 26, 197167-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, August 26, 1971. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Revised agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding resolutions the Cooperative Board-Certificated Personnel Relations agreement, adoption of the revised budget, regarding the Operating Engineers Local 286 labor agreement; faculty appointments; resolutions regarding a data processing contract, negotiations, the agreement for McNeil Island Penitentiary educational services, faculty contracts, and Dr. Blankenship's contract; reports from student government, Washington Association of Community College Student Governments (WACCSG), TCC Association (TCCA), TCC Staff Association, Student Services, Instruction, Community Services, Occupational Education, Instructional Resource Center, Administrative Services, Planning and Program Development, President's Office, trustees; information. Attachments include resolution extending the Cooperative Board-Certificated Personnel Relations agreement, with copy of the agreement; resolution empowering the president to execute an agreement with the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 286 of Tacoma, Washington, with accompanying copy of agreement; probationary faculty appointments and supplementary faculty recommendations; project application form for "Intervention in Low Income Housing Communities" in cooperation with Conifer Developments Inc. and the Tacoma Model City program, with position descriptions for Assistant Director for Research and Evaluation, Adult Basic Education Instructor; resolution empowering the president to execute an agreement with United States Computers, Inc., with accompanying contract for computer services; resolution ratifying and accepting the agreement with TCCA; memo from President Thornton Ford on negotiations with TCCA; memos from TCCA regarding items for discussion and negotiation, with salary schedules and policy, and a salary and wage proposal; negotiation meeting minutes for August 3, 1971; memo from Ford regarding recommendations for Board action on items negotiated with TCCA; memo from George Van Mieghem regarding Budget Advisory Committee recommendations and Ford's response; resolution empowering the president to renew the annual agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons for educational services at McNeil Island Penitentiary, and accompanying contract renewal; resolutions authorizing the president to complete faculty contracts and Dr. Blankenship's consultant contract; memo from Admissions and Records Officer Joseph Kosai regarding ethnic demographics in applications; list of schools attended by applicants for fall quarter; memo from Kosai forwarding a letter from Seattle University regarding their full acceptance of TCC's Associate of Arts degree.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - July 22, 197142-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, July 22, 1971. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding resolutions on renewal of negotiations with TCC Association (TCCA), amending Board bylaws; resolutions authorizing the president to execute and agreement regarding low-income educational services, regarding the assignment of a room for student government; supplementary faculty appointments; labor agreement with the Operating Engineers Union; study session scheduling; parking lot paving bids; reports from student government, Washington Association of Community College Student Governments (WACCSG), TCCA, TCC Staff Association, Student Services, Instruction, Community Services, Occupational Education, Instructional Resource Center, Administrative Services, Planning and Program Development, President's Office, the trustees; information. Attachments include memo from the Trustees Association regarding a seminar; resolution extending the Cooperative Board-Certificated Personnel Relations agreement, with copy of the agreement; resolution empowering the president to execute an agreement with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare for low-income housing community educational services; resolution amending the Board bylaws regarding regular meetings; supplementary faculty recommendations; resolution making Building 15 Room 8 available as a student lounge and student government space; resolution authorizing acceptance of the low bid for parking paving, with list of returned bids; accreditation calendar; memo from President Thornton Ford regarding negotiations with TCCA; memo from Ford to TCCA regarding items for discussion and negotiation; salary schedule information; revisions of the administrative negotiations proposal; memos from TCCA regarding negotiable items, salary and wage proposals; Board of Trustees roster for the 1971-72 academic year.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - June 24, 197141-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, June 24, 1971. