Tacoma Community College Bulletin - July 16, 1979Newsletter for TCC employees, dated July 16, 1979, and numbered Volume XIV, No. 38. This eight-page issue includes news on the need for volunteers for the Western Washington Fair, the security project "Operation Eyewatch" to mark office valuables, open submissions for the Tacoma Art Museum 8th Annual Washington Exhibit for Painting and Sculpture, the need for host families for visiting Japanese students; upcoming events including the Summer Arts Workshop production of West Side Story, economics expert Larry Thompson speaking to a McChord class, a performance of My Fair Lady at Sumner High School, various workshops from Oregon State University; minutes for the June 6 and July 9 Curriculum Committee meetings.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - June 4, 1979Newsletter for TCC employees, dated June 4, 1979, and numbered Volume XIV, No. 36. This eight-page issue includes news on the bulletin publishing schedule, new employees, need for volunteers for the Western Washington Fair joint community colleges information booth, carpooling information, a high school basketball league in the TCC gym, various employee updates, the resignation of Executive Secretary to the President Darlene Solvason; upcoming events including the Curriculum Committee meeting, commencement ceremonies, a summer kids soccer clinic; off campus job opportunities; temporary TCC job opportunities; minutes for the May 23 Curriculum Committee meeting; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - April 23, 1979Newsletter for TCC employees, dated April 23, 1979, and numbered Volume XIV, No. 29. This eight-page issue includes news on the Labor Film Festival, need for donations to the Friends of the Library for their book sale, various employee updates, weekly cafeteria specials; upcoming events including the Board meeting, College Council and Curriculum Committee meetings, a series of country music concerts tied to an ethnomusicology course, a Growth Policy Association Seminar, the McNeil Island Penitentiary graduation ceremonies, a book fair for faculty, a stress workshop, various workshops from Oregon State University; off-campus events including a spring litter clean-up campaign, the Tacoma Indian Exposition and Pow Wow, a lecture on Israel and the Arab states; off-campus job opportunities; a summary of the Dean of Instruction Selection Committee meeting; minutes of the April 16 Classified Staff Development Committee meeting; minutes of the April 18 Curriculum Committee meeting; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - October 30, 1978Newsletter for TCC employees, dated October 30, 1978, and numbered Volume XIV, No. 7. This nine-page issue includes news on Board highlights from the recent meeting, Curriculum Committee meeting changes, job outlooks from the new Department of Labor Occupational Handbook, a community college personnel exchange program run by Northwestern Michigan College, student Joanne Nester serving as an academic advisor at McNeil Island Penitentiary, new printed materials posting rules under development, the United Way fund drive, open applications for scholarships for indigenous students in health professions, a grant proposal for international relations curriculum development, the Better Information Project: Prizes in Education (BIPPIE) student competition, special Egypt tours in celebration of the "Treasures of Tutankhamun" exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum; a document from the State Board for Community College Education regarding community college program proposals; upcoming events including the drama department production of Lilies of the Field, various courses for seniors, a visit by University of Washington School of Pharmacy representatives, a faculty art exhibit in the library, a marketing workshop at Seattle University, a planning systems workshop at Oregon State University; chef's corner section with food facts and trivia, weekly cafeteria specials; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - October 23, 1978Newsletter for TCC employees, dated October 23, 1978, and numbered Volume XIV, No. 6. This eight-page issue includes news on the United Way fund drive, new office assistant Ronald Gough, faculty projects promoting Nigerian students in math and sciences, a faculty grant proposal for a project with Hilltop neighborhood groups, Mary Bridge Hospital Direcotr of Community Relations Connie Bacon speaking to a journalism class, the cooperative education program, faculty Richard Rhea's art show at the Blue Heron Gallery, non-credit short courses, availability of flu shots at the County-City Health Center, a preliminary agreement between the community colleges and the University of Washington regarding transfers, a Program Assistant job opening; upcoming events including the Board of Trustees meeting, the National Office of Veterans Affairs West Coast Conference, a recital by baritone Roald Reitan, a concert by fiddler and guitarist Stewball, a "Parent Power" conference, presentations on annuity benefits from a Standard Insurance representative, a running seminar, a "Speed and Proofreading for Secretaries" workshop from Oregon State University, a time management seminar from the Tacoma Area Chamber of Commerce; a "Chef's Corner" section with nutrition tips and facts, weekly cafeteria specials; minutes for the October 18 Curriculum Committee meeting; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - March 27, 1978Newsletter for TCC employees, dated March 27, 1978, and numbered Volume XIII, No. 23. This twelve-page issue includes news on recent baseball team wins, College Council meeting changes, availability of copies of the Downtown Center proposal, Board highlights from the recent meeting, library media limits during the classified staff retreat, art faculty participating in the Tacoma Art Museum 8th annual college art faculty exhibit, various employee updates, deadlines for the King Tut tour, availability of the NBC film on King Tut, open submissions for literary magazine Trillium, availability of the Washington Community College Budget Model on reserve in the library, bookstore weekly schedule, changes to first aid certifications, spring quarter schedule changes, job openings at other institutions, various off-campus news and events, ; upcoming events including auditions for the drama department production of The Count of Monte Cristo, spring swing choir and jazz band performances at area high schools, the Management Council meeting, the Friends of the Library annual dinner meeting and used book sale, McNeil Island Penitentiary graduation ceremonies, ; an Anonymous quotation labeled as "Food for Thought"; a copy of a Governor's Office Executive Order rescinding an Executive Order on state expenditure reductions; memo from Instructional Computing Resource Monitoring Group of WCCCC (Washington Community College Computing Consortium) regarding a community college consultant position at the Washington State University Computing Service Center; announcements from Olympia Technical Community College regarding vocational courses, from the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges for a fellowship in community education; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - June 27, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, June 27, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 38. This eight-page issue includes news on the commencement ceremonies, Tacoma trophy winners at the Osborn & Ulland-Tacoma Community College Family Tennis Tournament, various employee updates, a maintenance custodian job opening, President's Medal winner Linda Kay Hansen, financial aid deadlines, summer quarter schedule changes, job openings at other institutions, ; summer hours and schedules for the admissions and records office, booksotre, library, the quiet lounge, audiovisual department; upcoming events including Student Programs summer quarter outings, free community workshops, the 8th annual seminar for directors of academic computing services, ; Board highlights from the recent meeting; memo from Administrative Services with the minutes for the June 8 WFSE-Management Committee meeting; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - June 6, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, June 6, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 37. This twelve-page issue includes news on the last bulletin of the year, availability of student financial aid applications, results of the blood drive, availability of an Independent Study by Correspondence publication in the library, new Wenatchee Valley College president Dr. James R. Davis, various student and employee updates; upcoming events including commencement ceremonies, a family tennis tournament, the 8th annual seminar for directors of academic computing services, an Astronomy Fair at the University of Puget Sound (UPS), a modern secretarial efficiency workshop, a film screening by the Pierce County Board of Realtors, various courses at other institutions; a reprint of an article on college degree value from The New Yorker; minutes for the June 1 Curriculum Committee meeting; minutes for the June 2 faculty meeting; memos from Lorraine Stephan to vocational staff regarding summer workshops and the "Utilization of Advisory Committees" instructional unit; notice from the State Board for Community College Education of a Safety and Industrial Hygiene instructional package at the summer vocational conference; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - May 31, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, May 31, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 36. This twelve-page issue includes news on the student body election, fall quarter schedule changes, track team member Bob Blackburn winning the long jump at the Northwest Community College Championship and other team wins, weekly cafeteria specials, audio-visual department equipment deadlines, the tuition sweepstakes winners, bookstore schedule and commencement packages, ; upcoming events including the nursing graduate pinning ceremony, the annual spring concert, the singing-actor workshop concert (with full program), a visit by a Seattle City College representative, an Inter-Divisional meeting, a Curriculum Committee meeting, the 11th annual Junior Dentists Institute at the University of Oregon, a social workers seminar, summer intensive Japanese courses at Washington State University, the 1977 Federal Presidential Classroom forum in Washington DC, a workshop on modern secretarial effiency from Oregon State University (OSU), a copyright law workshop, the Colloquia on Terrestrial Microcosms and Environmental Chemistry at OSU, the 8th annual Two-Year Post-Secondary Institute ath the University of Minnesota, ; thank you from Frank Witt to plant sale supporters; Board highlights from the recent meeting; minutes for the May 25 Curriculum Committee meeting; spring quarter final examination schedule; weekly room schedule; June monthly calendar.