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business; supplementary faculty appointments; resolutions regarding resignations, leave requests, appointments, preliminary revenue package and allotment request, admissions criteria for foreign students; renewal of negotiations agreement with the TCC Association (TCCA); change in Board bylaws; reports from student government, Washington Association of Community College Student Governments (WACCSG), TCCA, TCC Staff Association, Instruction, Student Services, Community Services, Administrative Services, Instructional Resource Center, Planning and Program Development, President's Office; information. Attachments include the Cooperative Board-Certificated Personnel Relations agreement between the Board and the TCCA; letter from President Thornton Ford to the American Association of University Professors Washington State Conference Secretary-Treasurer regarding the Association's resolution on faculty participation and financial exigency; copy of the resolution; announcement and order form from B. Lamar Johnson and Frederick C. Kintzer of the UCLA Junior College Leadership Program regarding their publication of reports on junior college boards; letter from the National Institutes of Health Nursing Division to Assistant to the President Dr. Richard Falk with notice of recommendation of his grant application for a nursing program; supplementary faculty recommendations; resolutions accepting the resignations of physical education instructor Susann L. Skrivseth and mathematics instructor Patricia A. Dyer, with accompanying letters of resignation from them; resolution granting leave of absence to German instructor Dedre Marriott with accompany request from her; resolutions approving the appointments of Monty B. Jones as evening school supervisor and Robert R. Rhule as Director of Occupational Education; resolution approving and submitting to the State Board a preliminary revenue package and allotment request, with attached estimated revenue; resolution approving the recommendation of the Foreign Student Admission Committee, memo from Foreign Student Admission Committee regarding admission requirements; resolution authorizing the president to complete employment contracts with administrative and support personnel; memo from Joe Kosai regarding preliminary summer quarter 1971 registration; library minority acquisitions for March 24, 1971-June 10, 1971.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - May 27, 197142-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, May 27, 1971. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding State Board allocations and legislative action discussion, sabbatical leaves; election of Board chair and vice chair; resolutions regarding recommendations of the Administrative Organization Committee, regarding 1971-72 catalog changes, commending the TCC golf team; new faculty and supplementary faculty appointments; reports from the student government, Washington Association of Community College Student Governments (WACCSG), TCC Association, TCC Staff Association, Instruction, Student Services, Community Services, Administrative Services, Instructional Resource Center, Planning and Program Development, the President's Office; information on commencement. Attachments include memo from Community Services regarding the high school completion program; letter from District 32 Toastmasters Governor Boyd Roth regarding their winter conference hosted by TCC; letter from Tacoma Public Schools Board of Directors President Michael J. Sterbick thanking the Board for levy support; letter from TCC President Thornton Ford to Tacoma School District No. 10 Superintendent Dr. Angelo Giaudrone regarding the adult high school completion program; memo from Washington State Board for Community College Education Acting Director John N. Terrey regarding salary increases and increments; summary of bills passing the 1971 legislature of interest to the community colleges; memo from the Sabbatical Leave Committee regarding 1971-72 leave recommendations and accompanying memos from requesters; resolution approving the Administrative Organization Committee (AOC)'s recommendations, memo from Ford regarding the AOC's recommendations, AOC May 5 meeting minutes, memo from the AOC to the faculty regarding organizational recommendations to the Administrative Council with organizational chart and descriptions of the Instructional Council, Instructional Council Executive Committee, and Dean of Instruction; faculty appointment, supplemental faculty, and summer contract recommendations; resolution authorizing changes to the 1971-72 college catalog; memo from Public Information Officer Dale Wirsing regarding planned changes for the 1971-72 college catalog; resolution commending the golf team; Resource Center report; memo from Richard Falk regarding people willing to serve on occupational advisory committees.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - April 22, 197143-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, April 22, 1971. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding the 1971-72 college calendar and sabbatical leaves; resolutions endorsing Tacoma Public Schools special levy, commending the forensics team, relating to Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges (NWAACC) membership; supplementary faculty appointments; the TV distribution system; a change in Associate Degree requirements; reports from the student government, Washington Association of Community College Student Governments (WACCSG), TCC Association, TCC Staff Association, Instruction, Student Services, Community Services, Administrative Services, Instructional Resource Center, Planning and Program Development, the President's Office; information on commencement. Attachments include letter from Tacoma - Pierce County Senior Centers Inc. Executive Director Mary Ann Truitt regarding Community Services courses; letter from the Higher Education Personnel Board forwarding their Findings, Conclusions, and Recognition Order of the custodial/maintenance personnel bargaining unit, and accompanying Notice of Certification; memo from State Board for Community College Education Acting Director John N. Terrey regarding budget-related legislative actions; resolutions adopting the academic calendar, endorsing the Tacoma School District No. 10's special levy, commending the Forensics Team, empowering the president to apply for NWAACC membership; preliminary 1971-72 calendar; recommended supplementary faculty; letter from Washington state Department of General Administration Architectural Assistant Frederick R. Mott forwarding a letter from Consulting Engineer Kenneth Williams, Jr. recommending rejection of a construction bid, and accompanying letter from the department to bidder rejecting the bid; list of bids for the TV distribution system project; text on TCC Associate Degrees with changed sections marked with a handwritten notes; NWAACC application form; memo from Richard Falk reporting the status of developing programs and related activities; memo from President Thornton Ford regarding Senate appropriations.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - November 19, 197039-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, November 19, 1970. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding the revised statement of institutional objectives, the statement of institutional priorities, a resolution on a revised parking fees schedule, the administrative tenure proposal; report on the trustees retreat; equipment bids; resolutions on Building 17A and relocatable buildings; reports from the student government, TCC Association, TCC Staff Association, Instruction, Community Services, Student Services, Administrative Services, Instructional Resource Center, Planning, President's Office; information. Attachments include memos from the Public Information Office regarding the upcoming drama production of The Crucible, the fall United Good Neighbor fund campaign; TCC statement of objectives; memo from President Thornton Ford regarding 1971-73 biennium priorities for the college; statement of objectives for TCC by Trustee Don Anderson; resolution on parking fees; an administrative personnel tenure proposal; invitation to bid, returned bids, and award for floor wax; resolutions to move Building 17A to repurpose it for student activities offices, to authorize purchase of a relocatable building for additional dining and multipurpose use; occupational instruction status report; memo from Richard Falk forwarding material relating to community college students and occupational programs; article "Occupationally Oriented Students" by K. Patricia Cross from the Junior College Research Review (November 1970); brochure of available TCC speakers for fall 1970; position statement from the community college presidents regarding enrollments and funding; letter from Washington state Legislative Auditor Gerald L. Sorte to State Board for Community College Education Assistant Director Roger J. Bassett regarding student tuition and fees.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - October 22, 197052-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, October 22, 1970. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding institutional objectives; a resolution regarding the TCC Association; supplementary faculty; equipment bids; program priorities; reports from student government, TCC Association, TCC Staff Association, Instruction, Student Services, Community Services, Administrative Services, Instructional Resource Center, Planning, and the President's Office; information on Project CHANGE and Administrative Organization Committee reports. Attachments include resolution recognizing TCC Association as fulfilling comparable services to a faculty senate; budget chart comparing biennium expenditures, requests, enrollments; 1971-73 community college system capital project requests; memo from the Administrative Organization Committee regarding a review of the 1968-69 administrative reorganizations and further recommendations, with minutes from July 13, July 28, August 4, September 1, and September 8, 1970 meetings and 1970 report; statement of objectives for TCC; memo from State Board for Community College Education Publications Director Robert G. Wark regarding the Trustees Association State Board retreat, with retreat agenda; memo from President Thornton Ford regarding a proposal for discussion of institutional objectives; supplementary faculty recommendations; invitation to bid, returned bids, and award for a printing press, audiovisual equipment, a P.A. system; memo from Ford regarding priorities for the college in the 1971-73 biennium.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees - September 23, 197045-page packet for the regular meeting of the Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees, September 23, 1970. Contains agenda, minutes, and attachments. Agenda includes roll call; approval of previous minutes; correspondence; unfinished business regarding equipment bids; new equipment bids; supplementary faculty appointments; a proposed session for legislators; discussion of institutional objectives statement, proposal on administrative tenure; reports from TCC Association, student government, TCC Staff Association, Community Services, Instruction, Student Services, Administrative Services, Planning, Resource Center, and the President's Office; information. Attachments include memo from State Board for Community College Education Director A. A. Canfield regarding the role of students in college governance, with report entitled "The Role of Students in College Governance in the Washington State Community College System"; returned bids on calculators; invitation to bid, returned bids on scientific supplies, audiovisual equipment and supplies; list of fall quarter 1970 supplementary faculty; faculty appointment recommendation; memo from President Thornton Ford regarding a possible meeting with Pierce County legislators regarding TCC, with proposed letter to legislators; memo from Ford regarding a proposal for discussing institutional objectives; administrator tenure proposal; status report on occupational education programs.