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - May 23, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, May 23, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 35. This eight-page issue includes news on availability of literary magazine Trillium, weekly bookstore schedule, the results of the hot dog fundraiser, the medical assistant program, weekly cafeteria specials, job openings at other institutions, a job opening at the Child Care Center, health insurance open enrollment, used book collecting by the Friends of the Library, the 1977 Federal Forum seminar series from "Presidential Classroom" in Washington DC, ; upcoming events including Rev. Andrew M. Prouty speaking at the annual Friends of the Library banquet, a visit by a Pacific Lutheran University representative, a Tacoma Blood Bank blood drive, a tour of UK technical and agricultural career colleges from the University of Minnesota, a jewelry sale, a Learning Assistance Committee meeting, Inter-Divisional meetings, a Curriculum Committee meeting, a concert by singing-actor class students, other off-campus seminars and workshops, a handbell concert at the Little Church on the Prairie; a thank you from Spring Festival Chairman Paul Jacobson; spring quarter final examination schedule; minutes for the May 11 WFSE-Management Committee meeting; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - May 16, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, May 16, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 34. This eight-page issue includes news on the drama department production of The Fantasticks, the high school band contest, weekly cafeteria specials, track team member Bob Blackburn, postponement of the Curriculum Committee meeting, instructor Mike Dumovich being featured in a film, changes to the Friends of the Library used book sale, various student and employee updates, available tickets for the tuition sweepstakes, library specialist Lorraine Hildebrand publishing a book on the Chinese in Washington state, need for trophy donations for the Super Stars Competition, recent "Show-Pop" Choir performances, student art show winners, commencement package pickup, summer and fall quarter schedule changes, instructor Murray Morgan winning a Captain Robert Gray Award from the Washington State Historical Society, Washington State Commission for Vocational Education Discretionary Awards applications, new requirements for Western Washington State College's "Professional Concentration for the Elementary Teacher" program; upcoming events including Governor Dixy Lee Ray speaking at commencement, the McNeil Island Penitentiary commencement, a Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department blood pressure screening program, the next Learning Assistance Committee meeting, the American Association of Women in Community and Junior Colleges Northwest Regional Conference at Shoreline; letter to Dr. Robert Rhule regarding a questionnaire on community college employees' military status; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - May 9, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, May 9, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 33. This twelve-page issue includes news on graduation packages, various employee updates, plans for the Learning Assistance Committee (LAC) meeting, weekly cafeteria specials, job openings at other institutions, the student government "Irish Sweepstakes" for spring tuition and fees coverage; upcoming events including McNeil Island Penitentiary graduation ceremonies, the faculty and administration volleyball game, a visit by Pacific Lutheran University representatives, Health Services weekly seminars, a lecture by Dr. Giovanni Costigan on revolutions, the Northwest College Bookstore Association meeting, an Obi Society fashion show event, a film screeening at the African American Cultural Center, a remedial English and reading workshop; Spring Festival events including a joint performance by Ballet Tacoma and Tacoma Performing Dance Company, the hot dog fundraiser, a Northwest jazz concert; a report of Ed Zimmerman's presentation to LAC regarding instructional use of the computer; a detailed schedule of events for the fourth annual Spring Festival; minutes for the May 5 Curriculum Committee meeting; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - May 2, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, May 2, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 32. This twelve-page issue includes news on track team wins, the medical records program being re-surveyed for accreditation, various employee updates, campus mail service schedule, weekly cafeteria specials, job openings at other institutions, availability of a Mexican studies programs catalog from the Instituto Tenochtitlan, ; upcoming events including a job hunting workshop, a special meeting regarding computer-assisted instruction, visits from four-year college representatives, a Black history course at the African American Cultural Center, a workshop on individualized instruction at Olympia Technical Community College, a workshop on working with families in crisis at the University of Washington, the Washington Alternative Learning Association Conference at Evergreen State College, a forest ecology workshop at the CISPUS Environmental Learning Center, the Spring Festival, a microwave cooking class; memo from the Commencement Planning Committee to degree candidates regarding commencement; Board highlights from the recent meeting; letter from the ERIC Clearinghouse for Junior Colleges with added editor's note regarding sending information to the clearinghouse; minutes of the April 11 College Council meeting; weekly room schedule; May monthly calendar.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - April 25, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, April 25, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 31. This eight-page issue includes news on the debate team's performance at the State Community College Forensics Tournament, summer quarter registration, various employee updates, job openings at other institutions, summer school registration appointments, availability of University of Puget Sound summer schedules, spring quarter schedule changes, weekly cafeteria specials, UW summer session courses for English teachers, National Science Foundation public service science residencies and internships, weekly room schedule; Spring Festival events including Ballet Tacoma and Tacoma Performing Dance Company performances, film screenings, a flea market, a hot dog fundraiser for the Betty Kronlund Scholarship; other events including House Higher Education Committee meetings, a University of Washington (UW) Alumni Association trip to Spain, a visit by a Pacific Lutheran University representative, the Washington Alternative Learning Association Conference at Evergreen State College; announcement from Olympia Technical Community College regarding a course organization class for vocational certification.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - April 18, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, April 18, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 30. This eight-page issue includes news on available real estate scholarships, need for volunteers for a high school band contest on campus, book buying deadlines, the oceanography and Jacques Cousteau class, spring quarter schedule changes, Curriculum Committee meeting changes, class ring purchase deadlines, weekly student activities, spring festival arts and crafts booth space, weekly cafeteria specials, faculty art at the Tacoma Art Museum and Frank Dippolito being an artist in residence; upcoming events including House Higher Education Committee meetings, a visit from a University of Puget Sound representative, a faculty trombone recital, a Baha'i Club meeting, a Learning Assistance Committee meeting, a real estate class on appraisal, an experiential hypnosis marathon by Dr. John O. Beahrs; minutes of the March 14 College Council meeting; copy of a brochure on IASCD's Norwegian Seminar program; memo from Dean of Administrative Services with the weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - April 11, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, April 11, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 29. This twelve-page issue includes news on degree application deadlines, various employee updates, weekly cafeteria specials, weekly bookstore schedule, a Canadian and US community college exchange program; the National Council for Community Relations (NCCR) becoming the NCCR Inc., University of Washington (UW) summer registration deadlines; upcoming events including classified staff and Learning Assistance Committee meetings, a teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) workshop, a visit by Pacific Lutheran University representatives, a reading and study skills teacher training, a faculty and Phi Theta Kappa volleyball match, a comedy film festival, a Friends of the Library meeting, a University of Puget Sound (UPS) flea market, a concert by UPS Adelphian Concert Choir, a family crisis workshop for mental health workers, a presentation by a Washington Public Employees Retirement Systems representative, a merchandising workshop from the Fashion Institute of Technology (New York), Washington State University ESL courses at Bellevue Community College, spring field courses, an "annual forum on body weight" and "slim fair" at the Pacific Science Center, a library display of art by Dona McPhillips; a letter from the State Board for Community College Education regarding veterans benefits; minutes for the April 6 Curriculum Committee meeting; a memos from the Dean of Administrative Services regarding new policies adopted by the board, room schedules.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - March 28, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, March 14, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 28. This eight-page issue includes news on a community class at Point Defiance Aquarium, an upcoming Curriculum Committee meeting, spring quarter schedule changes, an upcoming poison prevention presentation, an upcoming yoga and exercise class, an upcoming lecture and workshop by calligraphy specialist Lloyd Reynolds, weekly cafeteria specials, an upcoming meeting for vocational staff working toward first aid certification, an upcoming course on sea exploration, an upcoming Learning Assistance Committee meeting, bookstore weekly schedule, degree application deadlines, available scholarships for vocational teacher education, federal reporting on the nationwide college enrollment decline, the upcoming Puyallup Valley Daffodil Festial, the University/College Art Faculty Exhibit at the Tacoma Art Museum including TCC faculty, various employee updates, the upcoming University of Washington Alumni Association Vacation College, an upcoming seminar at Marylhurst Education Center, an upcoming CISPUS environmental workshop, available grants to faculty teaching the private enterprise system, an upcoming community college conference in Alaska, available scholarships from Fideltiy Bank, Africa study trips from American Forum International; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - March 14, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, March 14, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 26. This twelve-page issue includes news on new board trustees Dr. Barbara Wesley and Alan P. Vandervert, an upcoming meeting of the Long Range Planning Commission, spring quarter schedule changes, upcoming performances by the National Shakespeare Company and an accompanying class, an upcoming Friends of the Library used book sale, various employee news, upcoming Spring Festival performances by Ballet Tacoma and Tacoma Performing Dance Company, job openings, an upcoming classified staff brown bag lunch, an upcoming Curriculum Committee meeting, a new federal dissertation research grant program, reactivation of the WOIS career information computer service, an upcoming Learning Assistance Committee meeting, a Tacoma program to fill vacant homes, the Washington state Legislative Information Service Telephone and legislative hotline, a call for proposals for the Association for General and Liberal Studies annual meeting, weekly cafeteria specials, a University of Puget Sound lecture series on Greek art; memo from the Associate Dean for Occupational Education regarding vocational certification and recertification; memo from the State Board for Community College Education (SBCCE) Vocational Program Coordinator regarding vocational in-service teacher education; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - March 7, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, March 7, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 25. This is a mockup or original copy, with the various components of the newsletter taped and glued onto folded sheets of paper. This eight-page issue includes news on available tours of the Washington State Artmobile, an upcoming music department spring concert, a call to vote in support of Tacoma Public Schools, the joint meeting of the Tacoma School District No. 10 and TCC Boards, an art display in the library by Jay Tronsdale, a warning of thefts at other area campuses, an upcoming intra-divisional meeting, availability of past Professional Leave Committee meeting minutes, upcoming book buying schedule, various employee updates, an upcoming screening of the film The Producers, weekly cafeteria specials, spring quarter schedule changes, an upcoming jazz dance workshop; final examination schedule; minutes for the March 2 Curriculum Committee meeting; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - February 22, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Tuesday, February 22, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 23. This eight-page issue includes news on a misplaced federal health publication for the library, open submissions for literary and art publication Trillium, weekly bookstore schedule, employee updates, spring quarter advising, job openings, availability of Pacific Northwest telephone books in the library, weekly cafeteria schedule, weekly events; upcoming events including the drama department's production of A View from the Bridge, University of Washington summer quarter courses, a student vs faculty and administration basketball game, a Black Arts West performance of "Don't Bother Me, I Can' Cope,"; Long Range Planning Commission Steering Committee modification of program review and completion of plan dates and tasks; minutes of the January 24 College Council meeting; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - February 14, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, February 14, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 22. This eight-page issue includes news on the upcoming faculty book fair, a call for faculty input on the Long Range Planning Commission's instructional goals, the next Learning Assistance Committee meeting, weekly calendar, upcoming Library-Media/Student Services and Curriculum Committee meetings, bookstore schedule, weekly cafeteria schedule, spring quarter biology field courses, an internship opening with the Pierce County Growth Policy Association, Spring Festival snack sales benefitting the Betty Kronlund Memorial Scholarship Fund, upcoming staff development workshops, an upcoming Tacoma Chamber of Commerce seminar on discrimination, an upcoming National Council for Community Relations seminar on community college fundraising, availability of a Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education brochure on their services, spring quarter schedule changes, upcoming workshops from the Cispus Environmental Learning Center, a Rutgers University student's research on student relations with campus bureaucracy; winter quarter final examination schedule; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - February 7, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, February 7, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 21. This eight-page issue includes news on debate team results at the Pacific Lutheran University Invitational Tournament, bookstore schedule, an upcoming Seattle Brass Ensemble concert, upcoming radiologic technologist workshops, various employee updates, an upcoming Library-Media and Student Services meeting, rescheduling of the dual role workshops, the possibility of college closures due to declining enrollment, an upcoming Curriculum Committee meeting, an upcoming color workshop with artist Jay Tronsdale, an upcoming classified staff brown bag lunch, weekly cafeteria specials, basketball schedule, an upcoming conflict workshop, the Air Force ROTC program; a goodbye and thank you letter from outgoing trustee Richard Evans; minutes for the February 2 Curriculum Committee meeting; minutes from the January 12 faculty meeting; weekly room schedule.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - January 31, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, January 31, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 20. This is a mockup or original copy, with the various components of the newsletter taped and glued onto folded sheets of paper. This eight-page issue includes news on an upcoming Transfer Information Day, an upcoming Black Awareness Week, upcoming auditions for the drama and music production of The Fantasticks, various employee updates, women's weekly brown bag sessions, two upcoming workshops on managing dual roles, job openings, an upcoming screening of the film The Man Who Skied Down Everest, availability of Kool & the Gang concert tickets, professional leave application deadlines, winter quarter schedule changes, weekly cafeteria specials, an upcoming performance by the singing-acting class with accompanying program, availability of the tentative Business Education summer session at Central Washington State College, an upcoming workshop on psychodrama, an upcoming lecture by University of Washington professor Borje Sazberg on work ethic, Titan men's basketball schedule; Board highlights from the recent meeting; weekly room schedule; February monthly calendar of meetings.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - January 24, 1977Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, January 24, 1977, and numbered Volume XII, No. 19. This twelve-page issue includes news on two new courses on stress and raising children, an upcoming lecture by Washington State Board for Community College Education Chicano adviser Thomas Ybarra, real estate program coordinator Ron Powell becoming the Washington Association of Realtors director and a trustee of the Washington Real Estate Foundation, degree application deadlines, an upcoming lecture by University of Washington professor Harold Simonson, Orting Rural Health Clinic coordinator speaking on rural health, availability of library bulletin boards for campus announcements, job openings, winter quarter schedule changes, an art exhibit by Don Freeman in the library, an upcoming concert by cellist Bill Wharton and pianist Dan Waddel, bookstore hours, an upcoming macrame workshop, an upcoming film screening of The Missiles of October, availability of a tax guide for teachers, Glamour Magazine Top Ten College Women Contest deadlines, weekly cafeteria specials, and upcoming planning systems workshop, various employee updates, annual performance evaluation deadlines, debate team members competing in the Seattle Pacific University College Invitational Forensic Tournament; classified profile on buildings and grounds supervisor Spike Baldwin; minutes for the January 17 Curriculum Committee meeting; weekly room schedule. Also includes a "monthly supplement" section entitled Focus with news on available positions on Africa for agricultural and teaching specialists, an upcoming University of Washington (UW) family workshop, a call for papers for the Institute for Higher Education's "Practitioners Hall of Fame," a proposed federal bill amendment regarding student activity fees, recent publications with National Endowment for the Humanities-funded research, a new contractor with the State Board for Community College Education to assist with federal relations, an upcoming workshop in Spokane on women in management; a letter from the Community College Development Center regarding their upcoming conference.
Tacoma Community College Bulletin - October 4, 1976Newsletter for TCC employees, dated Monday, October 4, 1976, and numbered Volume XII, No. 4. This eight-page issue includes news on a trial run of the new faculty evaluation proposal, bookstore schedule, voter registration deadlines, parking enforcement, Columbus Day schedule, library copying reminders, microfiche equipment at McNeil Island Penitentiary, an upcoming Learning Assistance Services Committee meeting, various employee updates, the Glamour Magazine top ten college women contest, a welcome back luau, an upcoming concert by Stewball, tryouts for the drama department production of The Serpent, the Curriculum Committee, directory information changes and corrections, added classes, the Tacoma Information and Referral phone line, available tours of the Tacoma Goodwill Industries, available services from the Crisis Clinic, real estate program coordinator and instructor Ron Powell becoming a Washington Real Estate Educational Foundation board trustee, associate degree application deadlines, available jobs; minutes for the September 14 faculty meeting; a "Classified Profile" of evaluator and associate degree secretary Ellen Carlson; weekly room schedule.